
Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chen Yong hit the tree by himself, and the leaves rattled.Geng Hui shouted: "Chen Yong!" "Here!" Chen Yong ran over, sweating.Geng Hui asked: "Is there a recommendation list for the [-]st Battalion of Special Warfare?"

"Our battalion still needs a list?" Chen Yong blinked.Geng Hui said: "Nonsense! Which battalion does not need a list?" "Isn't it Lin Rui?" "Who said that?" Geng Hui asked.Chen Yong said puzzledly: "Does this need to be said? You don't need to recommend him, you know it's him!

The soldiers all said that even if there is only one soldier in our brigade to raise the quota, it is his! "" Nonsense! Geng Hui was angry, "Are you unorganized?" ""yes. "Chen Yong said, "I don't think there is any need to organize. He is the one who is selected, and he is the one who is not selected. We have a lot of subjects in the sea training camp..." "Say it again? Geng Hui asked, "Do you know what the democratic rights of fighters are?"Then according to what you said, our country does not need to hold elections for the National People's Congress, nor does it need so many deputies to the National People's Congress to elect the president of the country in the Great Hall of the People! ""It is my fault. Chen Yong lowered his head. Geng Hui pointed to his nose and said, "You are the battalion commander now!"Don't let me point and curse at you all day long, learn to be mature and learn to work!Managing troops in peacetime is much more difficult than in wartime!Don't make trouble with the trees there, destroying the greenery, go back quickly and prepare to organize how to recommend it! "

"Yes!" Chen Yong saluted, turned and ran away.Geng Hui calmed down and felt a little pain in his stomach, so he covered his hands and took two deep breaths. "Political commissar!" Xiao Wang ran over, "This is an urgent document from the Direct Industry Department of the military region, please sign!" Geng Hui took it over and looked at it, nodded and signed.Xiao Wang asked: "Political Commissar, why do you look so bad? Shall I call Director Qin?" Geng Hui said: "There are a lot of mosquitoes at the beach these days, and I haven't had a good rest. Go ahead and don't bother the medical office. "Yes, I will send you toilet water tonight." Xiao Wang saluted. "Shooting at sea tomorrow, you have to set up the cordon." Geng Hui reminded, "It will hurt the common people. You should cordon off the fishermen early in the morning." Xiao Wang answered yes, turned around and left, Geng Hui Hui clutched his stomach and squatted down, beady beads of sweat came out.

"Political commissar, what's wrong with you?" Wu Yun, who had just been replaced, ran over shirtless. "It's okay, I'm picking shells." Geng Hui reached out and dug in the sand, "Bring it back to my son." "I'll dig it for you!" Wu Yun squatted down to dig, "Political Commissar, if you like shells, I'll go to low tide tomorrow morning." I'll pick it up for you on the beach, and the shells over there are just washed up, so beautiful!" Geng Hui smiled, but didn't take it seriously.Wuyun didn't speak, but was digging there, looking for shells.

The late roll call started, Chen Yong looked at the small dissatisfied battalion in front of him, and quickly finished the roll call.He coughed twice: "Now I have to talk about the soldiers' recommendation of candidates! The training tasks before our battalion were heavy, so I didn't organize them. Today, the political commissar urged me, so I hurried to organize. Every The company has a promotion indicator, which is recommended by the soldiers in the platoon, and then reported to the standing committee of the battalion and brigade, and then to the direct industrial department of the military region, and then the appointment can be made. But our battalion is not full now, and there is only one company, so we can only There is a nomination list. Nomination is a major issue that every soldier cares about, so I hope everyone will take it seriously. You will think carefully in a week, and after a week, the whole battalion will vote by secret ballot. Disband!" Everyone disbanded.

Tian Xiaoniu came back with the bucket from the water supply truck, Wu Yun hurriedly caught it: "I'll carry it for you!" Tian Xiaoniu hurriedly said: "Squad leader Wuyun, I'm on duty today! I'm afraid the squad leader will scold me!" Wu Yun giggled: "Lin Rui dare to scold you? I'll scold him! Give it to me, give it to me!" Tian Xiaoniu's bucket was snatched away. Looking at Wu Yun's back, he wondered: "The sun comes out from the west? Veterans replace recruits On duty?"

Inside the tent, the dark clouds were sending out fresh water: "Pay attention! Wash your face and hands first, and then your feet. There is only so much fresh water, so don't waste it!" Lin Rui watched "Selected Shakespeare Plays" under the light, and he could already read aloud up.He looked at Wu Yun wonderingly: "Aren't you on duty today?" Wu Yun said with a smile: "I'm free, let the recruit comrades rest more." When the water was gone, Wu Yun left with an empty bucket.Lin Rui called him: "Wuyun, where is your own water?"

"Me?" Wu Yun turned around with a smile, "I don't need it." "Isn't this a joke? You don't wash up?" Lin Rui asked. "There is not enough fresh water, let's share it with comrades." Wu Yun smiled, "I am a veteran, so I still have some awareness." Lin Rui looked at him puzzled, not knowing what was going on.After Tian Xiaoniu washed his face and feet, he said, "Squad leader Wu Yun is really interesting!" Dong Qiang, who was on the bunk above him, burst out laughing, and Tian Xiaoniu asked him, "What are you laughing at?" Dong Qiang stretched out his head and whispered, "Xiang Zhuang The sword dance is aimed at Peigong——" Tian Xiaoniu scratched his head: "What?" Dong Qiang smiled and shook his head: "I told you, but you don't know. I don't want to tell you anymore." Tian Xiaoniu wiped his feet , Climb on his bed: "Tell me quickly, or you won't be able to sleep at night." Dong Qiang pulled him over: "Why is Squad Leader Wu Yun becoming Lei Feng now? I still don't understand the meaning? He wants to compete with Squad Leader Lin Rui for raising the quota!" Tian Xiaoniu looked at the back of Wu Yun cleaning up the garbage outside, and looked at Dong Qiang: "You are using the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman!" Dong Qiang looked curiously: "Oh, it's not easy! How can you do it? Can you tell me?" "Learned from you." Tian Xiaoniu smiled and got out of bed, "Squad leader Wuyun can't be that kind of person!" — Lin Rui was still reading, but his eyes had already drifted outside to take out the garbage and came back On the dark cloud.

