Chapter 18
three hours ago.

Because Xie Yuning asked her to go to bed early, Li Luo counted sheep one by one while lying on the bed, forcing herself to fall asleep early.

Still unable to fall asleep, she picked up her phone to play and came across an article forwarded by Lin Jiaqi.The article was just written by Lin Xiyin, and the content is about missing her family and sister who passed away.At the end of the article, the younger sister became an idiot, unable to take care of herself, she was the one who accompanied her day and night.In the end, my sister chose to leave the world to escape...

Looking at Lin Xiyin's delicate and sincere memory prose, Li Luo took a deep breath.The idiot experience mentioned in Lin Xiyin's article was the last memory she wanted to recall.When making the decision to "sleep", Dr. Li asked her if she could wake up one day, would she need to erase her memory and start over.

It is good advice to let go of those sad memories and embarrassing past events and wake up to enjoy life and youth again.But if she forgets everything, is she still Lin Qingjia?Her parents have already left this world. If she forgets them and herself, what's the point of waking up?
Forgetting or giving up is the compromise of the weak; and she is not willing to compromise.

In the past two days, Lin Xiyin has begun to clean up Lin Jiaqi and herself.The Internet is like this, listening to the wind is the wind and listening to the rain is the rain.There are more words to scold Lin Xiyin and Lin Jiaqi, and more people with different perspectives will help Lin Xiyin speak.Compassion is an easy card to play, and Lin Xiyin has always played this card very well.

Li Luo didn't care about Lin Xiyin's tricks, but in the middle of the night, he couldn't fall asleep.An embarrassing picture flashed through her mind; the memory remained fresh and long-lasting, and the past was close at hand; it was difficult to calm down.

She went downstairs and out the door.

Then, by coincidence, I entered Zhang Ziyue's bar.She knew that Zhang Ziyue opened a bar in the island city, but she didn't know that the name of the bar Zhang Ziyue opened was Sanqiu Guizi.There are three-autumn osmanthus and ten-mile lotus in Chonghu.

Of course, Zhang Ziyue didn't show up from the beginning to the end.Li Luo sensed something was wrong and wanted to leave immediately, but was dragged into the dark, and slapped her face, and threw her towards her.

It was obvious who these two men who were looking for trouble belonged to; plus she was at the bar, Li Luo immediately understood who asked them to fix her.She slapped Zhang Ziyue this afternoon, it was bad luck for her to enter Zhang Ziyue's territory at night.The man who beat her looked like a chicken, but he was not weak.The corners of her mouth were burning hot, she twitched and said, "...Can I leave now?"

She is afraid of pain, so she can only be so spineless; the hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, and begs them to let him go.

But the chicken boy pinched her chin and breathed out a disgusting smell of alcohol on her face.

As if overlapping the most embarrassing picture in memory, Li Luo once again deeply felt the despair that made every day unresponsive and ineffective.She thought of Xie Yuning, thought of his advice, and thought that it would be great if he could fly over.

The chicken boy moved his hands again, and she called out a person's name.It's not Xie Yuning, it's Shang Yu.She believed that if Zhang Ziyue was watching in the dark, Shang Yu would definitely scare her.If this bar is Zhang Ziyue, then it must have something to do with Shang Yu.

Sure enough, Chicken Boy turned his head; taking advantage of their unpreparedness, she picked up an empty wine bottle piled up in the dark and threw it at one of them...

After escaping from the bar, she immediately approached the traffic police in front of her, who was checking for drunk driving, and the traffic police arranged her to a nearby street police station... Everything happened like this, and she explained everything to the police on duty.It's just that she was really unlucky tonight. The policeman on duty at the police station obviously favored the chick who came with her.

Maybe the two sides have already greeted each other.

Li Luo lowered his head while the left side of his cheek was still aching; suddenly there was the sound of a car coming in outside the duty room of the police station.Outside under the darkness, Xie Yuning was wearing a black coat with a stern face; three steps at a time, he pushed open the glass door of the duty room.

Li Luo turned her head.

Facing Xie Yuning's straight gaze, then his eyes narrowed, and there were flames shining inside.

Li Luo turned his head again, not daring to look at him.

Xie Yuning also closed his eyes.What can he say, he obviously said good night last night, and he entered the police station without watching for a while; after answering the phone, he went to the room on the second floor to check, the bed was turned up, and the people had disappeared.If it wasn't for the police talking about the fight, he might as well believe that Li Luo was kidnapped.

The only luck is that people are fine.

With the sound of his chest rising and falling, Xie Yuning walked towards Li Luo step by step; seeing the person in front of him with his head down, he said in a commanding tone: "Raise your head."

