
Chapter 84

Chapter 84

The three young company commanders put down the binoculars in their hands, looked at each other and smiled. "We've lost our army." Lin Rui smiled, "What do you think we should do?" "What else can we do?" Zhang Lei took off the binoculars and handed it to the secretary, "Let's compare!" "Who is afraid of whom?" Liu Xiaofei stretched out his hand He took a rifle and opened it for inspection.Three young company commanders each held a rifle and a pistol at their waist, standing on the firing line.In the night, the moonlight shines on their young faces.A row of new incense sticks lit up. "Ready to shoot—" shouted the watchman, and three young company commanders bowed their knees, guns in hand.

"Start shooting!" Almost at the same time, the three young company commanders took a step forward, kneeling and started shooting.Amid the crisp gunshots, the shell casings flew out of the chamber, and flames and thick smoke were sprayed from the muzzle.After firing 10 rifle bullets in the kneeling, standing, and lying positions, they simultaneously dropped their rifles, pulled out their pistols, loaded them, and ran forward.They stopped at the same time at the 30-meter ground line, standing upright with guns in both hands and firing rapidly.The incense sticks were interrupted, and the soldiers applauded.Lei Keming next to the car in the distance put down his binoculars and nodded: "Chen Yong, these three company commanders of yours seem to be going to turn our brigade upside down! To be their battalion commander, you have to have some real skills!"

Chen Yong smiled: "Captain, just a few of them can't make it!" "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!" Lei Keming sighed, "Let's go, let's go back to the battle meeting." The train station.Dong Qiang, who was wearing a soldier's uniform, carried a rucksack and big red flowers, and walked to the platform surrounded by soldiers. Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder: "Study hard! Wait for you to come back and become a platoon leader or a company commander! "Dong Qiang saluted with a smile: "Company commander, I am also waiting for the good news that you will be the captain!" "Stinky boy, don't talk nonsense!" Crowd: "Dong Qiang, I asked my mother to make this for you! You wear leggings when you run 5 kilometers in winter!" Dong Qiang took the kneepads with a smile: "Thank you!" Tian Xiaoniu smiled: "You go to Nanjing to go to school, I really don't want to part with it! No one talks about me anymore, I feel that there is something missing!" Lin Rui said: "Then you should study hard, and next year you will go to the PLA International Relations Institute and Dong Qiang Be a companion!" "Me? I can't." Tian Xiaoniu chuckled, "I don't have Dong Qiang's brains, and my cultural foundation is also poor." "You are not stupid, you can see it, but I can't. Dong Qiang smiled and handed him a camouflage handbag, "I left it for you!" "" These are all my review materials, I leave them to you." Dong Qiang said sincerely, "Next year, I will wait for you in the Special Warfare Department of the PLA International Relations College!" Tian Xiaoniu stood up and hugged Dong Qiang. Qiang: "Good brother! When I get home from the army and become a company commander of the militia, you come to me, and I will take you to hunt rabbits!"

"You just miss that militia company commander!" Dong Qiang scolded him with a smile, "Don't forget, you are now a Chinese special forces soldier! You are the best army soldier! You will become an excellent special warfare officer!" Tian The calf nodded excitedly.As the train drove away, Dong Qiang stood in the door and saluted.Lin Rui and the soldiers saluted.Tian Xiaoniu saluted with tears in his eyes: "Good brother - I will find you!"

Army Group A Field Hospital.It was pouring rain outside, and He Xiaoyu, who was wearing the rank of lieutenant, was suffering from dysmenorrhea in the dormitory, sitting on the bed clutching his stomach, when the combat readiness alarm suddenly sounded.She hurriedly changed into her camouflage uniform and ran downstairs. There were medical staff standing in the yard.The dean also came out wearing a camouflage uniform with a serious expression: "Comrades, our army has received an order from our superiors - a catastrophic flood swept across our Jiangnan area, and our army was ordered to go to the flooded area to rescue and fight the flood! The party committee of the army ordered our hospital to organize a field battle within an hour Ambulance team, set off with the vanguard of the group army! This is a glorious mission, and the directors of each department will be responsible for counting the voluntary registration lists, and the hospital party committee will coordinate and arrange them on a voluntary basis!" He Xiaoyu's face was sacred, and he immediately went to the dean after disbanding: "Dean, I'm signing up!" said the dean, "The higher-ups have ordered that lesbians should not be used as much as possible. The sanitation conditions in the flood area are not good, and it will affect the health of lesbians."

