
Chapter 71

Chapter 71

"I also want to help you work..." Xiao Qin argued.Liu Yongjun was so angry that his hands trembled: "What qualifications do you have to help me work? Let me tell you solemnly, Xiao Qin——I am not Lin Biao, and you are not Ye Qun! I, Liu Yongjun, don't play with my wife being the director of the office! Remember it to me This is your last chance!" Xiao Qin lowered her head and dared not speak to wipe her tears.

"What about the materials? Which department did you hand them over to?" Liu Yongjun asked.Xiao Qin said: "I didn't hand it in..." "Why not?" Liu Yongjun asked, Xiao Qin lowered his head and lied: "I'm afraid people will say that you engage in nepotism..." "Are you still afraid of this?!" Liu Yongjun kicked Flying a chair beside her, it crashed and smashed the glass, "You, Xiao Qin, are still afraid that people will say that I engage in nepotism and pillow craze?! You tell me the truth!"

"I'm really afraid of this..." Xiao Qin didn't dare to say the real reason, "Old Liu, don't be angry, your body..."

"Sit down!" Liu Yongjun roared, "Xiaoyue, pack up my things and send them to the duty room of the head of the military command!
I'm going to live in the duty room tonight!Starting today, if you don't tell me clearly, don't even want to see me! He put on his military cap and pointed at Xiao Qin and roared, "I am leading the soldiers!"I can't let my soldiers charge in the front, and my wife fixes their black materials in the back! He picked up his briefcase and strode away. The car door rang outside, and the car left. Xiao Qin chased to the door of the living room, leaning weakly and looking at the open door.

"Auntie, I, I'm going to pack my things." Xiaoyue said carefully, "This is an order from the chief, and I have to carry it out." Xiao Qin didn't speak, and shed tears.Xiaoyue behind her quietly went upstairs.Xiao Qin cried and said, "I'm also for this family...why don't you understand me..."

Liu Fangfang and He Xiaoyu were walking around the campus with their textbooks in their arms, when someone shouted from behind: "Fangfang!" They turned their heads, and Liu Yongjun, who was wearing a shirt and military trousers, walked over with a big smile.He Xiaoyu said politely: "Hello, Uncle Liu. Fangfang, I'm going to self-study." Liu Fangfang shouted: "You are waiting for me at the Eighth Teaching."

Liu Yongjun looked at his daughter with a smile, but Liu Fangfang didn't smile and didn't look at him. "Fangfang, can you take a walk with me?" Liu Yongjun said with a smile. "Liu's long time is precious, and I can't afford to delay it." Liu Fangfang saluted, "Chief, I'm going to self-study!" "Fangfang, I'm not the chief of staff now!" Liu Yongjun hurriedly called her, "Look, I specially put away the military uniform. I took it off and put it in the car, but the car didn't come in. I came to find you on foot, and I'm your father now." Liu Fangfang looked at the sweat on his father's forehead: "...you have a bad heart, why did you have to walk so far ? Our school is so big, have you been away for a long time?"

"Not long." Liu Yongjun smiled, "Walking is also good for my health. Can you take a walk with Dad?" Liu Fangfang didn't speak, her heart softened. "Let's go." Liu Yongjun said with a smile, looking at the garden at dusk with his hands behind his back, "It's been a long time since I took a walk with you like this." Liu Fangfang didn't speak, but followed behind with her textbooks in her arms.

"Dad's work is getting busier and busier, and you are wearing military uniform, so there are fewer opportunities to meet each other." Liu Yongjun sighed, "It's better when Dad was the head of the regiment and division commander. They were all in the family courtyard. If you have nothing to do, you can go to the division headquarters to find Dad. Dad has a meeting, so you can play outside with the soldiers, and sleep in my duty room when you are sleepy..." Liu Fangfang had a sore nose and tears fell down her cheeks.

