
Chapter 67

Chapter 67

I have loved her since I was a kid!I pester her, I harass her, it's because I like her!I didn't want to compete with you, I couldn't compete with you since I was a child, I know!But where were you when she came across the highway robbery?Where were you, Lin Rui, when you were blocked and robbed at the school gate? !When she needs care and comfort, where are you, Lin Rui? !Where were you, Lin Rui, when her mother was seriously ill and needed money? !Where were you, Lin Rui, when her father was laid off and needed to work? !Where were you, Lin Rui, when she couldn't pay the tuition? !are u there?you are not here!Only me, this is reality!I am willing to be nice to her, I am willing to be nice to her, for her, I can do anything!Yes, I am a criminal, I am a drug dealer, I am a gun dealer, but I am all for her!For her to live a good life!Can you, Lin Rui, do it? !you answer me! "

Lin Rui looked at Tan Min: "Why didn't you tell me? I will help you even if I sell blood!" Yue Long sneered: "How much blood do you have on your body?! You can see for yourself how much blood is on your body?! You can sell it How much?!" Lin Rui looked at Yue Long.Yue Long said with red eyes: "I didn't come here to say sorry to you! I didn't feel sorry for you, but you were the one who felt sorry for her! I'm sorry for her!"

"Lin Rui..." Tan Min cried, "I know you want to do a good job in the army, and I don't want to distract you..." "Tan Min, I have no right to ask who you are with. But you have to understand , you and him are a road of no return!" Lin Rui said.Yue Long looked at Lin Rui and asked: "I can commit a crime for her, can you?!" "I can't." Lin Rui saluted Tan Min, "I'm sorry, I'm a soldier!... Goodbye." "Lin Rui! Lin Rui Rui!" Tan Min cried.Lin Rui strode forward, guilt occupying his entire heart.He turned around: "Tan Min, I hope you think clearly—he is a thief, and I am a soldier! Don't let him break the law again, and live a good life with you!——

Otherwise, maybe one day, I will kill him with my own hands! "

"My crime, killing me ten times is more than enough." Yue Long said coldly, "I am content with her to see me die." Lin Rui turned around and walked with big strides without speaking.Tan Min was pulled into Yue Long's arms, crying.

"You go down your sea, I'll walk my river; you ride your car, I'll climb my slope..." Lin Rui sang a song tremblingly, "Since you're here to join the army, since you're here Serving the country, what is it for a soldier to climb ice and lie in the snow..." Tan Min looked at his back in camouflage uniform with wide eyes and tears.The voice of Lin Rui, the second lieutenant of the Chinese Army, became firm, and his hoarse singing made the tree-lined path so empty: "Say nothing, there is a fire in my chest, a hot heart, warming this steel gun! Say nothing , there is a fire in my chest, a hot heart, warming this steel gun! You drink your wine, I chew my buns, you have children, and I have lovesickness songs! As long as the fathers and sisters laugh and talk a lot , What is the hardship and hardship of being a soldier! Don’t say anything, the motherland knows me, I have a big heart, and I hope the world will be happy.” Lin Rui’s voice choked up, and his hoarse voice sounded again: “I don’t care about anything. Not to mention, the motherland knows me! A big heart, may the world be happy, may the world be happy..." His figure was lonely and firm, and his military boots landed on the tree-lined road with a sound.

"Don't tell me, I'm definitely in good health! Look!" He Zhijun yelled at Lin Qiuye while wearing his military uniform.Lin Qiuye looked at the test results and nodded with a smile: "Not bad!" Fang Zijun watched He Zhijun approaching: "Uncle is still in good health." He Zhijun took the military cap in Lin Qiuye's hand and put it on: "That's right , why did you come back after the end of your marriage leave? Did that kid bully you? Tell me, I'll clean him up!"

"No." Fang Zijun smiled.He Zhijun said: "That's good. I'll go down and wait for you in the car!" He Zhijun went downstairs.Lin Qiuye pulled Fang Zijun to sit in the office: "Zijun, Mom is talking to you."

