
Chapter 48

Chapter 48

"The focus of my business will all be relocated abroad, and there may be fewer opportunities to return to China." Xu Gongdao said.

"It's a good thing!" He Zhijun laughed, "It's a good thing that our Chinese businessmen are doing business abroad! Going out of Asia and going to the world! This is worth celebrating! I will prepare Moutai for you, and I saw your name in the newspaper Come on, I'll wait for you to come back to celebrate!"

"Old company commander, you have always taken care of me since I was a soldier." Xu Gongdao said sincerely with tears in his eyes, "Without your cultivation and care, I, Xu Gouwa, would not be able to find the direction of life. It is you, Teach me to be a revolutionary fighter, a revolutionary fighter who is absolutely loyal to the party and the people! No matter where I go, I will never forget what you taught me!"

He Zhijun looked at him: "Goofy, why are you so strange? How can you say something so heavy when it's Chinese New Year?" "I just can't bear it." Xu Gongdao wiped away his tears with a smile, "Old company commander, I still have one Request—see if it's too much." "Talk!" He Zhijun said.Xu Gongdao said: "I want you to call me fuck again. With you calling me fuck, I will be at ease wherever I go, and I will never forget the true colors of a revolutionary soldier." He Zhijun, wearing an armed belt, strode to the ceremony on stage.Xu Gongdao was wearing a camouflage uniform without epaulets and armbands and tied his belt, standing in front of him with an 81 rifle holding a bayonet in his right hand. "Xu Gouwa!"

"Here!" "Do you know what the bounden duty of a soldier is?" He Zhijun narrowed his eyes. "obey orders!"

"Yes!" He Zhijun said, "obey the order! With the order of the motherland and the people, there is a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire in front of you. You have to fight for me!"

"Report to the company commander! I know!" "Say it again!" Xu Gouwa hoarsely said: "An order from the motherland and the people, there is a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire ahead, and I will break through for you!" "No! He Zhijun shouted, "It's not for me, it's for the country!" "Understood!"

"Keep this firmly in your heart!" He Zhijun shouted.Xu Gouwa shouted loudly: "Yes!" "Start doing exercises!" He Zhijun shouted, "Soldier, you must walk upright and stand upright! Do you still need me to teach you how to stand in a military posture? Look at your current corrupt Take back your belly! Lift up your chest, you are my soldier, don't lose my man!"

"Yes!" Xu Gouwa shouted, chest out and belly in. "Shoulder gun—" He Zhijun shouted.Xu Gouwa shouldered the gun neatly, his movements were a little rusty, but still very fast. "Let's go together!"—Xu Gouwa walks in unison, swinging his arms. "Turn to the right—look!"—Xu Gouwa shouted: "One—two—" At the same time, he fired his guns with a bang, and his steps changed into a straight step, landing with a sound. "Forward—look!"——Xu Gouwa is stepping forward.

"Stand still!" He Zhijun nodded in satisfaction, "It's been so long since you took off your military uniform, it's rare that you still remember it!"

"Old company commander!" Xu Gouwa shouted, "Even if I take off my military uniform, I will never forget that I am your soldier!" "Do you remember the assassination?"

"Remember!" "Get ready to use—a gun!" "Kill—" "Lung and stab!"

"Kill—" Xu Gouwa raised his right foot, stepped down vigorously on the spot, took a step to the right with his left foot, and at the same time turned left, swung his left arm up to block and back, and swung the knife with his right hand to stab upwards violently, forming a left-handed attack. lunge.Under He Zhijun's series of stern commands, his assassination was loud and powerful... The gates of the family building and the training ground were full of officers, soldiers and family members.

"Step up and side stab!" "Kill—" "Okay—end!"——Xu Gouwa retracted the gun, moved his right foot closer to his left foot, and returned to the standing posture, holding the knife in his back hand, looking at He Zhijun.He Zhijun's lips were trembling: "You are the most outstanding veteran I have ever seen! Over the years, you have not forgotten your roots! You have not made a single mistake!" - Xu Gouwa has tears in his eyes.

"I want to award you an honor!" He Zhijun said loudly, and strode down the viewing platform.Xu Gouwa looked at He Zhijun standing in front of her.He Zhijun took off his armband and put it on Xu Gouwa: "You are the first honorary special forces member of my brigade! The first!"

