
Chapter 73

Chapter 73

The second group appeared, and four students including Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei staggered towards the finish line.When passing by Chen Yong and the others, Zhang Lei slowed down and stopped to turn his head.Chen Yong looked at him with blood-red eyes: "Go!" Zhang Lei stretched out his right hand.Chen Yong shouted: "This is a game! Let's go!" Zhang Lei was speechless, and left with the three teammates in front.After breaking through the finish line, all four students fell down.Officers and soldiers swarmed up to help them sit up, and poured mineral water on their heads and faces. The ambulance team tore off their military uniforms, listened to their heartbeats and measured their blood pressure.An ambulance came in with its horn honking, and they were carried away on four stretchers.Looking at his subordinates who were completely exhausted, Liu Yongjun lowered his head distressedly, then raised it again, his gaze was determined.

Chen Yong gritted his teeth and shouted: "Persevere!" "One-two--" The three soldiers behind shouted hard, and climbed twice--"Persistence!"--"One-two--"... the distance from the finish line Getting closer and closer... "Hold on!"—"One—two—"...The four people climbed across the finish line almost at the same time, and then passed out completely.Everyone swarmed up and lifted them to the ambulance.Lei Keming looked at them sternly, and took the score sheet from the referee.He Zhijun's cheeks trembled: "It's all good!"

"I only want 8." Lei Keming looked at the scoreboard without expression, "I already have the answer."

"Then you still need 20 to go to Hainan for training?" He Zhijun wondered.Lei Keming smiled lightly: "Why is Chinese table tennis invincible in the world? It's because they have a special profession - sparring." He Zhijun looked at the players behind who were stumbling and approaching the finish line. Some fell down, but they climbed up with guns Get up, but fell down again, dragged or even supported by teammates to run to the finish line.He lowered his head, then raised his eyes with piercing eyes: "Notify all units—all the team members participating in the training camp, no matter how busy the unit is, all of them can take family leave this year."

At 1:[-] p.m., all the team members had recovered from the training camp, and some of them were even playing football by the lake at noon.Naturally, the players who played football were the players who knew they would go to Hainan for the final selection. Most of the players who knew they were hopeless didn't get up and stared at the top of the tent in a daze.Accompanied by He Zhijun and Lei Keming, Liu Yongjun inspected the training base, and personally visited the training team members who were still resting on the hospital beds.Faced with the tears of those players who had no hope of participating in the final selection, Liu Yongjun was also saddened.He walked out of the big tent, looked at the players who were playing football by the lake, and suddenly asked: "Is the final list finalized?" Lei Keming did not dare to hide it from the chief of staff: "It is determined." Liu Yongjun nodded: "Who are they all?" ?" Lei Keming reported his name, and Liu Yongjun felt relieved when he heard Zhang Lei was there.

Finally, the list for the training camp in Hainan was announced, and 40 team members in brand new camouflage uniforms were listening to a major chanting the 20 lucky ones aloud.The fighters whose names were read were not complacent, but those whose names were not read could not help but shed tears.Tian Xiaoniu opened his mouth wide, and he didn't wake up until he read his name: "Really? I can participate in the final selection?" Dong Qiang pulled him, Tian Xiaoniu looked at Dong Qiang: "I can participate The final selection?" Tears rolled down his face, and he knelt down crying, "I can participate in the final selection—"

Some selected fighters also began to cry.In the past two months, they have suffered too much. The huge psychological pressure of being eliminated at any time exceeds the pressure of overloading their bodies.In the last round of physical examination, four of them were eliminated because of heart problems.Lei Keming showed no expression, just raised his hands in salute.He Zhijun raised his right hand.Liu Yongjun raised his right hand: "No matter how many of you go abroad to participate in the competition, you are all warriors!"

The instructors present and the officers and soldiers who served as auxiliary work all raised their hands to salute. The 40 warriors burst into heart-piercing cries like an earthquake. This kind of difficult training has never been done before.The fighters who go abroad to participate in the competition will become stars inside and outside the army, while the rest of the eliminated fighters will never be known, and no one will ask them what great efforts they have put in. "Salute—" Chen Yong shouted.Swish—the remaining 20 training team members stood in two rows, saluting the departing truck.The truck took away 20 eliminated soldiers. There were no tears on their faces, only the fortitude of soldiers.They raised their right hands to salute the lucky ones, sincerely wishing their comrades in arms.The training base has begun to be dismantled, and tomorrow the training team will move to Hainan for final training and selection in a terrain similar to Estonia.Amid all the fuss, Zhang Lei had already packed his things and put the big rucksack on the truck. "Zhang Lei." Zhang Lei turned his head and saw Chief of Staff Liu in sportswear. "Here." Zhang Lei stood at attention and saluted.Liu Yongjun smiled and asked, "How is it? Go for a run with me?" Zhang Lei looked at Lei Keming who was directing the relocation in the distance, and Liu Yongjun laughed: "It is my habit to run with soldiers before dinner every day. I told Lei Keming It's gone." Zhang Lei wore a camouflage uniform and went running with Liu Yongjun, followed by Secretary Song and two soldiers, but the distance was very far.On the asphalt road by the lake, Zhang Lei carefully followed Liu Yongjun a little behind.Liu Yongjun ran very attentively, breathing evenly, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"I'm old, take a few steps." Liu Yongjun smiled and slowed down.Zhang Lei slowed down and followed Liu Yongjun.Liu Yongjun said with a smile: "When I was the same age as you, I was the first in the 5 kilometers of the whole division. Now I can't, my civil servants are better than me."

