
Chapter 38

Chapter 38

"I understand!" Zhang Lei laughed, "You treat me as a rival in love? Do you like Fang Zijun?" "Shut up!" Chen Yong shouted decisively, "That's not the case at all!" He Xiaoyu walked out: "Okay How old are you, and you still want to fight like a child?! Especially you, you are an officer, you have no quality at all?! Are you the soldier my father brought?! I will educate him later! "

"Your father?" Chen Yong was startled.

"My name is He Xiaoyu, guess who my dad is!" He Xiaoyu said, "Now Miss Zijun let us all go in!" Chen Yong was completely confused.The four of them went in. When Zhang Lei entered, he and Chen Yong looked at each other with a provocative look in their eyes.

Chen Yong suppressed the fire and waited outside.Zhang Lei put the flowers on the bedside, and He Xiaoyu sat in front of the bed.The remaining three stood behind her, looking at Fang Zijun on the hospital bed.He Xiaoyu hugged Fang Zijun's arm and said, "Miss Zijun, don't worry! I'll accompany you during the holiday!" Fang Zijun smiled, seeing Zhang Lei out of the corner of his eye, very unnatural.Zhang Lei wanted to speak, but dared not.Liu Xiaofei said: "Zijun, I told my father to ask him to find old wild ginseng for you at the Northeast office. If there are any other supplements, I will ask him to find them as soon as possible and bring them to you."

"I'm fine," Fang Zijun said with a smile, "Don't make me look like an old woman!" "Sister Zijun!" Liu Fangfang handed Fang Zijun a lily in her hand, "Your deeds have been spread in our school. You sacrifice yourself to save others, our teacher wants us to learn from you!" "Don't say that, I just do what I should do." Fang Zijun said. "Zijun..." Zhang Lei felt that it would be unreasonable not to speak anymore, "You, pay attention to your body and rest at ease." Fang Zijun's face was very unnatural, and he smiled covertly: "I'm fine." Zhang Lei nodded, no Talk no more. "You all go out, I'll talk to Miss Zijun." He Xiaoyu said, "There are so many people, the air is not good!" The three of them went out.Just as Zhang Lei walked out of the door, he met Chen Yong.Chen Yong lowered his voice: "I'll wait for you on the roof platform."

Zhang Lei was taken aback.Chen Yong turned around and left, saying: "If it's a man, come up to me!" Zhang Lei froze on the spot, not yet able to react.Liu Fangfang said: "What does he mean? Zhang Lei, don't talk to him!"

"I'll go with you!" Liu Xiaofei handed the military bag to Liu Fangfang. "I'll go by myself. He's looking for me, don't worry about it." Zhang Lei said, Liu Xiaofei still followed.Zhang Lei turned around and said sharply, "Stop! Listen to me, I'll go by myself! If you take another step, I won't recognize you as a brother!" Liu Xiaofei stopped.Zhang Lei strode towards the elevator.Liu Fangfang said anxiously: "What's going on? They're all soldiers, so why fight?"

"I don't understand either." Liu Xiaofei said, "But he said to go by himself, I can't go." "Then I will go!" Liu Fangfang chased after her, and Liu Xiaofei grabbed her: "Fangfang! If you want to get Zhang You have to remember Lei’s love—his pride is in his bones, and he doesn’t allow anyone to pity him! He said he will go by himself, so he will go by himself!” Liu Fangfang’s face turned red and white: “You, you guys What are the male soldiers doing?!"

The roof of the military headquarters is actually a helicopter platform, on which a large transport helicopter can be parked.Chen Yong stood in the center of the huge H letter, straddled his hands behind his back, and looked at the entrance arrogantly.Zhang Lei came out of the small door, walked slowly towards Chen Yong, and stopped 5 meters in front of him.The wind on the roof was very strong, and both of them were standing in the wind.Chen Yong said: "I never beat the unknown, report your name."

"Zhang Lei, a student of Team 17 of the Army Academy's Reconnaissance Command Major." Zhang Lei was also full of arrogance. "Chen Yong, second lieutenant and platoon leader of the special warfare company of the Langya Special Reconnaissance Brigade." Chen Yong said.

"How do you plan to play?" Zhang Lei smiled lightly.Chen Yong took off his military uniform jacket: "I don't bully you as a student, now I am not a second lieutenant officer, I am me, Chen Yong himself." Zhang Lei also took off his jacket and threw it aside: "To be honest, I think you are very Stupid. Two men dueling for a woman, it would be a joke in this day and age."