Fang Zijun avoided Lin Qiuye's eyes.Lin Qiuye asked: "Tell me, are you happy?" "I'm fine!" Fang Zijun said with a smile. "That's good." Lin Qiuye nodded, "I'm afraid you have something to hide from me." "No, uncle is waiting for you at the bottom! You go!" Fang Zijun said with a smile.After closing the door, Fang Zijun leaned against the door and panted.The door rang, she opened the door, and it was a nurse: "Doctor Fang, please sign this case." Fang Zijun looked at it and signed.The nurse said with a smile: "Doctor Fang, we are all waiting for you to come and give us wedding candy! This Lieutenant Chen is too shameless. When I am not chasing you, I wish I could come to the hospital every weekend to catch up with you." Then you’ll disappear!” Fang Zijun smiled and said, “You can go.” The nurse looked at Fang Zijun strangely and went out.Fang Zijun sat at his desk thinking, picked up the phone and dialed a number habitually.

"Reconnaissance Department of the Army Academy, where do you want?" The other party greeted several times.Fang Zijun woke up from the cold, and decisively hung up the phone.She stabilized herself, picked up the phone and dialed again.

"Special brigade switchboard, where do you want?" "Transfer to the first battalion of special warfare." After a few rings, Chen Yong's voice sounded: "Hello?" "I'm Fang Zijun."——Chen Yong asked in surprise: "It's you Are you looking for me?!" "Yes." Fang Zijun said guiltily, "You prepare some wedding candy, and come to our hospital on weekends to distribute it." "Okay!" Chen Yong said quickly, "I'll go there in the afternoon, and I'll invite your department tonight All the girls eat!"

"I'm on duty at night, so you can go back to the army." Chen Yong was silent for a long time: "Yes, I will carry out the order."

Putting down the phone, Fang Zijun held his forehead and took a deep breath.

Lei Keming walked on the training ground, observing the training of the first special warfare battalion.Chen Yong ran over: "Report to Comrade Captain! The First Battalion of Special Warfare is conducting building climbing training, please give instructions!" Lei Keming returned the salute: "Continue training!"

"Yes!" Chen Yong turned back, "Continue training!" Lei Keming walked to the climbing building and tried the rope: "I have nothing else to do, I just want to move around!" Chen Yong hurriedly pulled a rope over: " Captain, seat belt." Without looking at him, Lei Keming got up and began to climb.His movements were decisive, capable, and standard. A few seconds later, he was already standing on the roof of the building.Tian Xiaoniu and Dong Qiang were secretly smoking on the top, when they saw the team leader coming up, they quickly snuffed out the cigarettes in their hands and stood up: "Big, team leader!" Lei Keming looked at them: "It's not my turn to talk about you guys!" After the training, go to Chen Yong by yourself." The two soldiers replied: "Yes!" Lei Keming stood on the climbing stairs, stretched his legs, stretched his waist, and suddenly stopped.

"Captain, what are you looking at?" Tian Xiaoniu also leaned over to look.The eyes behind Lei Keming's glasses looked at the small hotel across the road from the wall, which was being renovated.

"It's a small restaurant in the village. The roast pheasant made by the proprietress is a must!" Tian Xiaoniu swallowed, and Dong Qiang pulled his clothes.Lei Keming looked at the two of them, and then at the small hotel: "Have you been there?"

"Half a year ago, I went out secretly." Tian Xiaoniu said embarrassedly, "The control became stricter, and no one went there anymore." "Half a year ago?" Lei Keming looked at the small hotel, "Chen Yong, You come up!" Chen Yong climbed up: "Captain?" Lei Keming asked: "How is the living standard of our people here?" Chen Yong said: "Generally, it should be a little lower, in the mountainous area." Lei Keming's eyes shone coldly: "How many ordinary people can often go to eat? If our soldiers don't eat, how can she have money? How can she afford decoration without money?! Go down and tell the political commissar to wait for me at the brigade headquarters!"

"Yes!" Chen Yong slid down. "Captain, what do you mean?" Dong Qiang opened his eyes wide, "Impossible? The proprietress is a local!" "What did I say?" Lei Keming looked at him, "I didn't say anything." "Yes , the captain didn’t say anything.” Dong Qiang quickly stood at attention.Lei Keming touched his body, but he didn't bring a cigarette: "Give me one of your cigarettes." The two soldiers hurriedly took out the two packs of Shilin on their bodies: "Captain, we don't have any good cigarettes." "One is enough. "Lei Keming took out one and lit it, walked to the edge of the building and sat down, looking at the small hotel.The small hotel is being renovated, and the proprietress ran around.

