
Chapter 61

Chapter 61

"Are you willing to marry me?" A thunderbolt struck directly on Zhang Lei's head.Fang Zijun looked at Chen Yong who was completely dumbfounded with tears in his eyes.It took Chen Yong a long time to come up with a sentence: "Doctor Fang, have you not had a drink?"

"I'm sober now!" Fang Zijun cried loudly, and many people looked at this side, "Chen Yong, are you willing to marry me—just a word, if you are willing, go to register tomorrow!"

"Fang Zijun!" Zhang Lei roared, "Do you know what you are talking about?!" "I know..." Fang Zijun closed his eyes.Zhang Lei's face turned pale: "You will regret it!" "That's my own business!" Fang Zijun opened his eyes and gritted his teeth. "Doctor Fang, you are not calm now." Chen Yong said after being silent for a long time, "Go ahead and talk about anything." "No!" Fang Zijun looked at him and said loudly, "I want everyone to know now, Also let her know that I, Fang Zijun, don't like Zhang Lei! I don't... like him! I hate him, I hate him, and I don't want to see him!" "It's not true..." Zhang Lei's face turned pale, slowly He stepped back slowly and looked at his beloved woman. "It's true!" Fang Zijun said firmly, "We are not suitable... I like Chen Yong, he and I went to the battlefield together... We are soldiers of the same era, and you... are not suitable..." "This It's not true!" Zhang Lei shouted, tears streaming down his face.Fang Zijun held back his tears, and suddenly grabbed Chen Yong's hand.Chen Yong trembled all over: "Doctor Fang?!" "It's true!" Fang Zijun said word by word. "No! No!" Zhang Lei yelled and stepped back, turned around and ran.Fang Zijun was dizzy and fainted. "Doctor Fang! Doctor Fang!" Chen Yong hugged her and shouted, "Doctor! Doctor! Help!" Fang Zijun's eyes darkened and he completely lost consciousness.

"Tell me, it's not true..." Zhang Lei murmured.Liu Xiaofei hugged him: "Zhang Lei! Don't do this!" "It's not true!" Zhang Lei roared and hit the wall of the climbing building with his head, bleeding again from his forehead.Several classmates rushed up to hug him, and pressed him directly to the ground.Zhang Lei roared angrily, but he couldn't move around. His two hands grabbed the ground and grabbed the dust, all of which were bloody: "This is not true—ah—" "What's going on?" The captain ran over, "Is it okay to let the other teams see the joke?" "His girlfriend is going to marry someone else." A classmate whispered.The captain was also taken aback: "The one at the General Hospital of the Military Region?"

The classmate replied: "Yes." The captain thought about it and found it incredible: "Impossible! I have met that girl, she is very good!" The classmate whispered: "Didn't this happen? He came back No one can stop him from hitting the wall." The captain squatted down and looked at Zhang Lei who was struggling on the ground: "Zhang Lei? Zhang Lei, did you hear that?" Zhang Lei looked at him with a distorted expression.

"You don't deserve to be a soldier." After the captain finished speaking, he got up and left.Everyone looked at the captain in surprise, the captain took a few steps and turned around: "Let go, let him hit you! Don't stop him if you hit him!" Everyone looked at the captain, and slowly let go. They were all vigilant and ready to pounce on him at any time hug him.The captain stood there and watched Zhang Lei stand up coldly. Several buttons of Zhang Lei's uniform were missing, and his forehead was bleeding.The captain said coldly: "Take off your collar and epaulettes for me!"

Zhang Lei didn't move.The captain suddenly roared: "Liu Xiaofei! Do it!" Liu Xiaofei shouted anxiously: "Captain!" "Do it!"Zhang Lei opened him with a slap.The captain asked: "Why aren't you allowed to pick it?" Zhang Lei said with red eyes, "I'm a soldier!" "You are an active soldier in terms of establishment, but you don't deserve to wear this uniform!" The captain said disdainfully.Zhang Lei looked at the captain short of breath.The captain said coldly: "What is a soldier? A soldier is the darling of war! A tough guy who won't frown or blink in the face of death! Are you?"