"Are you afraid?" "Afraid?" Zhang Lei still had that smile on his face, "What are paratroopers afraid of? I am afraid that there are too few opponents. I was born as a paratrooper, and I was surrounded!" "I am not going to duel with you "Chen Yong said, "I like Dr. Fang, but I never thought of getting her! I am not good enough for her, and I am content with being a comrade-in-arms with her! But I don't allow you to hurt her! If you hurt her, you have to pay the price!"

"Hurt? How do you know that I hurt her?" "Could it be that she hurt you?!" Chen Yong roared. "Platoon Leader Chen, in your thinking, do boyfriend and girlfriend break up because one of them hurt the other? That's not the case between me and Fang Zijun. We have very complicated reasons, and you have no right to know!" Zhang Lei began to put on his clothes, "Your thinking is too simple, you are not worthy to be my opponent."

Chen Yong picked up his military uniform jacket with his toes, grabbed it with his right hand, and whipped it towards Zhang Lei like a soft whip.Zhang Lei flashed his start, but he was still swept away, and his left cheek was burning with pain.Chen Yong stood upright, posing with his coat in his right hand: "I've already attacked you, a born paratrooper! Come on, fight back!"

Zhang Lei looked at him coldly, took off his shirt with a bang, threw it away, and made a gesture of Sanshou.Chen Yong smiled disdainfully and said, "I still have some foundation." The two fierce men stared at each other, motionless, waiting for the other to attack first.He Xiaoyu ran up madly, followed by Liu Fangfang.He Xiaoyu stood at the entrance and shouted: "Zhang Lei! What are you doing?!"

"Don't worry about it! This is a matter between men!" Zhang Lei shouted, "Get down!" "Second lieutenant! Let me tell you, you are violating military discipline!" He Xiaoyu shouted to Chen Yong. "You can tell your father that I, Chen Yong, have fought again, and I am willing to accept any punishment!" Chen Yong shouted, "But now, you all go down! This is a battlefield, a war between two men!" "Zhang Lei, Don't fight, okay?" Liu Fangfang cried out. "He has already said that this is war!" Zhang Lei remained motionless, "I will never respond to the war unless I die!" A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Yong's mouth: "I can give you a right hand." Zhang Lei shouted: "No need!" Chen Yong threw off his shirt and put his right hand behind his back. "Ah—" Zhang Lei, who was insulted, roared angrily and rushed forward.Chen Yong blocked Zhang Lei's straight punch with his left hand, and walked with Shaolin martial arts footwork under his legs.Zhang Lei punched and kicked left and right, but he couldn't hit Chen Yong in the slightest.

"The way of martial arts is to emphasize morality rather than strength, focus on defense and not attack!" Chen Yong shouted like a teacher, "Gai De transforms the heart, and force is the opposite. Defense is vitality, and attack is death!" Crack!Zhang Lei had already been punched in the face at some point, and there was a golden star in front of his eyes.

"Those who attacked me were furious, and the six gods jumped violently, but did not stay at home; so the gods scattered lightly, and their strength could not be gathered. Even if they made a noise for a while, they came to them with tranquility, and they didn't need to attack and kill them. We're defeated!" Papa!Chen Yong punched Zhang Lei in the chest, and immediately turned into a palm and pushed again.Zhang Lei took a few steps back and fell to the ground.Chen Yong's right hand is still behind his back, his left hand is raised, the golden rooster is independent, and his right leg is in front of him, showing a white crane spreading its wings.The wind whistled past him.Zhang Lei got up, screamed and rushed forward again.

"If you don't use fire, you will set yourself on fire, and if you don't know how to learn skills, you will commit suicide!" Chen Yong shouted and kicked out his legs. Zhang Lei was absolutely dazzled when he kicked out his legs. "If he attacks and defends, my mind will be free, my spirit will be restrained, and my spirit and courage will be peaceful and peaceful; so I will be full of vitality and let others attack me without any trouble!" After Chen Yong shouted, he said directly. With a flick of the kick, Zhang Lei immediately flew out.Chen Yong let out a long breath and stopped.Zhang Lei fell to the ground and insisted on standing up, but just got up and fell down again.Chen Yong put on his military uniform and left expressionlessly.He Xiaoyu and Liu Fangfang rushed up to hug Zhang Lei.Liu Fangfang cried anxiously: "Zhang Lei! Zhang Lei! Are you okay?" Zhang Lei gritted his teeth, wiped the blood from his nose, his eyes were burning.