"Dad knows, you hate Dad, right?" Liu Yongjun asked.Liu Fangfang said in a low voice, "No." "You hate Dad, why did you become a general, why did you have such great power." Liu Yongjun looked at her, "Your mother was not like this when she was young, she was also in the division when she was young. A flower is very simple. When I gave birth to you, it was difficult to give birth and I suffered a lot, so I was more accommodating to her. Are you thinking that if my father didn’t have so much power, my mother wouldn’t be like this?” Liu Fangfang said say. "Actually, Dad is just like you, an ordinary soldier." Liu Yongjun smiled wryly, "Napoleon said that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Dad is a good soldier when he becomes a general. Unexpectedly, he is not a good soldier." Good father." Liu Fangfang smiled: "Where is it, I know you love me."

"I am responsible for your mother becoming what she is now. I didn't educate her enough." Liu Yongjun said, "But on the other hand, she is still your mother and my wife after all, right?" Liu Fangfang didn't speak.

"She still loves you." Liu Yongjun said, "I just don't know how to treat you..."

"I won't forgive her." Liu Fangfang said in a low voice, "Zhang Lei is a very arrogant soldier, he can't bow his head to these things. She looked down on Zhang Lei and insulted him, which is also an insult. Me, what I like is his arrogance, how could she treat Zhang Lei like this?"

Liu Yongjun smiled bitterly: "This Zhang Lei, is he really that good?" Liu Fangfang asked: "If he is not good, why do you always mention him? Don't you also say that if you have a son, you must be like Zhang Lei Is it?" Liu Yongjun laughed loudly: "That's because I admire him, he dared to shout in front of so many generals—"Comrade General, according to the rules of war, I will requisition your helicopters"—I have never seen such a thing. Never before!" Liu Fangfang smiled, with a hint of pride in her smile.

"Next week, I will go to Erna? Commando Training Team of the military region to inspect, and I will go talk to him." Liu Yongjun said. "Ah?!" Liu Fangfang said hastily, "Don't talk to him! He won't give in to you, he will definitely hate me!" "I know." Liu Yongjun laughed, "Your father has led soldiers all his life , What type of soldiers are they? I don’t know yet? I’m not talking to him as a general, but as your father—the father of one of his friends. You should believe me, on the battlefield, your father’s words Thousands of soldiers can go through fire and water! Can I do it without knowing soldiers?"

"Then what are you going to talk to him about? I don't want you to say that I like him, he will look down on me!" Liu Fangfang asked, blinking her eyes.Liu Yongjun smiled bitterly and said, "Of course not. You are my Liu Yongjun's daughter, how can I ask him to marry you?! He is arrogant, why don't you have it? Your body is bleeding from my Liu Yongjun, How did I lead the troops? Have you forgotten?" Liu Fangfang said, "This is not a war!"

"You are wrong, Fangfang." Liu Yongjun said, "A war is between a man and a woman! Either he conquers you, or you conquer him. If he doesn't want to conquer you at all, you just give him all the defenses." Let go, and he won't come in at all! Then, why don't you change your mind? Don't always show the enemy weak, this kind of soldier, the weaker you are, the less interested he is! A real man likes to conquer the strong!" Liu Fangfang Reminiscing about my father's words.

Liu Yongjun looked at his daughter lovingly: "Ordinarily I shouldn't tell you these things now. If I didn't see that Zhang Lei is really good, I would not agree. I am not the kind of father who spoils my daughter. I will send you to the military academy. Sending you to the special brigade for training is to hope that you can become a real soldier! I have another consideration in doing this——Fangfang, you have never encountered setbacks. If this is a failure, it may not be a bad thing for you! It will give you the experience of life, and you will reflect on it!"

"Father, I'm your daughter!" Liu Fangfang said firmly, "I won't fail!" "Good girl!" Liu Yongjun smiled, "You must have this ambition! I'm leaving, and there will be a meeting tonight!" "Dad , I'll take you out." Liu Fangfang said. "No need, hurry up and study." Liu Yongjun waved his hand, "Treasure your youth and learn scientific knowledge! After graduating, you can contribute to the army. Don't be distracted by Zhang Lei's affairs—it's yours, no matter what. It's yours; if it's not yours, it will never be yours!" "Yes." Liu Fangfang nodded firmly.

