
Chapter 54

Chapter 54

"We have to go!" Lin Rui came up from below, "Get ready!" "What's wrong!" Zhang Lei threw away his cigarette and ran after him. "The captain has orders!" Lin Rui said.The leaders of the three main units surrounded the radio station. "According to aerial reconnaissance, the Blue Army Mobile Armored Corps has established a defensive position on the third line, and is already organizing combat troops to prepare for a counterattack. The commander of the Blue Army is not in the general headquarters. He has established two headquarters, and his headquarters is in the third line armored corps Central position!" He Zhijun's voice came from the radio.The three looked at the map. "If the armored mobile force of the blue army is put into the battlefield, our beachhead will be mortally threatened! Chen Yong's detachment has lost its combat effectiveness, and the only force I have at hand that can quickly catch up is you! I order you to destroy it at all costs. The headquarters of the blue army reserve!" He Zhijun shouted.The radio was quiet, and all three were silent.

"Fuck! How to fight?" Zhang Lei took off his helmet and slammed it on the ground, "That's a tank unit! Even if we are Iron King Kong, we will be crushed to powder!" - Liu Xiaofei looked at the map: "We must immediately Let's go, if the armored mobile corps of the blue army launches an attack before our main battle tanks come up, the amphibious tanks will be unstoppable!" - "Notify the soldiers to refuel the paramotors!" Lin Rui ordered Wu Yun, "Count the ammunition Get ready to go! Hurry up!" Wu Yun promised to go.Zhang Lei calmed down, picked up his helmet and stood up: "Now it's dawn, we use the paramotor, which is tantamount to a suicide attack."

"No one knows your names, and your achievements will last forever!" Lin Rui said suddenly, and they both looked at him.Lin Rui put on his steel helmet and tied his straps, "Moscow defense, batch after batch of unknown heroes pounced on the Nazi tank troops, using their bodies to slow down the enemy's steel wheels! They also knew it was suicide, but they knew better— ——Their bodies delay the enemy's attack for a second, which is one second closer to the final victory!"

Zhang Lei put on his helmet: "We must win!" - "Must win" the three young men roared.The dark clouds outside were directing the soldiers to refuel. Zhang Lei looked at the helicopter on the top of the mountain in the distance: "Which army's helicopter is that?" Liu Xiaofei said, "That's the exercise director's department."

"Lin Rui, ask the Marine Brigade for a truck! Let's rush over there!" "What do you mean?" Liu Xiaofei asked. "Steal their helicopter! The blue army dare not fight the helicopter of the exercise director's department!" Zhang Lei shouted.Lin Rui ran down and grabbed a captain of the Marine Corps: "Red Army Special Forces! Give me a truck!" The captain waved his hand and called for a military card with supplies.Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you!" The truck drove over without slowing down.The soldiers climbed onto the side of the car directly, turned over and got on the car.Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei jumped onto the pilot building, and Lin Rui drove directly to the exercise director's department.Their eyes were bloodshot, and their murderous aura shook the sky.

"Company commander, are they crazy?" A soldier of the Marine Corps opened his mouth wide.The captain opened his mouth: "Either they are crazy, or I am crazy!"

In the exercise director's department, the old man was observing the landing of various troops, nodding from time to time: "He Zhijun fought well, and I want him to report when it's over." - A truck rushed towards it at high speed.Liu Yongjun pointed: "What is that for?! Why did you rush here?!" Before the words finished, the truck stopped at the entrance of the director's department, and Zhang Lei was the first to rush in with an 81 automatic rifle.Lin Rui and Liu Xiaofei rushed in with the soldiers, opened their fans to face the chiefs inside, and the security staff and secretary pulled out their pistols and loaded them—the two sides were on the verge of firing.

"What are you doing?!" Liu Yongjun stood in front of the old man. "Comrade General!" Zhang Lei's eyes were bloodshot, "During the war, we confiscated your helicopters!" He shouted, "According to the rules of war, hand over the helicopter and pilot to me immediately!" "I will send you to a military court!" Liu Yongjun gave him a slap in the face as soon as he came up.Zhang Lei's mouth was bleeding, and he looked at him stubbornly: "Drills are wars, you taught us that!"

