
Chapter 64

Chapter 64

"Remember, don't be nervous." Lin Rui squatted in front of everyone holding a dagger, "Some have combat experience, and some don't. Comrades recruits should follow veterans, and the gunshots should not be chaotic. There are only four of them, two guns, Bullets are also limited, and they have their own taboos in the chemical factory. Although we have no weapons, our advantage is that we have good melee combat skills. As long as we are close to the body, I will kill him at once! Don't hesitate, Don't be afraid of seeing blood!" Everyone listened carefully, the recruits were naturally nervous. "Everyone practices daggers often, and there are many comrades who will practice flying knives." Lin Rui said, "You guys will be used as targets. Please remember one thing - this is a battle, and it's either you die or I live! The direct attack is the key point, Otherwise, you are the one who died! Do you understand?!"

"Understood!" The voice was uneven. "Understood?!" Lin Rui roared. "Understood!" The voice was louder. "I'm also a recruit, so I understand you." Lin Rui said, "I don't feel courageous without a gun in my hand, but don't forget that we are special forces! Special forces can kill people with towels! The soldiers of the special brigade are proud, and now they are here to prove to everyone that your pride is not just blown out, but killed out!" Everyone listened and became more confident.

"Report to the platoon leader!" Tian Xiaoniu stood up.Lin Rui looked at him: "Talk." "I need to go to the bathroom." Tian Xiaoniu said with a wry smile.Lin Rui said, "Go. Anyone else who needs to go to the bathroom, go to the bushes over there to solve it." Several recruits went.Lin Rui began to arrange: "Now disrupt the original organization and organize the battle. Comrades with good fighting skills will be the first commando team, snipers and machine gunners will be the second commando team, and blasters will be the third commando team." , we will prepare for EOD after killing them." Lin Rui looked at his watch, "Maybe there is still time, have you written everyone's letters?"

"I wrote it." Everyone's voices were low and uneven. "I want to write another one." Wu Yun raised his hand.Lin Rui said: "You go, find the paperwork and an envelope, write the seal and give it to him. If anyone else wants to write, go together, half an hour."

Several soldiers went with Wuyun.Chen Yong stood beside Lei Keming with a lancet.Lei Keming looked at the map: "This kind of hand-to-hand combat, you must lead the team yourself. I change into casual clothes to negotiate with them, and they will definitely not let me lead people. I will take the walkie-talkie in and find a way to give you the code. You need to find the gunmen first, and it will be easy after killing two gunmen. There are also explosives, which is very troublesome." "How powerful is it?" Chen Yong asked.Lei Keming said: "Look where it is installed, I hope they don't know how to do it. If it is installed in place, not only us and the military and police standing here, but also the city - it will be a nightmare for the next few decades." Chen Yong turned around. The city in the distance is full of tall buildings.

"Comrades, I don't have anything else to say." Chen Yong looked at the soldiers standing in front of him holding daggers, "We are special forces, that's what we eat. This is the real battlefield. Kill or be killed. Kill, there is no other choice." The soldiers all clenched their daggers tightly.Chen Yong said again, "I will lead the left wing of the first group, and Lin Rui will lead the right wing of the second group. Line up according to the battle echelon just now, and prepare to go." Chen Yong ran over with more than 20 soldiers.

"To be or not to be, that's a question." Lin Rui let out a sigh of relief looking at the chemical plant in front of him, and suddenly sneered and said something in English.This is the classic line of the play "Hamlet" written by Shakespeare, which he learned from the book Xu Xie gave him.Tian Xiaoniu blinked and asked, "Squad leader, what are you talking about?"

"I said—" Lin Rui's sneer turned serious, and he raised the dagger in his right hand and shouted, "We must win!"Lin Rui led the soldiers into battle echelons, each echelon was 5 meters apart, kept the battle formation, and crossed the cordon guarded by the armed police with a low profile.The military and police watched their ferocious faces pass by, and the soldiers of the anti-chemical regiment who were sitting in the distance also stood up, watching their agile and gradually disappearing backs.