"I'm not afraid of death!" Zhang Lei shouted.The captain smiled disdainfully: "Yes, you are not afraid of death. But you are afraid of living." Zhang Lei looked at the captain.The captain looked at him and said, "Living is harder than dying! Life is a long road. Do you have the courage to die in wartime and live in peacetime?" "I have!" Zhang Lei roared.The captain's voice was very flat: "Then let me see. Don't think that you, Zhang Lei, are a paratrooper and you shouldn't encounter setbacks—this yard is full of soldiers, and they have experienced many more twists and turns than you. That’s right. Don’t lose your soldier, take off your collar and epaulets before hitting the wall.” The captain turned and left, Zhang Lei looked at the captain’s back and breathed heavily.Liu Xiaofei carefully brushed the dust off his body, fastened the discipline button, and tidied up his uniform.

"I'm a soldier." Zhang Lei looked at Liu Xiaofei and his classmates and said.The students said repeatedly: "Yes, of course you are." "Give me the hat." Zhang Lei said.Liu Xiaofei picked up the military cap on the ground, dusted it off and handed it to Zhang Lei.Zhang Lei put on his military cap and took a deep breath: "I am a soldier, the darling of the war!" Everyone looked at him.Zhang Lei's face calmed down: "I'm a tough guy." He pushed his classmates away and walked slowly.The students looked at his back and were speechless. "How did this happen?" Liu Xiaofei said to himself.Zhang Lei stopped suddenly, turned his head and shouted to his classmates: "I have the courage to die in wartime, and I have the courage to survive in peacetime!"

Chen Yong silently looked at Fang Zijun lying on the hospital bed.Fang Zijun slowly opened his eyes, there were no tears and no light in his eyes.Chen Yong put on his military cap: "I'll call him back."

"Chen Yong!" Fang Zijun said, "Don't call him, don't..."

Chen Yong turned around slowly: "You have been calling his name..." Fang Zijun closed his eyes weakly.Chen Yong stood in front of her bed: "Tell me what happened?"

"You can't help me." "I will do whatever it takes." Chen Yong said, "Even if it's my life!" Fang Zijun smiled bitterly: "Thank you, Chen Yong. But you really can't help me... "What can I do for you?" Chen Yong asked.Fang Zijun sighed: "I have no way out..." "That's not your truth." Chen Yong looked at her and said, "I won't take advantage of the fire——I, Chen Yong, was a hero who was killed with a knife and a gun on the battlefield. I will not be a despicable person in front of you!" Fang Zijun said gratefully: "Chen Yong!" "I like you and respect you." Chen Yong said earnestly, "If you need, I can do everything for you matter!--

tell me what can i do for you ’ ‘I must part with him. Fang Zijun said calmly. Chen Yong asked: "Why?" " "I can't tell you." "

"Then I don't ask, what do you say?" "He won't give up." Fang Zijun said, "I need to make him give up completely!" "Say it." Chen Yong looked at her.Fang Zijun asked: "Are you willing to marry me?" "I haven't thought about this question."

"Yes, or not?" Chen Yong was silent for a long time: "...you know the answer." "I'll marry you." Fang Zijun said bitterly. "you love him."

"Yes, I love him, but I can't love him," Fang Zijun said.Chen Yong lowered his head, then raised his head again: "If you need, I can play this role in this way. However, I will first write a divorce agreement and give it to you."

Fang Zijun looked at him.Chen Yong said: "You can sign at any time. Besides, I won't touch you - I, Chen Yong, am a rough person and have no education, but I know one thing very well: you can't force your feelings. I won't ask you why, And I won't ask you the real purpose of doing this. As long as you tell Fang Zijun, no matter whether it is right or wrong, I will do it. I will complete this task, so take care!"

Chen Yong took a step back, stood at attention and saluted.Fang Zijun asked: "Why did you do this?" Chen Yong stood at the door, put his hand on the doorknob without turning his head: "Because, I love you." Fang Zijun watched him gratefully and opened the door to go out, crying aggrievedly.