"I am a soldier, and there are only soldiers and civilians on the battlefield, there are no men or women!" He Xiaoyu said.The dean said seriously: "No, I don't count. Besides, you are not married! I can't let you regret for the rest of your life. You go back to duty! Doctors are needed here, this is an order!" He Xiaoyu was so angry Jumping feet: "Who ordered this?! It's unreasonable!"

"Me!" Liu Yongjun with a serious face walked into the group army hospital surrounded by senior officers, "I give the order!" Liu Yongjun is now a lieutenant general, and he has been promoted to deputy commander of the military region. "Deputy Commander Liu! I will not carry out your order!" He Xiaoyu saluted and said loudly.Liu Yongjun said sharply: "I am the commander-in-chief of the A military region's anti-flood command. This is my order! If you understand it, you must implement it, and if you don't understand it, you must implement it!" He Xiaoyu had tears in his eyes: "Chief, I am a soldier! Soldiers cannot fight on the battlefield. Stand back!" "You are a female soldier!" Liu Yongjun said sharply, "Until the men are dead, female soldiers cannot go to the battlefield - this is my order! The flood fighting operation is changing every second, and I have many things to do. How about this! The hospital party committee came to a meeting, and the Army Hospital of Group A and the General Hospital of the Military Region will form a joint ambulance team, which will be with my previous commander." The officers followed him in.Inside the compound, the soldiers were driving their cars out to carry emergency supplies up.He Xiaoyu, who was wearing a camouflage uniform, stood alone in the yard, crying.Everyone didn't have time to talk to her, they were all busy with their own affairs, the inside and outside of the hospital was in a hustle and bustle.Liu Yongjun led the ex-officers out of the building with serious faces, and the cross-country convoy drove up to them with red sirens on.The soldiers of the first echelon outside had already boarded the vehicle, and the convoy set off, with the assault boat behind it.The soldiers sang loudly and were full of fighting spirit, and the red flags of their respective troops fluttered over the convoy.He Xiaoyu ran to the chiefs: "Report—"

"At what time are you still messing around?!" the dean shouted angrily. "Report! I'm not fooling around. I have something very important to say to Deputy Commander Liu!" He Xiaoyu was very serious, with tears still on his face.Liu Yongjun said sharply: "Say!" "If I were your daughter, would you approve me not to go to the battlefield?!" He Xiaoyu asked loudly. "But you are not my daughter!" Liu Yongjun replied sharply.He Xiaoyu asked loudly: "If I were your daughter, would you let your troops go to the front and let me stay behind to rest easy?" "If it was my daughter, I would let her be the first to go to the front line! The problem is you Not my daughter!" Liu Yongjun shouted, and He Xiaoyu saluted: "I am Liu Fangfang's comrade-in-arms, and the chief always said that comrades-in-arms are brothers and sisters! Now I ask you to allow your daughter's sisters to go to the front line!" Liu Yongjun looked at the drenched in the rain. He Xiaoyu, who was soaked, moved his lips: "He Xiaoyu!"

"Here!" He Xiaoyu stood at attention.Liu Yongjun ordered: "You join the ambulance team and stay with my fore finger. Without my order, you are not allowed to leave the fore finger!"

"Yes!" He Xiaoyu saluted, turned and ran, and jumped onto the army card with the support of the soldiers.Liu Yongjun got into the car, and the off-road team sounded the siren and set off. The flood-fighting convoy of the A military region was running fast, tearing through the rain and fog.