Lei Keming, dressed in civilian clothes, sat cross-legged in the duty room of a workshop, opposite a prisoner with a bald head.Lei Keming's hands were tied behind his back, and the walkie-talkie was placed on the ground in front of him.The negotiation between the two of them was not so smooth, but it was not particularly difficult. In short, you still have to say something to each other.Lei Keming's tone was very flat: "It's useless for us to talk like this. I was just sent to negotiate terms with you, not to make a decision. If you don't let me contact the outside world, your request can't be relayed, and the superiors can't There is no way to study your conditions." The bald head asked: "Are you a veteran, specializing in negotiating meals?"

"Well, you have to eat everywhere you go." Lei Keming said, his hands tied behind were turning, hooking his sleeves.The bald head asked: "I want a helicopter, I want you to be a hostage, and I want 100 million cash, can you do it?"

"Do you think it's an American movie? Helicopters are so famous? How many leadership signatures do you need to give you 100 million cash? It will take time." Lei Keming said with a wry smile.Bald head with red eyes: "I don't have that much time, one hour. Otherwise, I'm going to be finished here." "Time is too tight, it's impossible to do it." Lei Keming said flatly, his right index finger had already caught a wire and pulled it out , cut the rope thinly behind his back, "5 hours." "Two hours!" The bald head breathed heavily, picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button, "Tell them it's only two hours!"

Chen Yong led the soldiers over the wall and landed almost silently, ran across the open ground with a low profile, and leaned behind the jar.The earphones rang: "The guests have something to say. We have two hours to prepare the cash and the helicopter. The landing site is in the open space outside the first workshop. All four guests are here..." Chen Yong waved his hand, and the soldiers followed him Close to the first workshop.Chen Yong had already seen Lin Rui who had been searched over there, and they gave each other sign language.Lin Rui nodded, and Chen Yong began to build a ladder to the roof.Lin Rui waved his hand, and his people scattered around.Wu Yun stood next to Lin Rui, Lin Rui glanced at him and whispered, "Why are you here? Go to the third commando!"

"It's safest by your side." Wu Yun smiled.Lin Rui smiled wryly and said nothing.Wu Yun followed beside him, clenched the dagger in his hand.

"Bastard!" The bald head punched Lei Keming in the face, "You are playing with me?! How dare you betray me?!" He pulled the bolt of the 81 automatic rifle and pointed it at Lei Keming's head, "Believe it or not Kill you?!" Lei Keming lay down on the ground, his hands were almost untied, he didn't even look at the muzzle of the gun: "Since I'm here, I'm not afraid of death!"

"Then I will fulfill you!" the bald head said and was about to pull the trigger.Lei Keming kicked hard on the ground with the heel of his right foot, and a sharp switchblade immediately popped out from the toe of the leather shoe.His eyes suddenly shot a cold light, and he kicked him directly.

"Ah——" the bald head was stabbed in the thigh, and he fell to the ground with a scream. The muzzle of the automatic rifle was raised, and only one bullet was fired.Lei Keming's hands had been released, and when he got up and turned his wrists, the wire rope strangled the bald head's neck.The bald head's eyes widened and his tongue gradually drooped.Lei Keming strangled him severely until he was completely finished.

"Brother..." A guy just ran in after hearing the sound, and Lei Keming had already stood up and kicked him.This kick directly landed on his throat, and when it landed, Lei Keming turned into a knee kick in the air, and landed on his throat all of a sudden, with a crisp click.Lei Keming got up and clapped his hands, put on his glasses as if nothing happened.

The shooter on the roof had just raised the 81 rifle, and Chen Yong's throwing knife had already passed.Two flying knives pierced his chest, and he fell down with a scream.He fell on the ground and still struggled, Tian Xiaoniu flew straight up and stabbed him with a dagger in the back: "I'll fuck your grandma——" Tian Xiaoniu pulled out the dagger and stabbed it down again with red eyes: "I'll fuck your grandma again ——" When the day was still to come, Dong Qiang grabbed his hand and said, "Okay, okay, he's already dead!"

Tian Xiaoniu asked him with red eyes: "Am I a special soldier?!" Dong Qiang quickly said: "Yes, you are a special soldier!" Lei Keming came out with an 81 rifle: "Both are over." Lin Rui Report: "One outside." "There is another one." Lei Keming's eyes searched around, and his eyes lit up: "There!" On the top of the tank at the door of Workshop No. [-], a prisoner in a prison uniform laughed loudly: " I fuck you all sirs!"