Lei Keming and He Zhijun were walking in the compound and talking, when Geng Hui hurried up from behind: "You two are very leisurely?" "What's wrong?" He Zhijun asked.

"Something went wrong." Geng Hui said helplessly, "We reported the recommendation list of soldiers to the Direct Industry Department of the military region, and we were sent back."

"What's going on?" He Zhijun wondered.Geng Hui said: "The Ministry of Direct Industry is stuck with a hard target. It is not because of a high school graduate. Two of the soldiers we recommend are junior high school graduates, and one has a primary school education."

"Why are you so confused? Why do you recommend him for elementary school education? Is that why the military region will take care of us?" He Zhijun asked.Geng Hui said: "It's Wu Yun. I was also confused at the time and didn't want to hurt him."

"Isn't this a greater harm? The soldiers are all ready to be promoted, and they may have written letters and called their families, and their relatives and friends know about it-now it's good, how can he explain to his relatives and friends? It’s easy to say, they are all veterans, and no one dares to say no casually.” He Zhijun paced back and forth, and Geng Hui said: “There is no other way now. The Ministry of Direct Industry has agreed to culturalize the two soldiers who graduated from junior high school. Basic and military skills exams, if they can meet the standards of grassroots cadres, they can be considered - Wu Yun, they don't consider it at all."

"I remember him. Let me talk to him." Lei Keming said.He Zhijun said: "You have just joined the brigade, and you are not familiar with these jobs. You can't be such a villain." Lei Keming said, "I am more suitable because I am not familiar with you. If you are familiar with it, it is difficult to talk about it." He Zhijun nodded Head: "Okay then. Pay attention to the method and method, Wu Yun is a very simple and honest fighter."

"He is indeed incompetent for the requirements of the special forces for grassroots commanders. Although he can endure hardships, he does not have a foreign language and basic cultural foundation, and has no future for training." Lei Keming looked at Wu Yun's materials and said.He Zhijun looked at the soldiers on the training ground with his hands behind his back and sighed: "It's only when emotions are used that things really hurt feelings." Geng Hui smiled wryly: "If I had been more determined, this matter would not have happened. I want to be a member of the Standing Committee Make a review."

"I'm going." Lei Keming felt confident after reading the material, and left.He Zhijun looked at his back: "The new official took office three fires, and this is the first time he will be burned on the soldiers' heads. Lao Lei is determined to establish his usual image of a cold-faced killer in the brigade—then we are empty-handed." What does the military region say about the next quota?"

"Lin Rui is required for the roll call." Geng Hui said, "I was also criticized, saying that if such a fighter cannot be promoted, it is our dereliction of duty." He Zhijun smiled bitterly: "It's not yours, and it's useless to fight; it's yours, It's all yours anyway."

"Come on, come on, smoke! Smoke!" Everyone sat on the training ground to rest, and the big man dripping with dark clouds smiled and scattered cigarettes for the brothers in the class.Lin Rui brought over the cigarette and saw that it was Shi Lin, and was shocked: "Fuck! Are you dying?" Tian Xiaoniu smiled and lit the cigarette: "Hey, what is this! When our platoon leader Wu Yun takes office, it will be the country. It’s time to get paid! It’s more than 1000 a month, and it’s worth smoking Shilin by then!” Everyone laughed.Wu Yun was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth: "When I give the order, I invite everyone to smoke Hongtashan!" Lin Rui scolded him with a smile: "Burnt buns and you will! If you smoke like this, you will become the team leader and your salary will not be enough for you!" of!"

Dong Qiang looked at Wuyun, then at Lin Rui, and sighed helplessly.Lin Rui with sharp eyes looked at him: "What's the matter?" Dong Qiang raised his gun, walked up to Lin Rui and squatted down: "Squad leader, do you want me to tell the truth?" Lin Rui said calmly, "Say." Dong Qiang looked at Lin Rui said: "I hate you." Lin Rui remained calm: "Why?" Dong Qiang said with a wry smile: "You put us all in danger on the battlefield. He is an excellent special fighter, but he doesn't have Commanding ability, I don't want to go to the battlefield with such a brainless platoon leader." Lin Rui squeezed two words out of his teeth: "Bastard."

