
Chapter 35

Chapter 35

"We have no cadres, but we guard the treasure house of scientific and technological cadres! 30 kilometers away from our brigade is the Army Academy. The reconnaissance department of the Army Academy is the hometown of many of our cadres. What do the teachers there do? I won't say you They all know that. They have been studying special operations for so many years, so it can be said that they have many ideas of their own and some are real experts." He Zhijun said excitedly.Geng Hui said: "You mean, seconding cadres from the Lu Academy? This involves the issue of the cadre management system. The Lu Academy is directly under the General Staff Department A, and their cadres are not from our military region. If their teachers are seconded, there is a middle way. The procedures are not simple!" He Zhijun blinked his eyes: "Change the way of thinking. We provide funds, personnel, equipment, and venues to conduct scientific research experiments for them, and let them treat them as their own research projects. Anyway, we have a car for 30 kilometers. car delivery.

The guest house should be better arranged, if you want to live, you can live there, if you don't want to live, send it back. "

"Okay you! Are you still ambush with us?" Geng Hui laughed.He Zhijun said: "If the time is not ripe, I won't say it." The chief of staff asked: "Will the Lu Academy agree? They also have their own teaching tasks." He Zhijun said: "Don't worry, they have no disagreement. They Where are the trainees graduating? Are they not sending people to our brigade? They still don’t plan to deal with the intelligence department of our military region? The reconnaissance business, that is, these few units, their instructors understand. Look, I can guarantee that they will not only agree, but also bring students to practice, so that we need more people." Everyone laughed.

"We need cadres!" He Zhijun sighed, "We need young, educated, and expert cadres too much! This is a win-win situation, comrades, this move must be done well! This has a profound impact on the construction of our brigade Ah, it can be said that if it succeeds, the history of the Spike Brigade will be rewritten! The history of the Chinese Army's special forces will be rewritten!" Everyone listened carefully.He Zhijun closed his notebook: "Why are you so serious? The Standing Committee is over, let's go, let's go to play! Those boys are itching to clean up again! Last time they clamored for the referee to favor our Standing Committee team, this time let them try it! "The executives laughed, got up and went out one after another.Geng Hui walked up to He Zhijun and gave a thumbs up: "Captain He, this is you! I will always be your soldier willingly!" He Zhijun patted him: "My soldiers count as balls? Honestly, be a soldier of the people That's serious! Let's go play ball!"

On the basketball court, He Zhijun sprinted and scrambled with those big boys, and his skills were still so agile.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded in the distance.Tian Xiaoniu shook and covered his ears: "Oh my god! It's really loud!" Dong Qiang smiled disdainfully: "I haven't hit 40 yet! That one is even louder!" "Have you ever hit it?" Tian Xiaoniu asked.Dong Qiang said: "No, I saw it on TV." At this time, Lin Rui clapped his hands and came back from the front: "See, just throw the live ammunition like this. I don't ask you to go far, I don't ask you to be accurate, I just ask you to throw it." Get out of the safe range. For the first time to throw a live ammunition, everyone, don’t be nervous, just throw it out. Remember, the killing radius of the 67 wooden handle grenade is 7 meters!”

The recruits were still nervous squatting in the trenches.Wu Yun smiled, squatted down on the trench, and looked at the recruits: "The ball! I was nervous when I threw it for the first time, but now I'm used to it, and it's okay. Just one shot, and then lie down. The grenade starts from the primer, and it has 3.5 minutes to explode. In a matter of seconds, Squad Leader Lin and I were on both sides, one on each side. If we dropped our hands, we would immediately pick them up and throw them out. Nothing happened at all, and we threw more than 100 of them. Isn’t that all right?” Everyone laughed. .Lin Rui nodded: "Class one begins! Tian Xiaoniu!"

"Here!" Tian Xiaoniu got up, still nervous.Lin Rui asked him to jump out and looked at him: "How do you stand in the military posture?" "Report to the squad leader, the legs..." Tian Xiaoniu smiled embarrassedly, "The legs are a little soft." The recruits laughed, and Dong Qiang laughed so hard the best. "No one is born a special soldier, it's okay." Lin Rui said, "Get ready to drop the bomb, and the rest bow their heads." Tian Xiaoniu walked to the throwing area and took the grenade that Lin Rui handed over.He smiled embarrassedly: "Squad leader, are you on the side?"