Tsk - the fuse was lit, and he laughed loudly holding the explosive bag.Chen Yong threw the lancet out, the knife pierced his chest, his laughter stopped abruptly and fell down.The explosive package fell next to the poison gas tank, and the fuse was still burning.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Rui shouted, striding up to pick up the explosive package and ran to the open space.Wu Yun suddenly rushed out obliquely and bumped into him, snatching the explosive package from his hand.Lin Rui roared: "What are you doing?!"

"I'm a blaster—" Wu Yun yelled and kicked him in the face, Lin Rui's eyes went dark, and when he realized it, Wu Yun had already picked up the explosive bag and ran to the empty field.Lin Rui got up and chased after: "Wu Yun—" "Ah—" Wu Yun shouted and rushed to the empty field.

"Wu Yun!" Lin Rui threw himself forward, "Throw it away and come back!" Wu Yun turned to look at him, his eyes were bloodshot and shouted: "Lin Rui, I owe you what I owe you today—" Before he finished shouting, the explosive bag It exploded with a "boom".

Lin Rui opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide, and his ears were already deaf.Fragments of human body and clothes fell on his body and in front of him.The empty field was empty, except for the bloody fragments, there was nothing else.

Lin Rui: My good brother, when you read this letter, I can no longer talk to you.The extra envelope I want is to write to you.We've been together since the start of the recruit company.You are the eagle just hatched on the grassland, and I am the calf just hatched.I admire your courage and your intelligence, I would like to be with you, those difficult but happy days are what I will cherish in my dreams.

I, Wu Yun, can't speak, can't do things, I'm sorry for you.I am so grateful that you still consider me a brother.If I owe you, I won’t be able to pay it back in this life, and I will pay you back in the next life when Wu Yun treats you like a cow or a horse.By the way, tell our sister-in-law for me, I, Wu Yun, will always remember her life-saving grace.I owe too many people in this life, so I can only pay it back slowly in the next life.

Unworthy to be your brother's dark cloud

The flames burn.Lin Rui watched the letter turn into ashes, and misty blue smoke flew into the sky. "Wu Yun, why are you so stupid..." Lin Rui muttered as he knelt in front of Wu Yun's tomb wearing the Army Second Lieutenant's uniform, tears rolling down his cheeks silently.Lei Keming slowly appeared behind him: "The pension of the Wuyun martyr has come down." Lin Rui said, "I want to ask for family leave, deputy captain." Lei Keming patted him on the shoulder: "Yes. To Inner Mongolia I have already sent someone to deliver the ticket to your row. I know that you must go this time."

"Wu Yun, my good brother." Lin Rui kowtowed, his head resting on the concrete floor for a long time, and tears flowed onto the concrete floor, "I owe you what I owe you, and I will never pay it back..."

"I sent a report to the headquarters. This is the posthumous order of Sergeant Wuyun, who was sent by telegram just this morning." Lei Keming took out an order, "Go and give it to his mother."

"Deputy captain..." Lin Rui said gratefully as he knocked his head on the concrete floor.Lei Keming put the order on the ground in front of his head, took out a heavy envelope and pressed it on: "This is a wish from the Standing Committee of the brigade." Another envelope was pressed on, "This is mine." Lin Rui kowtowed, Fingers digging on the concrete floor, weeping suppressedly.

"Wu Yun is a good soldier." Lei Keming stood up and looked at the small martyrs cemetery on the secluded hilltop, and several new tombs added by the special brigade in recent years. "They are all good." Lin Rui He raised his head and looked at the familiar names: Tian Daniu, Wu Yun...their voices and smiles seemed to be in front of his eyes.

"We must always remember them." Lei Keming took a step back and stood at attention to salute.Lin Rui looked at those familiar names, knocked his head on the ground again, and burst into tears. "Salute—" Chen Yong shouted behind him.Snapped!There was a neat stand.The red flags of each unit of the Special Warfare Battalion were lowered to a 45-degree angle, and the soldiers raised their hands in salute.

Chen Yong put an envelope next to Lei Keming's envelope just now: "There is 2 yuan in it, you give it to Wu Yun's mother for me." Another envelope was placed on top, "This is Zijun's."

(End of this chapter)

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