Geng Hui was taking medicine, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.He took a sip of water, pressed his stomach against the corner of the table, and moaned softly.When the sound of footsteps sounded in the corridor, he regained his energy, and just stood up when the door opened.Lei Keming took off his training cap, opened the cabinet, and began to change into casual clothes.Geng Hui asked: "What's the matter, Lao Lei?" Lei Keming put on his tie and said: "There is a problem, there is a problem with the small hotel outside, I have to go and see." Geng Hui thought for a while: "You mean you have a special suspicion?" Lei Keming replied: "And it's a major suspect! Are you familiar with the county security bureau here?" Geng Hui said: "I have contacted it, and they have also been here. But our affairs are usually directly inquired by the Ministry of Security, and they have not asked Business matters." While wearing contact lenses, Lei Keming asked: "Then inform the security department directly, who is in charge?" Geng Hui said: "Feng Yunshan." Lei Keming smiled: "We have dinner together during the Chinese New Year, and we didn't say anything. He must know that I have come here to be the captain of the brigade, and he doesn't even communicate with me. That's it. You inform Feng Yunshan and ask him to come to us immediately. I'll take a look first, and if there is anything suspicious, I'll find a fault Let me put it down first." Geng Hui asked: "Are you going by yourself?" Lei Keming replied: "There is also Chen Yong, I asked him to change clothes." "Okay." Geng Hui picked up the phone.

Lei Keming, who was wearing casual clothes, strode out of the office building. The sentinel stared at this handsome university professor with wide eyes, forgetting to salute.Lei Keming looked at him and smiled.The sentinel hurriedly saluted, and Lei Keming put on his sunglasses: "Take it easy." Lei Keming's Mitsubishi jeep, which was still in the original color but with a camouflage net, drove over. Chen Yong was on it, and he was also wearing casual clothes. Lei Keming took a look. He was amused: "Monk, which soldier's cabinet did you dig out from? Don't you have any casual clothes?" Chen Yong looked at his ill-fitting suit and said with a smile: "I don't have any casual clothes, and I haven't bought clothes since I was a soldier. Lei Keming took off his sunglasses and put them on for him: "Then you should be dumb and don't talk." Lei Keming got into the car, and the car went straight out through the back door.

The Mitsubishi jeep took a long turn on the mountain. Lei Keming and Chen Yong got out of the car and tore off the camouflage net and put it on the back of the car.Lei Keming opened a bag at the back of the car, which was full of license plates, all kinds of plates.Chen Yong's eyes were straightened: "Captain, are you a treasure chest?" Lei Keming picked out a Beijing license plate: "It's been on my car for many years, I'm used to it. Let it go, change it." Chen Yong Yong hurriedly took off the military badge and replaced it with a local badge.Lei Keming looked at his watch. It was almost time for dinner: "Let's go, I'll meet the proprietress."

The Mitsubishi jeep circled around and drove to the entrance of the hotel.Lei Keming got off the car, and Chen Yong followed behind him.Lei Keming speaks fluent Beijing dialect: "Madam, is there anything to eat?" The lady boss smiled and said, "Hey, it's being renovated now!" Lei Keming said with a smile: "We can just have a hot meal, and we can run for a day." It’s time to go.” The proprietress said, “Sit in there, I’ll make you some noodles, no money needed!”

Lei Keming and Chen Yong walked in and sat down inside.Lei Keming saw that the door of the attic was closed, and asked with a smile, "Is the business good now? Renovations have started in the mountains!" The proprietress smiled and said, "Hey, aren't you waiting for the tourist area to open?" Lei Keming raised his eyebrows. Jump: "Tourist area?"

"Yes! The provincial tourism company plans to develop here!" The proprietress went in to cook.Lei Keming whispered: "This kind of thing should be discussed with our troops. There is a problem with the attic, please prepare. I will go up, and you will respond below." Lei Keming got up and went up, and the proprietress saw it: "Hey, there are people up there! "Chen Yong stopped the proprietress, and Lei Keming kicked open the door of the attic. At the same time, the dagger hidden in his sleeve was already in his hand-it was empty.The window was open, and one could see the playground behind the brigade. There were still a few cigarette butts in the ashtray on the table, one of which was still burning.Lei Keming walked over and saw a haystack under the attic where someone had fallen.He turned around: "Chen Yong! Lead the troops to search the mountains!"