Liu Yongjun strode back, and suddenly turned around: "Remember to call your mother when you have time! I also live in the duty room of the military region, so let her reflect on herself. She must be uncomfortable now. You are her daughter. In this Don’t leave her behind. You are a doctor in the future. When you meet a patient, you must be patient and objective, and help her cure this heart disease. We are still a family, right?” Liu Fangfang hesitated and nodded.

"I'm leaving." Liu Yongjun smiled and strode back.Liu Fangfang looked at her father's back, her nose sore: "Dad, don't forget to take the medicine!" "I will never forget it!" Liu Yongjun said cheerfully without looking back.

"There are 41 left!" Lei Keming yelled in English, "The practical test will start tomorrow, completely in accordance with the requirements of the competition! There are 20 left, go to Hainan to participate in the final training camp! Choose 20 out of the 8!" 41 An elite soldier in a camouflage uniform was exhausted, his black and white eyes were open, and his face was covered with camouflage oil, sweat and mud.

"There is only one word to describe your performance!" Lei Keming sneered, "Trash!" The soldiers looked at him viciously.Lei Keming sneered: "Not convinced? Show me your methods tomorrow!"

Zhang Lei glared at him, and shouted in English: "Victory!" All 41 soldiers roared in unison: "Victory!" I don’t want to see your dirty looks! In 5 minutes, the last one to come out of the bathhouse is eliminated! The one who dares to come out without washing is eliminated! Disbanded!” Everyone threw off their equipment like madmen and ran to the big tent that served as a bathroom.Lei Keming lit a cigarette with no expression on his face.Not long after, Zhang Lei was the first to run out naked and wet.Lei Keming asked without raising his head: "Is it clean?" Zhang Lei stood at attention: "Yes, captain!" Lei Keming picked up a rifle beside him, picked up a puddle of mud and threw it over: "It's not clean, Go again." Zhang Lei gritted his teeth: "Yes!" He turned and ran away.

After a while, 41 soldiers stood naked in front of Lei Keming.Lei Keming watched coldly: "The last one, come out." The 41st one came out with tears in his eyes. "Pack up your things, tonight, the car will take you back to the army!" The soldier howled and burst into tears.

"Weak people, no one has sympathy on the battlefield." Lei Keming said coldly, "Dismiss!" Chen Yong put on his sweat-soaked camouflage short-sleeved shirt expressionlessly.Zhang Lei looked at him coldly from a distance.Liu Xiaofei said in a low voice, "He is No.1 in the total score."

"0.5 higher than me." Zhang Lei said, "Tomorrow, we will recover this point!" "I can't hold on anymore, Dong Qiang." Tian Xiaoniu murmured while standing. "Shit!" Dong Qiang threw his clothes to him, "Hurry up and put them on, we've made it this far!" Tian Xiaoniu put on the clothes numbly: "Give me a shot." Lin Rui stared at him: "Stop talking nonsense ! You have suffered so much! Hurry up and put it on for me!" Tian Xiaoniu put on the clothes with tears in his eyes: "I'll just fuck this Erna!"

The downpour was pouring down.Lei Keming looked at his watch, looked at the gloomy weather, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "God help me!" Director Zheng smiled bitterly: "I can't bear it anymore. For a game, these fighters have paid too much. Too much." Lei Keming said: "This is a competition. We don't have to fight for the first place. These fighters have never been in contact with the training facilities and training standards of foreign special forces. That's what foreign troops practice every day. We all It’s just cramming. Without several years of experience, this first place cannot be achieved, and I know this very well.”

"Then why do you still train them so hard?" "This is the first time that the Chinese Army's special forces have shown in the world." Lei Keming said coldly. The world—our special forces of the Chinese Army are a team of tigers and wolves who are not afraid of death!"