Xu Gouwa saluted.Xu Xi watched from the gate of the training ground, wiping away tears. "Company commander! No matter where I go, I will never forget this honorary title!" Xu Gouwa shouted. "Do it well! Do business all over the world and let foreigners see that Xu Gouwa is not a vegetarian!" He Zhijun patted him on the shoulder.Xu Gouwa opened her mouth, wanting to say something but didn't say it.He Zhijun was dissatisfied: "Speak up if you have something to say!" "Company commander!" Xu Gouwa held back tears, "No matter where I go, I, Xu Gouwa, will never forget that I am a revolutionary fighter! I am absolutely loyal to the party , Absolutely...loyal!" He Zhijun nodded: "Okay! You Xu Gouwa is a good soldier! You don't forget your roots when you get rich, and remember what I taught you! I have seen you as a businessman with your beliefs! You will It is the pride of our old reconnaissance company, and it will also be the pride of our Langya special reconnaissance brigade! Fuck off! Run and return the gun to the police officer Tonglian Xiaowang!"

"Yes!" Xu Gouwa called the number and went.Xu Xi wiped away tears silently, lowered her head to think about something.

A quiet small courtyard, the yard is full of furniture and various household items.Several cadres and soldiers were busy with work. An Audi was parked at the gate of the courtyard. Liu Yongjun, chief of staff, got out of the car.These soldiers hurriedly stood at attention: "Chief of Staff!"

Liu Yongjun returned the salute: "What is this?" "Auntie is moving." A cadre replied.Liu Yongjun didn't speak, and walked into the living room, in a panic.His wife, Xiao Qin, took the nanny around like a spinning top, and the room was full of dust.Xiao Qin directed the soldiers to put a stuffed eagle on the side of the tea table: "Put it there! Put it there! Don't dare to let him damage it. It was given by a Russian army commander! It's like a baby!"

"Heh, are you busy with your family now?" Liu Yongjun smiled wryly, "You called the official class, right? Isn't this nonsense, let them go back quickly."

"Then who do you want to move?" Xiao Qin asked.Liu Yongjun said: "Moving company!" "Come on!" Xiao Qin said, "You are calling again to find a moving company! You are said to be a major secret agent, how can you just find a moving company in any place? I will install a wiretap for you. Weapons and so on are incredible! ——I know what you are doing, but you just think I’m too tired to die, don’t you?”

Liu Yongjun smiled wryly, thinking about what his wife said was right: "I will cook some good dishes for a while, and I will treat these soldiers to a meal." Cook by yourself!" "Is the study tidy?" Liu Yongjun asked. "The first thing to clean up is the study room! Let go of the treasurer, go to the study room to read your documents! Don't get in the way here!" Xiao Qin yelled at him.Liu Yongjun smiled wryly, and went upstairs with his briefcase.Liu Yongjun was reading documents at his desk with a lighted cigarette in his hand.A cup of green tea was placed by his hand, Xiao Qin gently took the cigarette in his hand, pressed it into the ashtray and put it out: "If Fangfang is not here, you will be in trouble!" Liu Yongjun smiled, closed the folder, and on the cover "Top Secret "The two words appeared.He opened the safe and put it in: "How many times have I told you that you can't just enter my study, you have to knock on the door." "Could your wife be a spy?" Xiao Qin blamed.Liu Yongjun locked the safe and sat back: "This is the minimum rule. Tell me, I know you want to tell me about your daughter again." Xiao Qin sat opposite Liu Yongjun: "Old Liu, Fangfang can't be at home during the Spring Festival, Fifteen has to come back, right?" "She went to the special reconnaissance brigade as an intern, so why go home on Fifteen?" Liu Yongjun said in embarrassment, "Don't say I can't open my mouth, even Fangfang's temper is known to you, she doesn't care at all. I will come back. I want to give an order, and she will definitely turn against me." "It was better for you not to let her take the military academy exam!" Xiao Qin said, "I insist on her exam! It was because I was determined that I didn't let her apply for the communication major! Otherwise, I will be assigned to Shantong Newsletter in the future, and I don’t know where to cry! I study medicine, and I think I can enter a hospital! Why did you throw her to the special reconnaissance brigade before she graduated? That’s Is it where the girls go?"

"Why did I send her to the Special Reconnaissance Brigade?" Liu Yongjun said, "She asked for it herself! She also found the relationship by herself, and I didn't help her at all!"