Li Luo turned his face to the left, hiding the left cheek that was beaten.

"Left." The voice trembled.

Li Luo didn't want to show Xie Yuning the left side of his face that was beaten, so he lowered his head in embarrassment; Xie Yuning paused for a while and said, "Sit down for me first."

Police officer on duty: "..."

The aura of this man who rushed over was so strong that the policeman on duty, who was originally stern and questioning, softened.He did know the two men whose wine bottles were smashed today. They were Sanqiu Guizi's bodyguards, locals;

In front of Xie Yuning was a fight mediation statement written by the police on duty, which needed to be signed.Holding a pen, Xie Yuning didn't listen to the policeman's statement, but only looked at Li Luo who was standing not far away, and asked in a deep voice, "Li Luo, are you sure it's a fight?"

The policeman on duty hangs: "Sir, I just wrote this mediation statement, is it fake?"

Xie Yuning ignored it, he didn't believe what was written in the mediation letter; looking at Li Luo, he asked again.

Xie Yuning's eyes were burning, and Li Luo lowered his head slightly.For a time, the thoughts were extremely complicated.Because it suddenly occurred to her that if she denied causing trouble, it would cause trouble.As long as she doesn't admit to taking the initiative to fight, Xie Yuning will definitely find out, if not sure, she will find Zhang Ziyue.Once things get serious tonight, and Xie's father and mother know, Shang Yu will easily lose the support of Xie's family later.

It's just... Li Luo opened his mouth, and when the words came to his lips, he remembered Xie Jingyi's sincere request: "Li Luo, you will keep it secret for me, won't you..."

And she has already agreed to Xie Jingyi.

In the end, Li Luo lowered his head again, silently acquiescing to the fight.

Xie Yuning asked again: "Li Luo, are you sure you initiated the fight?"

Li Luo raised his head and replied, " was indeed a brawl."


The chicken on the side was stunned.This man is a professor?So who is this girl?Just now he received a call from Ziyue, telling him not to make a big deal out of it.Ji Zai came over and said in a talkative way: "...Since the other party has apologized, we won't pursue it anymore, just pay for some medical expenses."

Heh, Li Luo pulled his lower lip.

Xie Yuning also ignored the chicken, before signing, he looked at her again, as if asking her what happened again.

Xie Yuning asked her three times tonight, because he didn't believe that she would take the initiative to cause trouble. "Professor, I hurt someone, I will pay for the medical expenses."

Xie Yuning was speechless, signed with a dark face, dropped the pen; and took her away.The car stopped not far from the door, Xie Yuning opened the co-pilot's door: "Get in the car."

Li Luo bent down and got into the car, the two of them looked at each other for a moment, sniffed, feeling a little sore for no reason.

"No matter who caused the trouble, who hit this face?" Xie Yuning asked her, her eyes fell on her red and swollen half of her face, and she guessed right, "It's the person just now, right?"

Li Luo did not deny it.

"Wait a minute." Xie Yuning said, slammed the car door shut, and walked towards the door of the duty room again.

Chicken came out leisurely, looked up at the tall man tonight, and walked towards him; before he could react, a fist landed on his face.

Chick was beaten to the ground and vomited, all bloody.

"You and your brother's medical bills can be delivered together." Xie Yuning said arrogantly and indifferently.

Behind, the police on duty ran out.

Li Luo didn't expect that Xie Yuning's character would make a move in front of the duty room of the police station; she opened the car door, intending to help Xie Yuning.Xie Yuning quickly returned to the car, and the two drove away.

Looking back, Li Luo felt inexplicably as if he was a hero on the run.

In the driver's seat, Xie Yuning's face is still ashen; from the time he drove here to now, he hasn't said a word to her.Li Luo apologized regretfully: "Professor, I'm sorry..."

Xie Yuning still ignored her.

"Professor, are you angry?" Li Luo pulled the corner of his sore mouth, "I can explain it."

It's just that explaining is equal to sophistry, not as useful as guaranteeing.Li Luo turned his gaze to Xie Yuning, then changed his tone and said, "Professor, I'm sorry. I will never sneak out at night again."

Xie Yuning took a slight breath: "Does it still hurt?" There was a red light ahead, and she stepped on the brakes to stop.

Li Luo quickly replied, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Xie Yuning couldn't believe that the swelling didn't hurt like that; she picked up her phone and searched for a 24-hour pharmacy.The green light was about to turn on, Xie Yuning said again: "What happened after all?"

She knew that Xie Yuning would still ask her.Li Luo lowered his head: "Professor, do you believe that I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble?"