The special brigade in the heavy rain was also busy.Lei Keming, who was wearing a raincoat and a black beret, and the government officials strode out from the main building, and a string of jeeps had already parked in front of them.The chief of staff ran over to report: "Report to Comrade Captain! The flood fighting and rescue commando of the Spike Special Brigade has assembled, please give instructions! The wife of Chen Yong, the commander of the First Special Warfare Battalion, had a pregnancy check. He went to the General Hospital of the Military Region yesterday. According to the plan, Returning to the team today! I have informed him to go to Area [-], and we will pick him up on the way!"

"Okay, let's start according to the order." Lei Keming returned the salute.The chief of staff shouted: "Let's go!" The police officer Xiao Wang held up the red flag and lowered it, and raised the green flag to guide the direction.The leading unit was Lin Rui's Special Warfare Company, and he was commanding the jeep to roar: "Let's go!" His jeep cleared the way, and the convoy set off.Zhang Lei's special warfare second company was in the second echelon. He drove the car himself, and the windshield wipers hit the front window.A crackling static sound came from the radio, announcing the road ahead.The convoy rushed through the rain and fog at high speed and swept across the county.The traffic post has been occupied by Lin Rui's subordinates in advance, Tian Xiaoniu held up the command flag to guide the convoy behind to pass quickly.

"It's to fight floods." Common people commented. "How do you know?" "You don't watch TV? Look, they are pulling boats behind their cars!"

The common people in the shops and upstairs on both sides applauded, and the soldiers in the car sang the revolutionary military song loudly with pride.The convoy passed through the road blocked by the army without slowing down, and the drivers of taxis and local vehicles on both sides of the road applauded.

"Smoke." Zhang Lei stretched out his hand while driving, and a white hand handed him a piece of chewing gum.Zhang Lei took it and put it in his mouth only to find that it was chewing gum. He turned his head and said, "Who are you kidding me?" Sitting beside him, Liu Fangfang took off her raincoat hat with a smile. The mischievous face under the black beret smiled very Can Can: "Me!"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Lei was in a hurry, "Why are you here?!" "I'm a doctor of the special forces!" Liu Fangfang was murdered, so she was naturally angry. "Who asked you to come?" Zhang Lei said anxiously, "The captain has ordered that female soldiers are not allowed to fight the flood!" "I am the only woman in our brigade!" Liu Fangfang bit her lip, "This is clearly for me , I insist on coming! I am also a special soldier!" Zhang Lei shouted: "This is the commander's order! You get out of the car now and take a taxi back to the brigade!" "I don't!" Liu Fangfang was very stubborn.Zhang Lei roared: "This is my company's car, I order you to get out of the car as the company commander!" "Company commander, you are so fierce?!" Liu Fangfang turned pale with anger, "What's so great about you!" The jeep pulled over, Liu Fangfang was pushed out of the car by Zhang Lei, and her rucksack was also thrown out.Zhang Lei shouted: "You take a taxi back to the brigade, pay attention to safety! Let's go!" The jeep drove away at high speed.Liu Fangfang stood in the heavy rain and cried: "Zhang Lei! I hate you—" Another jeep stopped beside her, and Liu Xiaofei poked his head out: "Fangfang, why are you here? Didn't the captain order you not to come? "Liu Fangfang wiped away tears: "The captain has changed his mind!" Liu Xiaofei ordered: "Get in the truck, go! Get down and go to the back truck alone!" A soldier hurriedly got out of the truck and ran to the back of the truck to get on the truck.Liu Fangfang jumped into the car, and Liu Xiaofei handed her a towel to wipe her face: "I said, why are you crying?" Liu Fangfang wiped away tears and rain: "I didn't cry."

Liu Xiaofei couldn't care less, picked up the radio: "Shanlang No. [-] called Shanlang No. [-]. Report the road conditions ahead! Finished." "Everything is normal, finished." Lin Rui replied from the front.

Lei Keming's voice came from the radio: "Attention all units, I am the old wolf. I received an urgent telegram from the military region. My brigade is the mobile reserve team directly under the Flood Fighting Front Command of our military region. The code name of our military region's flood fighting force is 'Blue Arrow'. My brigade is code-named 'Blue Arrow B'. All units are advancing at full speed, ready to accept important tasks. Finished." The answers of various units sounded on the radio.The convoy made huge water waves in the rain and fog and moved forward at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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