
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"Beep——" the whistle sounded at 03:30 in the morning.The female dormitory of the Military Medical University was in a hurry in the dark. The girls quickly put on their clothes and packed their backpacks while scolding the captain.He Xiaoyu was the first to run out with her backpack on, and her top bunk, Liu Fangfang, was the second to run out.Immediately afterwards, girls ran out one after another, dropping their hats from time to time, and not a few of them had their backpacks scattered in their arms.

He Xiaoyu and Liu Fangfang ran to the playground almost at the same time: "Report!" The male captain saw that their military appearances were neat and their backpacks were strong, and said nothing.It seems to be a big scene, all the freshmen who entered this year are here.When all the teams arrived and the counting was over, the captain said expressionlessly: "Look at your appearance! Soldiers? Is this what soldiers are like? -- Nothing to say, let's go now after 50 kilometers of training. Whoever has a backpack that is not strong will leave." Let's hold it and let you have a longer memory. He Xiaoyu, raise the flag."

"Yes!" He Xiaoyu saluted.The captain adjusted his belt: "Liu Fangfang, the second flag bearer. Our team goes first, let's go." He Xiaoyu took the red flag of the Military Medical University and led the team away.Liu Fangfang walked beside her with a backpack on her back, pouting: "I'm slower than you again this time." He Xiaoyu encouraged her: "I'm a lower berth, so of course I'm faster than you. Don't you still have to get out of bed?" Liu Fangfang laughed : "No way, I'm as light as a swallow!" He Xiaoyu smiled and elbowed her: "Cut! Look at the flesh on your body, you can't see it because you are too small!" Liu Fangfang giggled: " I have bumps!" He Xiaoyu said: "You have big breasts and no brains!" Liu Fangfang said: "Oh, it looks like you have no breasts!" The two girls laughed loudly, and the captain was behind him. Face: "You are not allowed to talk in the queue! You two are still flag bearers, is this the quality of military children?" They were afraid to speak, sticking out their tongues at each other to make faces and walked on.It was dawn, and a long team of students was walking on the mountain.He Xiaoyu's face was covered with sweat, and Liu Fangfang was also wheezing.He Xiaoyu held the flag and walked more and more unsteadily, Liu Fangfang stretched out her hand: "You are tired, give me the flag." He Xiaoyu said in a low voice, "Fangfang, let me ask you a question." Liu Fangfang looked at her: "Say "He Xiaoyu asked nonchalantly: "Is your aunt normal?" Liu Fangfang didn't understand: "Why do you ask this?" He Xiaoyu said: "Have you been to your aunt for three months of intensive training?"

"Not yet." Liu Fangfang said in a low voice, "Before I went to the military school, my mother told me this--after girls join the army, they have abnormal periods, their biological clocks are disrupted, and the training is hard. I didn't adapt to this rhythm of life. After I got used to it, it became normal. When she was in the recruit company, all the female soldiers were like this, some came once every two weeks, and it was terribly annoying, and some didn't come once every three months."

"My aunt seems to be here." He Xiaoyu turned pale. "Isn't it true? Come at this time?" Liu Fangfang looked at her with wide eyes. "It's really here..." He Xiaoyu's face was pale, and he could no longer stand while supporting the tree next to him.Liu Fangfang glanced down, screamed and rushed down: "The school doctor—"

"You little guy, let auntie worry about it!" Fang Zijun nodded He Xiaoyu's nose, "If you are not in good health, you should tell the captain in advance, why do you have to do this?"

"I'm in good health! It's all my mother's fault!" He Xiaoyu sat on the hospital bed pouted.Lin Qiuye, who was wiping away tears, asked wonderingly: "What's my fault?" He Xiaoyu was anxious: "Why did you make me a girl? If I wasn't a girl, wouldn't it be so troublesome?" Lin Qiuye Qiuye couldn't laugh or cry, Fang Zijun and Liu Fangfang standing beside couldn't help laughing.Lin Qiuye said helplessly: "Look at this child, I have the final say on whether it will be a boy or a girl?" He Xiaoyu said without thinking, "Then blame Dad!" Lin Qiuye was choked: "This child How old are you, how can you talk about the same age! Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Xiaoyu, I'll go back when you wake up!" Liu Fangfang held back her smile, and put the fruit and milk on the table, "The captain said to let you rest for a few more days, your military performance is the best in the team, don't care about these things God! Well, Auntie, Sister Zijun, I'm going back!" Liu Fangfang saluted and left the ward with a smile.Lin Qiuye asked anxiously: "Zijun, how is Xiao Yu's body?"