"Then you are also responsible, why didn't you stop her!" "Xiao Qin, the child is grown!" Liu Yongjun said, "It will be good for her to go to the grassroots army to exercise!" "Then you can't go to the special reconnaissance brigade? ! Those are a group of animals!" "How do you talk?!" Liu Yongjun ate his glass, "That's my soldier! My soldier!" Xiao Qin didn't dare to say anything, and muttered: "It's not what I said, Everyone says that." "No one is right!" Liu Yongjun stood up and paced angrily with his hands behind his back, "That is a unit under my command! The special forces are tough and the training is strict, but they are all human! The same PLA officers and soldiers! You Xiao Qin, write me a deep inspection tonight!"

"Can't I write?" Xiao Qin got up hurriedly, "Don't be angry, once you get angry, you will suffer from heartache again." Don’t understand six things? Others can say it, but can you? If it spreads out, what do the officers and soldiers of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade think? Liu Yongjun’s lover said we are a bunch of livestock?” Liu Yongjun said helplessly.Xiao Qin said aggrievedly: "Didn't everyone say that they have good physical strength? They all said that the women in the special reconnaissance brigade are men, and the men in the special reconnaissance brigade are cows and livestock!" Liu Yongjun chuckled: "What else? ?”

"The last one to fall on the battlefield was from the Special Reconnaissance Brigade." "So this is a good word?" Liu Yongjun smiled, "I apologize to you." Xiao Qin said aggrievedly: "Why don't you wait for others at all?" Finish the sentence? Why is it like the people who can't sit still in the teahouse and listen to the storytelling, and get up and call out before they finish listening. Is there anything to call out, have I finished?" "Okay, I apologize!" Liu Yongjun hurriedly comforted his wife. "It's okay to apologize, how can I offend you?" Xiao Qin said, "Really, when will Fangfang go home?" "After the fifteenth day, before school starts, come back and stay for two days to rest." " Ah?!" Xiao Qin was in a hurry, "How long can I stay? You won't let me see her when she is in school, and I can't see her even now that she is on vacation!

Why are you so indifferent to other people's feelings!No, I want to see Fangfang! "" Nonsense! "Liu Yongjun's face darkened, "Are you such a nonsense?"You go to the Special Reconnaissance Brigade, and you still let them celebrate the New Year?Doesn't it all revolve around you? "" I don't say I'm Liu Yongjun's wife! Xiao Qin was about to cry. Liu Yongjun said: "No way!"With your mouth, you have to put on airs like an official's wife in a few words!Why didn't you think about it when I asked you to change jobs?Vanity is too strong! "Xiao Qin wiped away tears: "If you become a teacher, I have to change my job; You can't even see your daughter?What good does it do for me to be your wife? ! Liu Yongjun thought for a long time: "Xiao Qin, Fangfang is also a soldier now!" "

"But she hasn't graduated yet!" Xiao Qin cried, "She is still a student, so you throw her into the special forces! You are so cruel, that girl! If you are a kid, I don't care about you! I don't care, I'm going to see Fangfang!"

"No!" - During the dispute, the phone rang.Liu Yongjun picked up the phone: "Hey, where?" There was no voice inside, only the sobbing of the girl.Liu Yongjun stood up suddenly: "Fangfang?!" "Dad..." Liu Fangfang cried aggrievedly. "Fangfang, don't cry! Tell me!" Commander Liu said, "A revolutionary soldier, why are you crying?" "Give me the phone—" Xiao Qin snatched the phone almost at lightning speed, her voice trembling, "Fang Fang, Fangfang is mother! Tell me quickly, what's wrong with you?" "It's okay, mother..." Liu Fangfang suppressed her crying, "Are you doing well during the Chinese New Year?" "Okay!" Xiao Qin wiped her tears, "I'm just I miss you so much that I cry..." "Mom, I miss you too..." Liu Fangfang suppressed her crying with all her might.Xiao Qin couldn't help crying: "My child, are you eating well? Are you sleeping well? Don't get tired and sick again!" "Mom, I'm fine..." Liu Fangfang cried and said, " I won't tell you any more, you tell Dad to pay attention to his body and stop smoking. I still have to be on duty, I'm going..." "Fang Fang! Fang Fang!" Xiao Qin shouted, but there was only a busy tone from the phone.Xiao Qin dropped the phone and roared like a beast: "Liu Yongjun! Let me tell you - if you don't let me see my daughter, I will divorce you!"

(End of this chapter)

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