
Chapter 40

Chapter 40

The two of them ran to the door and saw the head of the department sitting at his desk, teacher Zheng from the Reconnaissance and Command Department sitting on the sofa, and a colonel he didn't know.Liu Xiaofei and Zhang Lei called for a report and went in.The head of the department asked: "Is it these two people?" Teacher Zheng nodded.The head of the department said: "Okay, the exam is the last one, and I will go with you after the exam tomorrow." Neither of them knew what was going on.The head of the department said: "Let me introduce to you, this is Political Commissar Geng Hui Geng of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade of the Military Region." Geng Hui got up and looked at the two of them.The two little guys were stunned.Geng Hui smiled and said, "You two are very famous!"

"Report!" Zhang Lei said, heartbroken, "I was the one fighting, and it has nothing to do with Liu Xiaofei!" Geng Hui was taken aback: "Fighting? What kind of fight?" The head of the department turned green: "You two are fighting again?" Report!" Zhang Lei said, "It's me! It's nothing to do with Liu Xiaofei this time!" "Who did you fight with?" the head of the department asked.Zhang Lei said, "You know everything." Geng Hui looked at the two of them, "Fighting? It's strange that the scouts don't fight. Did they win or lose?" "Lost," Zhang Lei said.The head of the department was surprised: "Hey! You two will lose too?" "I did it alone, without Liu Xiaofei." Zhang Lei said.Geng Hui asked, "How do you feel?"

"The opponent is too strong. I am dissatisfied but I can't beat him." Zhang Lei said, "He is also invincible! A dignified second lieutenant officer, a disciple of Shaolin layman, even if he wins, it would be dishonorable to me, a military cadet!" Geng Hui He took a deep breath: "You fought with Chen Yong?" "Ah." Zhang Lei didn't understand, "Don't you know about the political commissar?" "I'll go back and deal with him!" Geng Hui said, "How could I know? ? No one reported to me." "Ah?!" Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei shouted almost at the same time.Geng Hui asked: "Do you still dare to fight him?" "Dare!" Zhang Lei said, "If you beat him, you will die!" Both Geng Hui and Teacher Zheng laughed. "You bastard, why are you causing trouble everywhere?" The head of the department said, "After the exam, you will be put in confinement! Reflect on yourself!" "I hit a wooden clock." Geng Hui said, "I admire these two people, can you take the exam? Lend it to me when you're done?" Both Liu Xiaofei and Zhang Lei looked at Geng Hui.Instructor Zheng said: "It's like this. The special reconnaissance brigade of the military region plans to do a joint project with our teaching and research section. Form a tactical experiment team to conduct research on new tactics. I originally planned to take the two of you there to practice in the tactical experiment team. If If you don't want to, I'll replace you."

"Yes!" Zhang Lei's face lit up.Liu Xiaofei also hurriedly said: "I am willing too!" "Remember, you two, when you go out, you represent the Landing Institute! You represent the Department of Reconnaissance!" No one is covering you! No more fights!" "Yes!" Both of them answered happily.

"Salute—" Lin Rui shouted.Wu Yun, who was wearing a military medal, walked into his squad, accompanied by cadres such as Team He and Political Commissar Geng Hui.Wu Yun still smiled so honestly, but the scars on his face, hands and neck were silently telling the pain he had experienced.Wu Yun raised his hand in return. "After the ceremony -" Swish - a group of soldiers put their hands down.

"Why are you so formal? You don't even know each other?" Wu Yun laughed.Dong Qiang stepped forward: "Squad leader Wu Yun!" Wu Yun smiled and touched the private rank on his shoulder: "It seems to have grown taller?" "Squad leader!" Dong Qiang cried, "You have suffered!" Wu Yun patted his shoulder Face: "It's okay, I'm so tired from training, I just take a rest." Tian Xiaoniu took out a bag of red dates and boiled eggs: "Squad leader Wuyun! This is the egg I asked my mother to boil for you! This red date is from our village The old militia sent it to you, and they all said that you are a real soldier!" Wu Yun took it and ate a red date: "Sweet! So sweet! I said you all be happy, am I not coming back?" soldier They looked at the little finger he had taken with his right hand and wept.Outside the door, Geng Hui told He Zhijun, "Wu Yun doesn't go to the garage." "Why?" He Zhijun asked.Geng Hui said: "He said he didn't want to leave the first class, even if he didn't want to be a sniper, he would also like to." He Zhijun nodded: "Then let's become a blaster, it's good for him, and he will work in a mine or a company after retiring from the military. The income from blasting and directional blasting is also very considerable." Geng Hui nodded.The leaders are gone.In the class, Dong Qiang sat next to Wu Yun, and everyone was very happy.Tian Xiaoniu said: "Squad leader Wu Yun, we are all assigned to the first class. I will sleep on the opposite side of your bunk, and we will sleep on each other!" Wu Yun smiled and saw Lin Rui in a daze by the window: "What's wrong, Lin Rui? "Lin Rui whispered: "This afternoon is shooting training, I plan to hold a ceremony." Wu Yun's eyes dimmed.