"She's fine. Dysmenorrhea is her old problem. Intensive military training has caused her irregular menstruation. Just pay attention to rest and take care of yourself," Fang Zijun said.He Xiaoyu pouted: "Let me tell you, I'm not sick!" Lin Qiuye wiped her tears: "That's good! That's good! Thank you, Zijun!" Fang Zijun looked at Xiaoyu with a smile: "My Work! Don’t be so careless, little guy! Knowing that you have dysmenorrhea, you must pay attention to recuperation! Remember! I’ll prescribe some medicine for you, and get you some nutritional supplements later.” He Xiaoyu sweetly He smiled and said, "Thank you sister!" Fang Zijun touched He Xiaoyu's face: "If you are not careful as a woman, it may affect your whole life! Silly Xiaoyu, I have to teach you a special lesson later!" He Xiaoyu pouted: "Let me tell you, it's not good to be a girl!" Fang Zijun smiled and said, "I'm leaving. There are still a few pregnant women who need me to go and see. Auntie, you talk to Xiao Yu."

Fang Zijun went out and closed the door, He Xiaoyu snorted, sat on the bed and glared at Lin Qiuye: "It's all you guys who made me a girl!" Lin Qiuye suddenly burst into tears, crying very sadly.He Xiaoyu hurriedly comforted her mother: "Ouch! Mom, I just said it casually! Don't cry, am I okay? It's good to be a girl, I like being a girl, so don't cry..."

"Xiaoyu," Lin Qiuye suppressed, and continued to sob, "Do you want your mother?" He Xiaoyu asked in wonder: "Mom, what are you talking about! You are my dearest person, how could I Don’t want you anymore?” Lin Qiuye cried out sadly: “But when you were unconscious, you didn’t call out your mother, you called Liu Xiaofei’s name…” He Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment.Lin Qiuye cried even more sadly: "The girls are not allowed to stay, but this is too soon..."

"Kill—" Liu Xiaofei was covered in rain and muddy water in the downpour, his right hand accurately locked the throat of the opposite Zhang Lei, tripped, and Zhang Lei fell on his back. There is an abrupt stop at the top of the throat.Zhang Lei looked at Liu Xiaofei who was blushing and panting heavily with a smile: "The action is not decisive enough."

"Stand up!" shouted the captain standing at the end of the queue and watching them coldly.The students quickly got up from the quagmire and stood in two rows facing each other again.Zhang Lei looked at Liu Xiaofei in front of him with a smile on his face, while Liu Xiaofei glared at him.

"Start!" "Kill—" Zhang Lei erupted from his throat, and at the same time, his right hand had already locked Liu Xiaofei's neck like the wind, and when he stumbled, Liu Xiaofei fell to the ground suddenly, really fell.Zhang Lei's right palm came to an abrupt end with the sound of wind on his throat.A smile appeared on Liu Xiaofei's face: "You are more ruthless than me."

"Steady, accurate, and ruthless! The key to fighting!" Zhang Lei said with a smile. "Report!" A soldier ran over to salute, "Captain, Liu Xiaofei's call from the 17th team! It was transferred from the switchboard of the military region, saying it was his relative." The captain returned the salute and turned to the queue: "Got it! Liu Xiaofei!" "Here!" Getting up from the mud, his face was full of grievances.The captain yelled: "I don't care where your relatives are in the military area, and you are not allowed to call during training time! Go over there to answer the phone, and then go back and do 100 push-ups!" "Yes!" Liu Xiaofei replied depressedly, thinking: When will I be here? Do you have relatives in the military?He didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly followed the soldiers of the police communication company to answer the phone.After the muddy hands splashed in the rain under the eaves, he entered the office and picked up the phone: "Hi, I'm Liu Xiaofei, who is it?"