"Give him the helicopter." The old man's voice sounded from behind.Liu Yongjun turned his head. "Follow the rules of war." The old man said lightly.Zhang Lei stood at attention and saluted: "Thank you, Deputy Commander!" "Which unit are you in?! Name!" Liu Yongjun roared and asked, "I will settle accounts with you after the exercise is over!"

"Zhang Lei, a student from Team 17 of the Reconnaissance Command Specialty of the Reconnaissance Department of the Army Academy!" Zhang Lei saluted, put his hands down from the edge of his helmet, turned around and led the soldiers out.Two helicopters painted with the logo of the exercise director took off.

"This is the game rule of war." The old man looked at the dumbfounded generals and said with a wry smile, "What we taught them, they are just doing what we say."

Fang Zijun, who had been on night shift all day, walked towards his dormitory tiredly with red eyes.From time to time, she greeted passing colleagues, forced a smile, and supported her body that had not fully recovered.A military Audi car was parked in front of the dormitory building, she didn't pay attention, and walked around the car to the entrance of the corridor.The car door opened, and Xiao Qin came down with a pleasant smile: "Doctor Fang Zijun."

Fang Zijun turned his head and looked at the middle-aged woman.She asked strangely: "Hello, do we know each other?" "We don't know each other." Xiao Qin said with a smile, "You know my daughter."

"Your daughter?" "I'm Liu Fangfang's mother." Fang Zijun looked at the license plate, it was the head of the military headquarters, and then looked at Xiao Qin: "Auntie, hello! Do you have anything to do?" "Why, no May I please sit up?" Xiao Qin asked with a smile.Fang Zijun was thinking.

Two chief helicopters from the exercise director's department appeared above the Blue Army's tank unit, and the soldiers who were about to fight to the end looked up from their tanks.The red flags of their respective units are flying, and the political and industrial cadres are mobilizing passionately before the war: "...it's not because we are the blue army, we are supporting roles in the exercise! This is a real war, and we must fight to the end! You see— —The chiefs personally came to the skies above the war zone to see our performance! We must show the prestige of our Eighth Steel Regiment!” The armored soldiers looked at the chief’s helicopter above them and screamed—inside the helicopter, the special forces of the Red Army clenched their rifles, Surrounded by the hatch and ready to attack.

Blue Army Reserve Command.The commander was setting up the combat sand table, and a staff officer came in and reported: "Comrade commander, the special plane of the head of the exercise director department is here!" The commander was a little surprised: "Come at this time?" We cheered up before the battle, and when the battle is over, we will fight to the death! "

"Go, meet the chief!" The commander waved, and all the senior officers followed.The chief officers of the Blue Army stood beside the temporary airport with serious expressions on their faces.The two helicopters landed slowly, and the commander of the blue army led the chief officers to face the hurricane from the propellers. The hatch slowly opened, and the commander of the blue army shouted: "Salute—" the chief officers saluted.The muzzle of a black 81 automatic rifle appeared in front of them - the commander of the blue army opened his mouth wide.

"Ah—" Zhang Lei twisted his face and shouted loudly, playing a fan.Before the blue army could react, Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei led the soldiers out of the helicopter and swept wildly.Lin Rui flew out from another plane with his men, roaring and killing the Blue Army headquarters. "I have a hand!" The commander of the blue army turned pale.Zhang Lei strode up and tore off his chest strip: "You are all killed!" The special forces surrounded him and tore off his chest strip.

Lin Rui led the combat team into the underground bunker of the headquarters and fired a burst of fire. The radio soldiers rushed to the radio and shouted: "Return to the headquarters immediately! Return to the headquarters immediately!" Wu Yun rushed up and kicked him away, pressed the ground and shot Turning to him: "Tell them, the headquarters is fine!" The radio soldier looked at him stubbornly.Wu Yun raised the butt of his gun, and Lin Rui reached out to grab it: "Nonsense! This is our soldier too!" He pulled up the radio soldier, and the radio soldier's eyes were filled with tears: "Squad leader, count me as suicide! I'm not a prisoner!" Lin Rui Rui was speechless, and slowly tore off his chest strip.Tian Xiaoniu led the soldiers to frantically destroy the communication facilities of the Blue Army Headquarters.Lin Rui smiled wryly: "It's too late. The tank troops of the Blue Army are already approaching us."