"Tian Xiaoniu has been designated as a sniper in the first squad. You give him the gun." Lin Rui said in a low voice, "This sniper rifle has been with you for more than a year and is your second life. I think there should be A ceremony." Wu Yun didn't speak, Tian Xiaoniu had already stood up: "Report to the squad leader! I'm not a sniper! Let squad leader Wuyun be a sniper!" "Tian Xiaoniu!" Wu Yun stood up and shouted, "Sit down!" Tian Xiaoniu sat down.Wu Yun raised his right hand, and everyone saw the scar on his right little finger.Wu Yun said: "My hands are no longer flexible. Snipers are the king of gunmen, and my hands are no longer so flexible. I will hand over the gun to you in the afternoon. I hope you will become an excellent sniper!"

"Squad leader Wuyun!" Dong Qiang stood up with tears in his eyes, "It's my fault! It's all my fault!" "Don't talk back and forth!" Wu Yun was angry, "This is my life! Do you know? Let's be Soldier is to lick blood on the tip of the knife! This is my life!" Lin Rui looked at Wu Yun, handed him a cigarette, and lit it for him: "In my heart, you will always be the best sniper! "Wu Yun smiled, but a drop of tear flowed down.Back Mountain Shooting Range.A group of soldiers in full armor stood outside the ground line, and behind them other squads of soldiers were engaged in shooting training, and the gunshots were crackling.Lin Rui shouted: "Wu Yun!" "Here!" Wu Yun came out with a sniper rifle on his back.Lin Rui looked at him and saluted.Wu Yun returned the gift.Lin Rui shouted: "Tian Xiaoniu!" "Here!" Tian Xiaoniu came out with an 81-1 automatic rifle on his back.Lin Rui shouted: "Give the gun!"

Wu Yun took off his 85 sniper rifle, stroked the black gun body and red handguard, with complicated expressions on his face.Tian Xiaoniu looked at Wu Yun, with tears in his eyes: "Squad leader Wu Yun, I can't afford this gun." Wu Yun raised his head and smiled: "This gun, follow me all over the world, trek across mountains and rivers. I am familiar with it, just like I am familiar with myself .Now I leave it to you, I hope you cherish it, train hard, and be a good sniper! Be a gun king!" Wu Yun handed the gun over with both hands: "Take it!"

Tian Xiaoniu took off his 81-1 automatic rifle and handed it over with both hands.Both held guns in their right hands, grabbed the body of the other's gun with their left hands, and then returned to grab their new guns.Wu Yun looked at the sniper rifle reluctantly.Tian Xiaoniu saluted with a sniper rifle on his back.Wu Yun carried an 81-1 automatic rifle on his back and saluted.

Lin Rui kept his head down and did not speak.The two turned around, lined up and stood in line to the right.Lin Rui raised his head and looked at Wu Yun: "You are a blaster from now on." Wu Yun nodded.

"Squad 30! Prepare for shooting training!" Chen Yong shouted over there.Lin Rui led a team over and entered the shooting area. "Squad battle shooting! The first team, get ready!" Lin Rui took off his rifle, and beside him were a submachine gunner and a machine gunner. "Start shooting!" - The submachine gunner rushed out first, ran across the open ground with a low profile, and shot in a kneeling position with the help of a support.There were two crisp strikes of the firing pin, the shell was ejected, and a human head target [-] meters away fell to the ground.Lin Rui followed closely, rushed forward further, raised his gun and shot twice in a standing position, and two more targets fell down.The machine gunner's machine gun has been set up, and the opponent's tower is blocked and simulated.Lin Rui and the submachine gunner rushed into the opponent's shooting range alternately with cover, and began to shoot at different targets. Everything followed a strictly prescribed shooting action and route.Live ammunition flew past them, and neither of them hesitated.

"Sniper rapid fire! Get ready!" - Wu Yun stepped forward reflexively, took off the gun and found that it was an 81 automatic rifle.Tian Xiaoniu looked at him with a sniper rifle: "Squad Leader Wu Yun, can I hit you?"

"Go!" Wu Yun kicked him.Tian Xiaoniu ran out, and Dong Qiang followed him with an 81 automatic rifle and an 85 laser rangefinder hanging on his chest.Wu Yun watched the sniper team start shooting with different actions and targets at different distances, and closed his eyes.The deep roar of the sniper rifle that belonged to him in the past hit his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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