"Xiaofei, it's your Aunt Lin..." Lin Qiuye's sobbing voice came from inside.Liu Xiaofei was stunned: "Ah, auntie? Are you looking for me?" Lin Qiuye suppressed crying: "Yes, I'm looking for you. Xiaoyu is sick!" Liu Xiaofei immediately became anxious: "Ah? What's wrong? Is it serious? What's wrong with her? Is it okay?" Lin Qiuye said: "Auntie can't tell you, it's not serious, don't worry. She is now in the Military Region General Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Ward 103. Can you come and see her tomorrow weekend? She I have been thinking about you." Liu Xiaofei's head got dizzy: "Obstetrics and gynecology?" Lin Qiuye cried and hung up the phone: "Yes, 103."

Liu Xiaofei ran back to the training ground, the queue had dispersed, and everyone was sheltering from the rain under the eaves, taking off their clothes and twisting.Without hesitation, he jumped forward in the mud and started doing push-ups. "87..." Liu Xiaofei blushed and his neck thickened, seeing someone squatting beside him.Zhang Lei looked at him: "I said, why are you so excited? You work so hard, the captain has already gone to find a place to smoke! Take a break! Take a break!" Liu Xiaofei fell into the mud all of a sudden, and the muddy water around his face began to emerge. Bubble.It took him a while to turn around wearily, let the rain wash his face, and wipe it off.Zhang Lei asked: "What's the matter, something happened at home?"

"Zhang Lei, let me ask you a question - can kissing make you pregnant?" Liu Xiaofei asked suddenly.Zhang Lei was stunned for a moment, then snorted: "I see you are quite honest, why do you ask this?" Liu Xiaofei was very puzzled: "My girlfriend is hospitalized, obstetrics and gynecology department. I have nothing to do with her..." Zhang Lei Get up and kick him, "What's the matter? Buy some red dates and go see her. Women who live in obstetrics and gynecology department are not necessarily pregnant. You don't understand that?" Liu Xiaofei looked at him: "What's going on?" Zhang Lei stuck his waist: "I said you really don't know what you don't know? Isn't your girlfriend in the military medical university? All majors in the military school have three months of intensive military training. She must not be used to it. It's okay, our airborne army The women's parachuting team is next door to our reconnaissance brigade, and this happens to recruits every year." Liu Xiaofei didn't understand: "What's going on?"

"Fuck! I still have to teach you!" Zhang Lei was helpless, squatting down and whispering something in Liu Xiaofei's ear.Liu Xiaofei looked at him: "What is irregular menstruation?" Zhang Lei was heartbroken: "Fuck!" He was thinking about how to explain it, and when he turned his head to look, he pointed at the captain who was coming, "The captain is here, you can ask him He knows everything!" Liu Xiaofei got up and ran to the captain, Zhang Lei was in a hurry: "Fuck! Are you really going? Come back! Come back... Ouch! My god! Are you really going? It's nothing to do with me. , I am wronged!" He got up and ran like a rabbit among the students who were twisting their clothes under the eaves.

"Report to the captain!" Liu Xiaofei saluted loudly, "I have a question to ask you!" "Tell me." The captain was very serious in the rain with his hands behind his back.Liu Xiaofei still said in such a loud voice: "Excuse me, the captain, what is irregular menstruation?" The captain was stunned, and the students were also dumbfounded.Zhang Lei smiled wryly, wishing he could hit the wall and hide behind the crowd, not daring to show his head.The team leader looked at Liu Xiaofei carefully, seeing that he was very serious, with a look of eagerness for knowledge.The captain was dumbfounded for a long time, and coughed twice with his hands behind his back: "Oh, you asked a good question! Irregular menstruation, I have to tell you what menstruation is before I can tell you what irregular menstruation is..."

The military ambulance stopped at the entrance of the General Hospital of the Military Region, and Liu Xiaofei and Zhang Lei got down.The medical director of the Lu hospital waved at them from the car: "Zhang Lei, I'll go home and have a look! I'll wait for you at the door at 5 pm, don't miss it!"

"Don't miss it, Uncle Ma!" Zhang Lei waved his hand, "Paratroopers have the strongest sense of time, you know it better than me!" "Boy, don't forget to say hello to your father on the phone for me!" Director Smiling, the driver drove away.Liu Xiaofei looked at the ambulance going away and didn't react: "You are so capable, the medical director is at your disposal?" Otherwise, I would have gone back to the countryside to become a barefoot doctor. He will definitely give me some face." Zhang Lei took out his sunglasses from his pocket and put them on, "How about it, handsome?" Liu Xiaofei wondered, "You Why are you wearing sunglasses?" Zhang Lei said with a smirk on his face: "How can you not wear sunglasses when you come to the military general hospital where female soldiers are plagued by disasters? We have to be special to attract the attention of female soldiers!"