Xie Yuning was so angry that she didn't want to speak out, if he didn't believe it, would he ask her again and again?

Li Luo touched his nose, feeling a little sore.Because she promised Xie Jingyi, she didn't lead Zhang Ziyue to her when she was at the police station.But he would not admit that he took the initiative to cause trouble and fight.

"It was they who belittled me, and then moved their hands." Li Luo said.It's pretty much the same anyway.

"Frivolous?" Xie Yuning asked.

Li Luo added: "It's because the language is frivolous..."

Xie Yuning shook the steering wheel, regretting that she didn't punch a few more just now.It's just that such a thing happened, mainly because someone wandered around late at night.It's just that everyone was beaten, so what else could he say. "Then why did you admit to taking the initiative to cause trouble just now?" Xie Yuning asked again, with a little chill in his deep voice.

Why?Because the policeman on duty was in the same group as that chick, if she didn't admit to taking the initiative to cause trouble, the incident would last until dawn... She still didn't help Xie Jingyi hide it.Helping people to the end, what if you give up halfway.

"Professor, this policeman is helping that chick tonight. We can't get anything cheap... It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge." Because the corner of his mouth hurts, shi is pronounced as si, and Li Luo blushes in embarrassment.

Similarly, Xie Yuning, who was still angry at first, couldn't get angry anymore.I really didn't expect to be beaten like this, and there is still a lot of energy.Xie Yuning held back her temper and said, "Then how will you take revenge? When will you take revenge?"

For the first time, Xie Yuning talked with her about the topic of revenge.Li Luo looked ahead, and Zhang Ziyue's account would be settled tonight sooner or later; as for the partial policeman, she said, "If I'm not mistaken, his number is 430..."

"4307." Xie Yuning finished speaking for her.

Li Luo was pleasantly surprised, but Xie Yuning also remembered it.In fact, it was time to call back. She didn't feel wronged, but Xie Yuning's trust and protection made her very ashamed. "Professor, can you keep your parents from knowing what happened tonight..." she asked, asking.

Xie Yuning didn't answer her, Li Luo looked at Xie Yuning.

"Li Luo..." Xie Yuning wanted to speak, but stopped again.Everyone was beaten, what else could he teach her.

The car stopped at the door of the pharmacy, Xie Yuning wanted to get out of the car, Li Luo unbuckled his seat belt together.She saw a 24-hour KFC opposite the pharmacy.

"Miss Li, what are you doing?" The voice was still angry.

Li Luo said weakly: "I want to go down and buy you some KFC."

Who wants to eat KFC, Xie Yuning glanced at Li Luo again: "You stay in the car for me, I'll go down and buy...and lock the car door too." The last sentence was added temporarily because I was worried.

From tonight's accident to my husband, Xie Yuning felt like a person whose heart was broken.All along, he is not a person who likes to worry. He never thought that he would fall in love with a girl who is good at causing trouble.As a result, he still couldn't bear to scold her more.Fortunately, Li Luo was not his child, otherwise he wouldn't want to be beaten to death every minute.

After buying the medicine, Xie Yuning went to the nearby KFC to buy a family bucket, and returned to the car.

Li Luo held the family bucket that Xie Yuning handed her, and asked, "Professor, do you need so many?"

"Need." Xie Yuning said, "If you ask tomorrow, you say we went out for supper."

"... Oh." It turns out that this bucket is evidence.

When we got back to the villa, the sky was gray.It was early dawn in the island city, and with the meager morning light, Li Luo saw Xie Yuning's blue eye circles, and said sorry, "Professor, you can rest in your room."

"What about you?" Xie Yuning asked her.

Xie Yuning took her to his room, because Xie's father and mother were still sleeping on the third floor, Li Luo went upstairs lightly.

The bedroom on the third floor is different from the second floor. It is surrounded by the sea on both sides and has a super large terrace.The big white quilt of the big bed in the middle was half lifted, and it could be seen that the host got up in a hurry.Li Luo was extremely ashamed, and climbed onto the bed very numbly.

Xie Yuning: "..." He just asked her to sit by the bed so that he could apply the medicine for her.

"Does it still hurt?" Xie Yuning asked when applying the medicine.Dip the cool ointment on your fingers, and then spread it on Li Luo's red and swollen lips.

Li Luo shook his head, expressing that he was fine.

The more this happened, Xie Yuning became more and more angry; cruelly, he pressed harder.Children who remember pain will not make problems again.

"Hiss—" Xie Yuning's slap was serious, Li Luo grinned, tearing up in pain. "I'm sorry..." Li Luo apologized again and admitted her mistake again, she knew it was wrong.