"Don't go!" Zhang Lei shouted, stood up and chased after him.Chen Yong didn't even look back.Zhang Lei walked a few steps and fell down again. "For the sake of being a soldier, you have no internal injuries!" Chen Yong shouted without looking back.Zhang Lei knelt up, supported the ground and rang out: "Ah—" Boom!He fell down again.The proud Zhang Lei yelled in pain and beat the ground violently.Zhang Lei was helped down by Liu Fangfang and He Xiaoyu, while Liu Xiaofei was still standing there waiting for him.Zhang Lei lowered his head, and Liu Xiaofei walked over: "It's not shameful for you to lose to him. I asked, he is a disciple of Shaolin laymen, and he grew up in Shaolin Temple. In our military region, there is no one who can beat him." Zhang Lei Lei spit out a mouthful of blood, and a smile appeared on his face: "Sure enough, he is a good man! Zijun has him to take care of me, so I feel more at ease." He Xiaoyu shook his head and sighed: "You male soldiers, you have simple minds and well-developed limbs!"

The playground of the special reconnaissance brigade was solemn and solemn.New soldiers wearing brand-new uniforms are taking the military oath and receiving collar flowers, rank epaulettes and cap badges.The training of the recruit company is over, and all units are waiting to welcome the recruits.

"Tian Xiaoniu!" Lin Rui shouted. "Here!" Tian Xiaoniu came out excitedly. "Dong Qiang!"

"Here!" Dong Qiang hesitated and stepped out. "Special Warfare Company, 'Special Warfare Sharp Knife Squad'! I'm still your squad leader!" Lin Rui said.Both were happy, their faces beaming.Lin Rui said: "Put your backpack on and run with me." Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang ran and followed Lin Rui to the front of the military building. The veterans of the first squad were already lined up in front to welcome their new comrades in arms. The red flag of the "special warfare sharp knife squad" fluttered in front of their queue.

"You are in the queue." Lin Rui said, and the two of them were in the queue. "Comrades—take it easy!" Lin Rui shouted, "Starting today, we have two new comrades in arms—Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang! Now we welcome you!" There was applause.Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang were very excited, and their palms were red. "The honor of the 'Special Warfare Knife Squad' is forged with the blood of martyrs!" Lin Rui said solemnly, "I hope you will not be arrogant or impetuous, carry forward the spirit of special forces cultivated in the recruit company, and become a unit in this glorious group. A real special soldier!"

There was another burst of applause. "Now, the whole class rolls the roll - Wu Yun is in the hospital, so we won't roll the roll." Lin Rui emphasized.The whole class stood in silence. "Tian Xiaoniu!" Lin Rui started from the new comrade. "Here!" Tian Xiaoniu puffed out his chest and shouted. "Dong Qiang!"

"Here!" The expression on Dong Qiang's face was sacred.Lin Rui clicked down one by one, and the whole class finished.Both Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang waited for Lin Rui to speak, with happy expressions on their faces.

"Squad leader—" Lin Rui shouted.Tian Xiaoniu wondered, what?The squad leader ordered himself? ——"Tian Daniu!"

"To—" all the veterans in the class shouted at the same time, Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang were dumbfounded, their heads buzzing from the shock.Lin Rui looked at them and said, "Remember, this is the first squad leader of the 'Special Warfare Sharp Knife Squad', a first-class hero, and a revolutionary martyr! He is my squad leader, the squad leader of our 'Special Warfare Sharp Knife Squad', and will always be The squad leader! Our honorary title is exchanged with his life! From now on, the whole class will roll the roll and answer when his name is called! Do you understand?!"

"Understood!" shouted the two recruits.Tian Xiaoniu was very excited, I actually have the same name as the martyr?No wonder the monitor asked me to change my name.Lin Rui and the veterans took them into a dormitory and arranged beds.Lin Rui took out two sets of camouflage uniforms and black berets specially made by the Special Reconnaissance Brigade and handed them over, as well as armbands and chest straps, and threw them two pairs of boots.The two recruits hurriedly put on new clothes, as happy as a sparrow just hatched.Tian Xiaoniu said: "Hey! Is this how it feels to walk in leather shoes?"