"Your boy has a lot of gossip." Liu Xiaofei smiled wryly, "How about being punished by you?" "I didn't intentionally punish you, you insisted on asking the captain!" Zhang Lei chased after him Let's go, "I'll make you lose your face once, and now I'll let you see your girlfriend, is it even? Don't mention this matter in the future!" The two red card students just made inquiries all the way into the inpatient area of ​​the obstetrics and gynecology department.It was only when I entered the obstetrics and gynecology inpatient area that I felt dumbfounded. All the people coming and going were female cadres and female soldiers, and the patients were all female, so the age was not necessarily the same.Everyone would be dumbfounded, let alone two first-year boys from a military academy?Their dark and thin faces, green military uniforms and red epaulets, plus Zhang Lei wearing a pair of large sunglasses, are very eye-catching here, and they are noticed by many pairs of eyes as soon as they enter the corridor.It is a relatively rare sight for two male students in their early 20s to walk into the inpatient area of ​​the obstetrics and gynecology department.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they were at a loss.Fang Zijun, who was patrolling the ward, saw it, walked over and said angrily, "Who are you looking for? Did you go the wrong way?" Liu Xiaofei stuttered a little: "No, that's right. I'll see someone." Fang Zijun put it in his pocket Said: "Who are you looking at? Come in if you have registered? This is the obstetrics and gynecology department! Get out, see clearly before coming in!" Liu Xiaofei and Zhang Lei choked there, speechless for a long time.

In the ward, He Xiaoyu was learning how to knit woolen gloves with a female soldier patient, when she heard the voice in the corridor, she subconsciously stood up.The balls of wool rolled to the ground.The female soldier who was older than her asked, "What's the matter? Xiao Yu?"The female soldier shouted from behind: "Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu! Line!" How could He Xiaoyu care about the line at this time?She ran outside with the thread, and the thin red wool was dragged under her feet all the time.So there was such a scene in the corridor, a short-haired girl in a loose hospital gown was running, dragging a long red wool behind her—a thin red wool.Until she ran in front of the stupid Liu Xiaofei, the woolen yarn was still trailing behind her.Liu Xiaofei looked at Xiaoyu who was blushing, opened his mouth wide and was speechless.Xiao Yu looked at him for a long time, then stretched out his hand to pinch Liu Xiaofei: "Dead man! You still know to come and see me!" Liu Xiaofei yelled.Zhang Lei was overjoyed, and Fang Zijun said, "Comrade, did we go to the right place?"

Fang Zijun was also happy: "I told you that you are here to find us Xiao Yu! Which one of you is Liu Xiaofei?" "I am not, this matter has nothing to do with me." Zhang Lei joked, "Can't you see it?" "Just like you, you can't be our Xiaoyu's boyfriend! You still wear sunglasses in the corridor, like a gangster!" Fang Zijun laughed, and turned to Liu Xiaofei, "Are you Liu Xiaofei?" Liu Xiaofei who was pinched and grinning quickly nodded: "Yes, it's me." "I'm Xiaoyu's older sister—I'm specially ordered by my aunt to examine you!" She blinked mischievously.Liu Xiaofei is nervous, sister?When did Xiaoyu have a sister?He Xiaoyu hugged Fang Zijun: "This is my own sister! Why don't you hurry up and call me sister?" Liu Xiaofei bit the bullet and shouted: "Sister..." Fang Zijun was overjoyed: "Come on, it's not difficult for you——I am Fang Zijun, you call me Sister Zijun is fine. Xiaoyu's parents are my godfather and godmother."

"I'm Zhang Lei. A student of the Reconnaissance Department of the Lu Academy, Xiao Fei's classmate, and also his lower berth." Zhang Lei smiled and held out his hand.Fang Zijun smiled and gave him a white look: "Cut! A red card, you are not very old, but you are thinking about getting to know a few more people from the military hospital?" Zhang Lei just laughed, and there was no embarrassment in it, and said: "Is it human nature? When I was in the army, I always wanted to run to the military hospital. But this time, I came with Xiaofei!" Fang Zijun stretched out his hand generously, and said jokingly: "I see! You are so old! Fang Zijun, the military region The obstetrician and gynecologist of the General Hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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