"Squad leader, tell me to tell the truth." Dong Qiang got up and left after speaking.Lin Rui called him back: "Come back! Listen, you are not allowed to say this to anyone! Soldiers take obeying orders as their duty! After Wu Yun is our platoon leader, he is the absolute leader. You are not allowed to talk nonsense below! You remember it for me!"

"Yes." Dong Qiang said sullenly.Lin Rui said: "I will go to the battlefield with you, remember this! Let's go." Wu Yun had already stood in the middle of the circle, and began to sing with emotion: "From the grassland to Tiananmen Square..." During the singing, Lei Keming's figure appeared in the on the training ground.Lin Rui was the first to see him: "Stand up!" Everyone stood up quickly, and Wu Yun also hurriedly stood in the line.Leike walked over quickly without squinting. The eyes behind the optical lenses were sharp and full of coldness, which seemed to be born naturally.Lin Rui ran up to him and stood at attention to salute: "Report to Comrade Vice Captain! The first battalion and one platoon of special warfare are organizing indoor melee training, please give me instructions! Acting platoon leader Lin Rui!" Lei Keming returned the salute: "Take it easy." "Yes!" Lin Rui saluted, turned and ran to the front of the queue: "Relax!" Then he ran into the queue. "Comrades!" Lei Keming stood in front of the queue, "Please rest easy! I saw your training today, and the speed is not fast enough!
Your hands and soles are soft, you can't see the strength at all!Are you playing games?This is preparing for war!The enemy is in front of you, and you will fight to the death!To be soft-hearted is to harm yourself and your comrades-in-arms, understand? "

"Understood!" The soldiers roared in unison. "Continue training!" Lei Keming said.Lin Rui went out to organize: "Continue training in the first row! Each team will be in place immediately!" The soldiers moved quickly.

"Wu Yun, Lin Rui, come here." Lei Keming waved.Wu Yun and Lin Rui looked at him, and walked over wonderingly.Behind them, blank shells had already started to crackle, and the soldiers filed into the indoor melee training ground built by car tires in accordance with the battle formation.Lei Keming looked at Wu Yun and asked lightly: "Wu Yun, what is an army?"

"It's the steel collective." Wu Yun asked in bewilderment, "Deputy captain, why are you asking this?" "The steel collective is formed by the discipline of steel, and each of us is a screw in this war machine." Lei Keming said, "We are all for the smooth operation of this war machine, and we all have our own responsibilities. Both are indispensable." Wu Yun looked at Lei Keming.With no expression on his face, Lei Keming said, "I want to tell you——because of your lack of academic qualifications, your recommendation was rejected by the military region."

The dark cloud seemed to be struck by lightning, and it was numb.Lin Rui also opened his eyes wide. "It's a pity that the Direct Industry Department of the Military Region asked for Lin Rui's name call." Lei Keming's voice was always neither high nor low, and neither too fast nor too slow. None of us can do anything." Wu Yun's head was buzzing and he couldn't hear anything.Lei Keming continued: "I will grant you a half-day leave, you can take a break. Stand up straight, you are a battle-tested veteran, don't let comrade recruits see jokes. There is no shame in failure, it is shameful to be knocked down by failure. Hand over the gun For Lin Rui, go." Lei Keming turned and left.

Wu Yun opened his mouth wide, his ears still buzzing.Lin Rui looked at Wu Yun: "Wu Yun?" Wu Yun's face was expressionless, and he murmured: "I've already written to my mother..." Lin Rui lowered his head: "I'll go find the captain and political commissar!" Wu Yun He grabbed him: "Do you still think I'm not ashamed enough?"

"Wu Yun, don't say that!" Lin Rui looked at him.Wu Yun said blankly: "I have risked everything in order to get a job. Including you, my brother..."

"I'm fine! I'm going to be admitted to the military academy this year!" Lin Rui said anxiously.Wu Yun smiled bleakly: "I'm ashamed to face people."

(End of this chapter)

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