"Yes, vote." Lin Rui said.Tian Xiaoniu looked at the dark cloud again, and felt relieved that he was on the other side of him. "Vote, there's nothing wrong with it." Wu Yun smiled and lit a cigarette, "The cadres are not here, I smoke one. What are you afraid of, I'm fine." Seeing Wu Yun's squad leader still smoking, Tian Xiaoniu's heart thumped let go.He gripped the grenade tightly, unscrewed the back cover, put the buckle on the little finger, and everything happened silently according to the essentials of the movement.Lin Rui said: "Whenever you think you can, you can vote. We won't rush you." Tian Xiaoniu touched his heart with his left hand, grabbed the grenade with his right hand, and ran forward.Whoosh—the grenade popped out.Tian Xiaoniu lay down and stared blankly at the black grenade gliding through a beautiful parabola in the air, spinning to kiss the ground—boom!A cloud of black gunpowder smoke rose, and shrapnel could be clearly seen flying out.Tian Xiaoniu felt that the ground he was stepping on trembled, and his face was covered in flying dust.He smiled in surprise: "It's okay! I'm okay! Throw it out! It exploded!" Wu Yun pulled him up: "Okay, you go down." Tian Xiaoniu stood up happily: "This is for our village elders. The militia company commander wrote some letters! I even threw real grenades!" Tian Xiaoniu was still very happy when he went back, Dong Qiang looked at him with disdain: "Is it fun?" Tian Xiaoniu said: "It's fun!" Dong Qiang said: "Hurry up and play, you won't be able to play if you go to the farm!" Tian Xiaoniu didn't say a word, he didn't want to quarrel at this time.

"Dong Qiang!" Lin Rui shouted.Dong Qiang stood up, quickly jumped out of the trench, and stood at attention.Lin Rui praised him: "You have a good mental outlook! Are you nervous?" Dong Qiang said quickly: "Report! Don't be nervous! As a special operator, bombing is a basic subject! I will finish it beautifully!" Lin Rui nodded with satisfaction: " OK! You go!" Dong Qiang said: "Yes!"

Lin Rui and Wu Yun were still standing alone.Dong Qiang held the live ammunition confidently, unscrewed the cover and put on the buckle.He started to run, Lin Rui and Wu Yun didn't take it seriously, they both believed in him, thinking that he would be fine with such a simple subject.When Dong Qiang approached the throwing line, he suddenly tripped over the dirt and fell forward.The grenade is gone!The smoked grenade was spinning less than 1 meter in front of him!

"Fuck!" Lin Rui yelled loudly, and flew up, diving to catch the grenade.Unexpectedly, Wu Yun was faster than him. Wu Yun grabbed the grenade and ran forward.Lin Rui shouted: "Wu Yun! Throw it!" Wu Yun ran a few steps and threw his hands away.boom!Grenades exploded in the air.Lin Rui opened his eyes wide, but opened his mouth silently.Wu Yun didn't have time to lie down, and stood staggering not far from the gunpowder smoke.Lin Rui shouted heart-piercingly: "Wu Yun—" Wu Yun turned his head, his face was covered with blood, and he seemed to be smiling.Lin Rui jumped up and rushed towards the dark clouds.The dark cloud crooked and fell down.Lin Rui hugged Wu Yun: "Wu Yun——"

Dong Qiang stared dumbfounded, and more footsteps ran past him.Lin Rui ran wildly with the dark clouds on his back, and a big-ass jeep rushed over at the fastest speed.Chen Yong drove the car himself, Lin Rui went up behind with Wu Yun in his arms, and several monitors also went up.The jeep rushed out like a rabbit.Lin Rui shouted: "Wu Yun, don't fall asleep! You can't fall asleep! You have to stay awake!"

Wu Yun opened his eyes slightly, unable to speak, and his face was covered with blood.A squad leader pulls out a first-aid kit, but Wu Yun bleeds too much to be of any use.Lin Rui covered the wound on Wu Yun's body with his hands, and shouted heartbreakingly: "Wu Yun——If you are a brother, don't fall asleep—ah——"

A big-ass jeep covered in a camouflage net rushed straight into the gate of the General Hospital of the Military Region, knocking down a group of bicycles parked in front of the building.Chen Yong jumped out of the car and didn't care about it, he called the doctors and nurses who came out to bring the stretcher.The back door was kicked away by the soldiers inside, and Lin Rui and five or six veterans came down from the inside carrying the bloody black cloud.The old lady who was looking at the bicycle was about to come over to scold her, but when she saw this posture, she hurried back.Lin Rui, who was like a blood man, shouted loudly: "Wu Yun! Wake up! You can't fall asleep! You must stay awake! I order you!"——Wu Yun kept his eyes half open.

(End of this chapter)

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