In the early morning, as soon as the bugle sounded, Geng Hui came out of the tent.He took a deep breath, turned around, and something tripped him under his feet. He looked down and saw that it was a sack. When he opened it, he found that there were wet shells inside.Geng Hui was taken aback and remembered.He smiled wryly: "This dark cloud, how come it's messed up?"

"I am a soldier, from the common people..." The barefoot soldiers in diving suits sang and marched back to the camp on the beach.Chen Yong waved his hand: "There's nothing to say, disband! Everyone take a shower!"

"Oh——" the soldiers cheered and began to take off their diving suits, folded them up and put them on the ground, and ran to the temporary bathroom surrounded by plastic sheets with their buttocks bare.The soldiers in charge of security came over to put away the diving suit, oxygen tank, flippers, etc. Chen Yong also took off his clothes and ran into the bathroom: "10 minutes! Hurry up and wash! The fresh water is tense!" - clattering, the shower head above the head sprinkled fresh water.Tian Xiaoniu cheered and wiped soap on his body, and Wu Yun came over with a smile: "Xiao Niu, turn around!" "What are you doing? Squad leader Wu Yun?" Tian Xiaoniu asked. "Turn around." Wu Yun pulled him over and began to soap his back. "Hey! This can't be done, monitor!" Tian Xiaoniu quickly hid, "How can I let you give me a bath!" "Come here!" Wu Yun pulled him over and wiped his back, "This strength is enough!" No?" "Okay, okay!" Tian Xiaoniu couldn't help being overjoyed, "Oh my god, it really is a revolutionary army, and the veterans have given the recruits a bath!" Lin Rui was making soap when he heard this and turned his head.He saw Wu Yun smiling and wiping the soldiers' backs in turn, he couldn't bear to watch it, and turned his face to flush the water.Wu Yun came over with a smile: "Lin Rui, I'll wipe your back!" Lin Rui looked at him and the burn scars all over his body, speechless for a long time.Wu Yun pulled him: "Turn around." With a sore nose, Lin Rui pulled Wu Yun around and wiped his back himself.The water above his head hit Lin Rui's face, and his tears also flowed down.He wiped the scars left by severe burns on Wu Yun's back with soap, and said in a trembling voice, "Wu Yun, it's useless for you to do this!"

"Wu Yun!" Lin Rui held back his tears and wiped his back, "If you treat me as a brother, just believe what I say—this is useless, and you will make people laugh." The smile on Wu Yun's face disappeared. , turned his head and said in a low voice: "Lin Rui, you know me better than anyone else. I really don't want to go back to the grassland to herd sheep, and my mother's health is getting worse and worse. I have to take her out." "Then you Is this useful?" Lin Rui said.Wu Yun closed his eyes: "Whether it's useful or not, I've tried my best. Lin Rui, I don't want to fight with you. We are brothers, life and death brothers! This is the only opportunity, hanging above my head, I definitely want to grab it .Catch it. I will be a national cadre all my life. If I can't catch it, I may have to go back to the grassland. My mother is too miserable..." Lin Rui listened silently, wiping away tears.Wu Yun turned around, faced Lin Rui and said, "I don't want you to give it up to me, don't think that way. I just want to try my best once, and if I lose, I lose." Lin Rui nodded.Wu Yun smiled and said, "Hurry up and wash, we'll take 10 minutes." Wu Yun went to wipe the backs of other soldiers, and Lin Rui put soap on his head and face, raised his head and rinsed, tears streaming silently.

In the evening, Geng Hui and Lin Rui were walking on the beach.Geng Hui put his hands behind his back and said, "Normally, I shouldn't jump over the ranks to talk to you, the squad leader, but as a political commissar, I have to talk to you about some things."

"Yes, political commissar." Lin Rui followed beside him. "The dark clouds in your class seem to be out of order recently. Didn't you notice it?" Geng Hui said looking at the sparkling sea.Lin Rui said: "Political commissar, Wu Yun has always been so enthusiastic." "I'm not saying that he is not enthusiastic." Geng Hui said, "He is a simple and honest comrade, I know. What I want to say is that because of this When he mentions the recommended things, his thoughts may fluctuate." Lin Rui didn't dare to speak. "What do you think?" Geng Hui looked at him.Lin Rui said: "I have no opinion." "Wu Yun is your comrade in the army and saved your life." Geng Hui said flatly, "Can you have no opinion?" "Because of this, I have no opinion." Opinion." Lin Rui said.Geng Hui asked: "Are you going to give it to him?" Lin Rui didn't speak for a long time, and then said after a long time: "Political commissar, I can still enter the military academy, but I can't pass the exam and go home after being discharged from the army. I'm still in the city and can find a job. But Wuyun can't, He is a herdsman after he retired from the army, and he has to go back to herd the sheep. His mother spent all her savings because she sent him to join the army, and now she is suffering a lot." After hearing what he said, Geng Hui turned to the sea: "You like to read classics, and you have heard about Hugo. A word?" "Say it."

"The ocean is the widest thing in the world, and the sky is wider than the ocean. What is wider than the sky?" "The human soul." Lin Rui said. "Do you think that you have a broad mind when you give up to the dark clouds?" Geng Hui asked him, "That is precisely the manifestation of narrow-mindedness.

(End of this chapter)

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