Dong Qiang put the beret on him with a smile: "Every good thing tastes bad in your mouth, look at how you wear the hat like a cook!" Both Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang were filled with uncontrollable excitement. happiness.

"Are we really special forces?" Tian Xiaoniu looked at Dong Qiang and asked in disbelief.Dong Qiang said: "We are really special forces!" "I have to wear this body to walk around our village! Damn! I let the old militiamen of their militia company have a look. You didn't let me be a soldier back then." Militia, now I am a special soldier!" Tian Xiaoniu felt very proud.The veterans burst into laughter when they heard the alarm, and Lin Rui came in from the outside and shouted, "Pull it urgently!" All the veterans hurriedly picked up their helmets and rucksacks from the bunks and ran out.Tian Xiaoniu took the steel helmet and the brand new 91 rucksack that Lin Rui threw over, and shouted loudly: "What? You just became a special soldier and you are about to fight? Damn it! I also let the invaders know that I, Tian Xiaoniu, are not Vegetarian!" "Urgent pull!" A veteran put his rucksack on his back tightly, "He brigade is training us, we are stuck on time! The whole brigade must set off to the designated place within the specified time, otherwise They are about to be cleaned up! Let's go!" Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang followed the veterans out of the corridor and rushed into the gun storage to get their guns.Then an 81 bar, a 54 pistol, a 91 dagger gun, compass, dagger, magazines, etc., were all equipped on the two recruits.Both of them were extremely happy and felt the joy of being a special soldier.It's amazing to go out of the corridor door!Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang watched in astonishment as all the veterans of the brigade were running around the compound in full armor, and all the cars in the garage drove out.The war readiness alarm was screaming loudly, the sound of chaotic footsteps, the bulging battle gear, and the sharp passwords of the cadres and squad leaders made the whole compound really full of the tense atmosphere before the war.

"You two! Keep up with the team!" Lin Rui shouted, and set off with a team.Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang felt as if they were dreaming until they boarded the scout jeep used by the big butt class.Looking at the smoke and dust raised by the convoy outside, seeing the veterans in full armor, and looking at his own attire, he became excited.Dong Qiang stroked his mace armband and smiled excitedly.Lin Rui was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and was yelling into the class radio: "Langtou, Langtou, the short knife number one is calling. The first group has already set off and opened the way ahead. It's over." The car drove out of the compound, roaring for a while Run wildly, behind is the convoy.

"Squad leader, where are we going?" Tian Xiaoniu asked.Lin Rui said: "Go to the No. [-] area to stand by. The emergency pull is to train our reaction speed. We are special forces and we must be ready to fight at any time. This is also part of the rapid response-singing! In the dark, we are a weapon Sword—ready—start!”

The whole class of soldiers sang like wolves: "In the night, we are a sharp sword; in the darkness, we are a flash of lightning. High mountains cannot stop our footsteps, and deep water cannot drown our faith..."

During the singing, Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang looked at each other excitedly, and they were finally convinced that they were already special soldiers.

After the severed finger replantation operation, Wu Yun's face was covered with scars, and he was lying pale on the hospital bed.Flashlights flickered around him.Xiao Cui, the news officer of the Brigade, put down his camera: "Wu Yun, this is the blue reporter from the "Battle Song" of the military region. She came here specially to interview you." The blue reporter in her 30s said softly, "Comrade Wu Yun, your heroic deeds have made me feel ashamed. I am very touched. Both the head of the military region and the head of the headquarters hope to compile a report as soon as possible so that more commanders and fighters can learn from you." Wu Yun ignored them and just looked at his right hand: "Can I no longer be a special soldier? Already?" Director Cui lowered his head: "The team leader and the political commissar have given orders that you can continue to work in the team after you are discharged from the hospital, in the garage maintenance class." Wu Yun looked up at him: "No! I won't leave the first team!"

"Wu Yun. The maintenance class is very close to the dormitory of the first class, you can come to play often. You are still a member of our first class, and we are all your comrades in arms." Lin Rui, who had been standing behind, spoke.Wu Yun shouted: "Lin Rui! I can't go to the maintenance team! I want to stay in the first team! Are you leaving me because I was injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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