"Did you fall from the sky?" Lei Keming was waiting for Chen Yong's report at the brigade headquarters, when he saw Feng Yunshan had come in with two comrades in casual clothes.Feng Yunshan smiled and shook hands with him: "I'm in the provincial capital. You old Lei! Do everything you can to spoil my good deeds!"

Lei Keming thought about it: "What's wrong? The car crashed again?" Feng Yunshan smiled bitterly: "Yes, this person is a goldfish we raise. Why are you breaking into my fish tank?" Lei Keming smiled bitterly: "Fuck! Don't tell me sooner! Say sooner Why do I care about your business?" Feng Yunshan said: "It's not that you don't know the rules of our intelligence work, it's not that you ruined my business, and I won't tell you when I die. Hurry up and let your troops come back, I will keep him It is useful!" Lei Keming picked up the radio with a wry smile: "Short knife, put away the sheath immediately." Chen Yong said hurriedly: "Captain, we have already seen his footprints!" Lei Keming said sternly: "Retract the sheath, this It's an order!" Chen Yong replied: "Yes, take the scabbard!" Lei Keming asked: "He won't run away? I've already alarmed him." Feng Yunshan said confidently: "No." Lei Keming asked: " Why?" Feng Yunshan replied: "He spent so much time building a network of relationships around your special forces team, and he is unwilling to stay still. You should also understand this, and I'm leaving."

Lei Keming sent them out, and Chen Yong's motorcade came back.Chen Yong jumped out of the car and came over to salute: "Captain, the difference is less than 100 meters! This kid is also very good at drilling mountains. He is not an ordinary person. He has been trained." Feng Yunshan said: "He used to be a member of the special forces of the Marine Corps of the Taiwan Army. Yes, he is also an expert in the jungle. Be careful to keep it secret, the county security bureau will seal the restaurant. Don’t go out and tell me, just pretend you don’t know anything.” Chen Yong saluted, his eyes lit up: “Understood! I really want to know this jungle Expert!" Geng Hui waved his hand: "Hurry up and go back! Put the weapons in storage and count the ammunition." Chen Yong led the team away, and Feng Yunshan bid farewell to the two of them and got into his car.Lei Keming looked at Geng Hui and smiled wryly: "Well, it's not a good thing to be too vigilant!"

"You are an old spy with new problems!" Geng Hui patted his chest with cold sweat on his forehead.Lei Keming was still laughing, but suddenly his smile froze: "Old Geng?!" Geng Hui was sweating coldly on his forehead: "I'm fine!" Lei Keming looked at him as if he was clutching his stomach inadvertently, and tore off his military uniform.The two armed belts tightly strangled Geng Hui's abdomen until it turned blue.Lei Keming shouted to the sentry: "Call my car! Go to the General Hospital of the Military Region!" The sentry turned pale and ran to the garage with his gun on his back.

"I'm not going to the hospital..." Geng Hui stretched out his hand and couldn't stand anymore.Lei Keming hugged him who was softening: "Old Geng!" "You shouldn't, see it..." Geng Hui said with a wry smile, "You can see it, I can't hold it anymore..." "Old Geng! Lei Keming stretched his neck anxiously and shouted, "Where's the car?! Where's my car?! Is the car here?!"

Geng Hui opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Geng Xiaozhuang.Geng Hui smiled and wanted to sit up, but he couldn't sit up and fell on the pillow all at once: "Son..." Geng Xiaozhuang asked, "Dad, what's wrong with you? Couldn't you just throw me up and catch me again?" Geng Hui With a bitter smile: "Dad is tired and can't get up." Li Dongmei wiped her tears and asked: "Old Geng, why didn't you tell me that you are not in good health? You should have said earlier, that I would resign and come to take care of you! "Geng Hui smiled: "I'm fine, I'm in good health, but I'm too tired. From the beginning of our brigade to now..." Li Dongmei said distressedly: "Let's not say whether your brigade is good or not? You need to rest now." Geng Hui asked: " Have the people from our brigade come?" Li Dongmei said, "Here they are outside. Vice Minister He is also here." Geng Hui said, "Go ask them to come in."

(End of this chapter)

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