A major ran to the temporary viewing stand in the rain and reported in English: "Report to the chief captain and comrade chief instructor! All the referees are in place, and the application for the start of the game!" "It can start." Lei Keming returned the salute.The major was about to run over when a Mitsubishi jeep drove up.Both Lei Keming and Director Zheng stood up, and He Zhijun got out of the car in his uniform and strode forward.The driver opened the umbrella behind him, and He Zhijun pushed the umbrella and walked across the rainy field to the viewing platform.Lei Keming asked: "Old He, why are you here?"

"Can I not come?" He Zhijun looked at the heavy rain and said, "I moved the meeting to the afternoon." "The whole assessment will take four days and three nights." Lei Keming said, "You can take time to watch." "I think Let them start." He Zhijun stood in the center of the viewing platform, holding up his binoculars, the lake was so vast that he couldn't see anything.Lei Keming nodded and said to the major in English: "You can start!" The major saluted and ran into a tent.He picked up the radio microphone and ordered in English: "The game begins!" Two red flares shot into the rainy sky.At the beachhead on the lake, machine guns began to fire intensively.He Zhijun asked with concern: "Is it live ammunition?"

"Yes." Lei Keming said, "The shooting height is 1 meters, which is 6 centimeters lower than the competition requirements." He Zhijun looked gloomy: "Are the first aid measures ready?" "Yes." Lei Keming said, "Two first aids have been prepared. team, 10 hospital beds and enough plasma." He Zhijun stopped talking.In the mist, the shadow of the rubber boat loomed. "Pay attention to the height!" Chen Yong shouted and stood in the front of the rubber boat.A bullet whizzed past his head, and he didn't even blink his eyes.Lin Rui was standing behind him holding a rifle and observing the front, while Dong Qiang was on the other side.At the end is Tian Xiaoniu, who is steering the boat.Beside them are the rest of the dinghies.

Zhang Lei looked ahead and gave the order: "Attention, follow me when you go ashore! Avoid the explosion point! The markers will not be obvious after it rains, so be careful!" Liu Xiaofei wiped his rain-drenched face and continued to pay attention with his gun ahead.

The rubber boats approached the shore one after another.Chen Yong was the first to turn over and go into the water, and the rest of the soldiers also went into the water, pulling the rubber boat and walking towards the shore in a very low posture.A bullet grazed the top of Chen Yong's helmet, and he shouted: "Go lower!" Everyone lowered it a little more.Zhang Lei also entered the water, and he advanced in a low profile in the knee-high water.After entering the water, Liu Xiaofei and two other students pulled the rubber boat closer to the shore.As the training team began to land, the bombing points sounded one after another.Because of the rain, there was no explosive effect of turning over the dust, just a low turning up of wet sand.Small groups of four moved across the beachhead cautiously but quickly, advancing in depth.Chen Yong's team was the first, followed by Zhang Lei's team.He Zhijun stood up and watched the group enter the deep mountains and old forests one after another.

"Four days and three nights, more than 200 kilometers." Lei Keming stood up and said, "In the forest, there is an imaginary enemy with a mechanized infantry regiment and a reconnaissance battalion." He Zhijun nodded, smiled bitterly and sighed: "I'm old, I'm so cruel without you!"

"This is the first time our army has come into contact with this kind of training." Lei Keming said, "If it wasn't for the competition, we wouldn't practice like this. The national conditions are different, and the combat habits are also different, but communication is still beneficial."

"Yes, go out!" He Zhijun's eyes lit up, "Go to communicate and learn, and let them know the spirit of our Chinese Army Special Forces! Some people asked me to say which place I can get, and I said no to the last one." Victory!—Don’t tell the team members this word, or it will affect the morale of the army!”

"It depends on what the head of the military region thinks." Lei Keming smiled faintly, "What if you must issue a military order?" "Then I will write it—if I take the bottom one, I will get off the horse!" He Zhijun smiled slyly.The three laughed loudly.

There have been gunshots and wolf dogs barking in the dense forest.

(End of this chapter)

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