Outside, the chief officers of the Blue Army tore off their chest strips and stood on the hill to watch the scenery.Zhang Lei held the binoculars and watched the steel corps gather, and the rear team changed to the front team and moved towards the headquarters.The commander of the blue army came to him: "You have already won. Give up resistance, it is useless. No matter how tough the special forces are, they are not opponents of tanks."

"A tough life doesn't need to be explained." Zhang Lei smiled lightly.Liu Xiaofei stood beside him.Zhang Lei shouted: "Brothers! We took over two headquarters of the Blue Army and killed at least six generals! We destroyed their command center, and our mission has been completed!" The special forces slowly surrounded him. behind. "There are tank units of the Blue Army in all directions!" Zhang Lei said loudly, "You have all seen it! At least one tank regiment is surrounding us! Should we surrender or fight to the death?!" "Fight to the death!" It became tattered, and the camouflage oil on his face was blurred, only his black and white eyes were bloodshot.Lin Rui shouted: "Even if the tanks grind us into minced meat, we will never surrender!" A dozen young soldiers held various light weapons such as 6 automatic rifles and stood on the top of the hill watching the tank troops in all directions complete the battle. After the encirclement, they began to organize battle formations and headed towards the mountain.Lin Rui laughed loudly and shouted: "Sing a song! In the night——

Get ready - get up! A hoarse singing voice sounded: "In the night, we are a sharp sword; in the darkness, we are a lightning."High mountains cannot stop our steps, and deep water cannot submerge our beliefs.We are the elves of the night, we are the hurricanes on the plains, we are the invisible shadows, and we are the Chinese special forces..."

The soldiers looked at the approaching tanks with no fear on their faces, and they sang "The Song of Special Forces" with bulging veins in their necks.The singing was gradually submerged in the sound of the steel beast's wheels.Only their fearless eyes, like lightning in the dark night, shone with dazzling light.

"I'm here because I want to tell you something." Xiao Qin took the cup from Fang Zijun, still smiling. "Auntie, just say what you have to say." Fang Zijun stepped back slowly, leaning on the desk and standing with his back to the window.Xiao Qin looked at Fang Zijun carefully: "You are really a beautiful woman, a very attractive woman." Fang Zijun did not speak.

"No wonder both brothers like you so much." Xiao Qin still smiled.Fang Zijun's heart was pricked.

The wheels of the tank had run over the security trenches in front of the headquarters.The special forces watched coldly and clenched their rifles tightly.The tank's commander raised the lid and looked at them in surprise.Zhang Lei, Liu Xiaofei, Lin Rui and the soldiers around them stood back to back in a circle, all expressionless.The captain said in a trembling voice: "Tiehu No. 1 reported that the enemy refused to surrender. They seem to be fighting us desperately!" Zhang Lei watched the tank approaching a little bit, with a sly smile on his face: "Listen up!—— —

Change sapper shovel! Everyone silently dropped their rifles, picked up the engineering shovel hanging from the rucksack behind them, and held them in their hands. Zhang Lei's face suddenly changed: "Tank tracks!"Kill—"——"Kill—" shouted loudly.

"You are a very capable woman, we Fangfang can't compare to you." Xiao Qin said with a smile.Fang Zijun bit his lips: "Auntie, I don't understand what you mean." Xiao Qin's smile became stern: "Isn't it? Two outstanding young officers, or biological brothers, have become captives under your pomegranate skirt?" Fang Zijun didn't As he spoke, tears began to well up in his eyes.The smile on Xiao Qin's face gradually disappeared: "Fang Fang is very pure, pure as a piece of white paper. She has never experienced love, and her heart is transparent!"

Fang Zijun turned his face away to prevent her from seeing his tears.