Zhang Lei smiled: "The Chief is always strong." Liu Yongjun smiled: "Aren't you very good at talking? Who said you are unreasonable?" Zhang Lei also smiled: "Boss, you are a senior general, or from the A military region Combat leader. I respect you, and if you can’t speak, you can’t get along in the army.” Liu Yongjun was surprised and said: “Yo. I really didn’t expect that, it came from your mouth.” Zhang Lei said: "Chief, I hope to become a professional soldier like you. I grew up in the army. It's not that I don't know the rules of the game in the army; it's just that if I go beyond the rules of the game, I will not accompany you."

Liu Yongjun nodded: "That means you know the purpose of my coming to you?" "I don't know." Zhang Lei said, "I have heard of the prestige of Chief of Staff Liu, a member of the battlefield in the Southern Border Defense War A strong general. I believe that such a strong general is a real soldier, and he will not pose a difficult problem for a junior." "Hehe, it's not easy." Liu Yongjun turned around, "First set it up for me, and then I can't do it." Let's talk about something else, right?"

Zhang Lei smiled: "Sir, I'm just a little trick."

"That's right." Liu Yongjun said, "It's impossible for me to give you a problem, let alone order you to do things that have nothing to do with the army. I'm not the chief of staff of the military region now, but an ordinary husband and an ordinary father. .”

Zhang Lei looked at him and didn't speak.Liu Yongjun said: "I want to ask you for two things. First, I apologize to you on Xiaoqin's behalf. I have already severely criticized her, and let her think about it behind closed doors. If you need it, I will ask her to apologize to you in person. .”

"Thank you chief, no need." Zhang Lei said. "Second, I'll beg for my daughter." Liu Yongjun looked at the sparkling lake, "I don't want you to promise anything, you should know what kind of girl Fangfang is. I just want to be a Father, come to plead for her—Xiao Qin's fault is not her fault. You can still be friends with her, okay?" Zhang Lei didn't speak.Liu Yongjun smiled wryly, "I know this is difficult for you, but I definitely don't mean to order you, I just hope you think about it. Fang Fang grew up in a cadre family and didn't encounter many setbacks, but she didn't have many friends either. , not to mention friends of the opposite sex. As a father, I just hope that she can grow up healthy and don't force anything. If there is still a chance to be ordinary friends, don't reject her, okay?"

Zhang Lei nodded: "Okay." Liu Yongjun patted him on the shoulder: "That's good. You go to Hainan tomorrow. If you have the opportunity to go abroad to compete, I will treat you to dinner after returning home. Not as the chief of staff of the military region, but as a My friend's father, can you accept my invitation?" Zhang Lei thought about it, looked at the sincere Liu Yongjun, and nodded: "Okay." "Let's go." Liu Yongjun smiled, "Let's run back." Zhang Lei followed Liu Yongjun ran back, Secretary Song and the two soldiers followed from a distance.

The gentle waves of the sea beat against the beautiful sandy beach.A company of marines ran past wearing sea soul shirts and camouflage pants, shouting their serial numbers, while naval ships were entering the port in the distance.Among the coconut groves, several small tents were set up, and the armed soldiers in camouflage uniforms standing beside them turned out to be army ranks.On their armbands is a tiger's head, with a circle of fine black letters on it: A Military Region Elna?Assault training.Inside the tent, it is being announced that the final battle will be against Erna?The roster for Assault International Scout Competition.

"Chen Yong!" He Zhijun read aloud. "Here!" Chen Yong stood up from the saddle and ran to the row of tables.Lei Keming got up and pinned the wolf head armband used in the competition on the sleeve of his camouflage uniform.

"Lin Rui!"——"Here!" Lin Rui ran forward. "Zhang Lei!"—"Arrival!" "Liu Xiaofei!"—"Arrival!"..."Dong Qiang!"—"Arrival!"

7 people stand in a row in front.He Zhijun took a sip of water at this time, and the soldiers below looked at him with wide eyes. After He Zhijun finished drinking the water, he looked at the list: "Well, the last one." He took another saliva and said, "Tian Xiaoniu !" Tian Xiaoniu's eyes were absolutely straight, and he opened his mouth wide to look at He Zhijun.He Zhijun smiled and said: "You don't want to change people!" Tian Xiaoniu stood up tremblingly: "...here!" , Tian Xiaoniu looked at his armband, and gradually came back to his senses, stood up straight, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.He Zhijun waved his hand and said in a very short tone: "You eight, go to Erna in three days!" The eight soldiers stood up straight, and the soldiers below applauded desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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