"Kill—" the special forces roared and rushed towards the steel chariot in front of them.The captains were all shocked.Zhang Lei was the first to rush up, and the engineer shovel was stuffed into the track of the first tank.The tracks turned a few times, the sapper shovel twisted, but the axles were jammed, and the tank stalled.Zhang Lei laughed and jumped onto the tank, grabbing the stunned commander.The driver grabbed his collar and shouted: "Dude, are you crazy?!"

"I won't be captured!" Zhang Lei roared loudly, throwing a tear gas bomb into the tank. "Fuck!" The driver jumped out in a hurry, and the fighters inside frantically got out from the white smoke.Zhang Lei laughed loudly, grabbed the anti-aircraft machine gun on the car and chased after the armored soldiers who were shooting wildly.

"I hope you will let Fangfang's first love go!" Xiao Qin said coldly.Fang Zijun said in a trembling voice: "This is impossible! I love him!" Xiao Qin stood up and said sharply: "You have no right to love him! You are an impure woman!"

Fang Zijun closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks.

The tank troops were obviously helpless with these jumping special forces. Five tanks had their axles blocked by sapper shovels.The head of the tank ordered angrily: "Catch them!"

The steel chariots stopped, and the armored soldiers jumped out of the vehicles to chase after the special forces.The modern battlefield instantly becomes a brawl.Both sides had bloodshot eyes, and they raised their fists and tore at each other.It's a mess.

"No matter what you say, I will never give up on my love!" Fang Zijun bit his lip and almost bled. "You grew up in the army, so you must have different feelings for the army and military uniforms." A smile appeared on Xiao Qin's face.

Fang Zijun turned his head and looked at her with teary eyes.Xiao Qin roared: "I can make you take off your military uniform tomorrow and get out of the army!"

Wow——Zhang Lei's camouflage jacket and camouflage short-sleeved shirt were grabbed and torn apart by two armored soldiers. He struggled to get out, shirtless, wearing a steel helmet, bloodshot eyes, and fell to a rushing armored soldier.Lin Rui hugged an armored soldier, got up and kicked, knocking down the armored soldier who rushed up from behind.Liu Xiaofei fought with several armored soldiers with the wooden handle of an engineering shovel.The clothes of the special forces were all torn, and one was knocked down, and several special soldiers rushed to rescue.They maintained a loose battle formation in a circle, fighting back to back with the armored soldiers pouring in like a tide.Their eyes are blood red, their voices are hoarse, and there is only one voice in their throats: "Kill——"

The head of the tank watched silently the dozen or so young special forces soldiers who were fighting hand-to-hand with his hundreds of armored soldiers, and the expression on his face changed from anger to emotion.Many armored soldiers stood on the tanks beside him and watched silently.The head of the regiment suddenly lowered his voice: "They don't want to be captured! Satisfy their wish." The deputy head next to him nodded, climbed up to a tank beside him and pulled the bolt of the anti-aircraft machine gun: "All retreat!"

The armored soldiers wrestling in front heard the order, broke free from the battle group one after another, and retreated.More than a dozen special forces brothers stood alone surrounded by tanks.The deputy head ordered: "Machine guns ready!" Hurrah, there was the sound of anti-aircraft machine guns - Zhang Lei looked at the steel battle formation in front of him, and suddenly burst into laughter.Liu Xiaofei and Lin Rui also laughed.The brothers of the special forces laughed out loud, and this laughter was sincere-"Fire!" The head of the regiment shouted loudly.Tap, tap, tap... More than a dozen tank anti-aircraft machine guns shot out flames, and the empty shells flew high.The young commandos didn't twitch like being electrocuted amidst the gunshots, they just let out heartfelt hoarse laughter.This laughter shocked everyone and made their noses sour.

The gunfire stopped.Zhang Lei raised his right fist and shouted: "We are not captured!" Liu Xiaofei was so excited that he jumped up and hugged Lin Rui beside him: "We sacrificed!" The special forces cheered and hugged each other, as if celebrating their death The armored soldiers who became the casualties in this exercise were silent.

(End of this chapter)

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