Do you really know?Xie Yuning kneaded the ointment, looked away, and finally couldn't bear it, and no longer blamed her.Li Luo pursed her lips, feeling unexpectedly warm in her heart; after the medicine was applied, she was going downstairs too.

"Today, just sleep here." Xie Yuning ordered, not forgetting to hurt her, "Otherwise it will disappear again later."

ah?Those who are in the wrong have no right to defend themselves, Li Luo returned to Xie Yuning's big bed, covered the quilt, closed his eyes pretendingly, and curled up the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly, a hand covered her waist, and Xie Yuning hugged her.This is a hug that is not intimate enough, as if deliberately keeping a certain distance from her.

Li Luoping lay motionless, moaning in his heart; he fell asleep very quickly unexpectedly after sleeping very badly.

In the early morning, the sunlight flooded the entire bedroom, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Xie Yuning went downstairs in casual clothes, and everyone had already had breakfast at the dining table; facing the gaze of his family, Xie Yuning walked over naturally.The KFC he brought back last night was placed on the dining table, and Shang Yan asked him, "Uncle, did you go out last night?"

"Well, Li Luo and I went out for supper together." Xie Yuning replied.

"So Miss Li doesn't eat breakfast?" Mother Xie asked her son, frowning.

"She's still sleeping." Xie Yuning sat down, "I'll send it to her later."

Xie Jingyi smiled: "I've finished eating, and I'll send it to Li Luo."

"Let me come." Xie Yuning rejected her sister's offer, paused and said, "She's in my room."

Xie father and mother: "..."

Xie Yuning explained: "She was not feeling well last night, so I took her upstairs."

"Oh..." Shang Yan was the only one at the table who believed this.

So, does Miss Li still want to go to Lanyue Island together today?Lanyue Island is a small island attached to the island city, a beautiful small island near Nanyue Mountain.During this vacation, Secretary Wu arranged to visit Moon Island for one night. The yacht departs today and returns tomorrow; and then returned to Lan City.

On the third floor, Li Luo got up and borrowed Xie Yuning's bathroom.The ointment worked well last night. In the mirror, the corners of her mouth were no longer swollen, and turned into black and blue; but she could still see that she was beaten.After looking in the mirror, Li Luo pursed his lower lip helplessly.

Naturally, she couldn't go to Lanyue Island today.Downstairs, Xie Yuning also found something to say and refused, "I'll stay and take care of her."

Xie Fanhua didn't force it: "Take care of Ms. Li."

Xie Yuning nodded, looked at Shang Yu who was accompanying her, and said, "Brother-in-law, you have worked hard."

"You're welcome." Shang Yu glanced at the third floor from the corner of his eye and said nothing.

It's just that Li Luo is fine, why is he feeling unwell.Before Xie Jingyi set off, she made a cup of ginger tea for Li Luo.Ginger tea is easy to use, whether it is for warding off a cold or relieving menstruation. Standing outside the door with ginger tea in hand, Xie Jingyi knocked on the door three times.

"Here we come." In the room, Li Luo thought that Xie Yuning was coming up, so he opened the door with Xie Yuning's slippers, and finally met Xie Jingyi's face with a smile: "Sister Xie..." The corners of his mouth instinctively pursed slightly, trying to suppress the bruises at the corners of his mouth .

Xie Jingyi went downstairs and met Xie Yuning, who stood at the corner of the stairs; through the window, she could see two cars parked downstairs, her parents and husband were already waiting below. "Yunning..." Xie Jingyi stopped her younger brother.Just now in the room she saw Li Luo's lips turned black, and asked why, Li Luo replied that she fell last night; just how did she fall like that, Xie Jingyi didn't really believe it.Yun Ning said that he and Li Luo went out last night... What happened last night?

"What happened between you and Li Luo last night?" Xie Jingyi asked, with a bad guess in her heart.

Xie Yuning stopped in her tracks, looked at her sister's expression, and had doubts in her heart.His sister looked so strange, as if she knew something he didn't.When he came back from the police station in the early hours of last night, he had been dubious about Li Luo's words.Such a clever girl, how could she fight with others for a few words of frivolity; Li Luo acts perversely, but she will not be so foolish in her actions.

Xie Yuning looked at her sister and said, "It's true that I didn't fall, but was beaten."

Xie Jingyi turned pale and shook hands angrily.

"Sister." Xie Yuning looked at her sister's complexion, made her thoughts more solid, and continued to ask: "You and Li Luo went to the hot spring center, did something happen?" The reason why I guessed the hot spring center was because there was only the hot spring center except last night. That afternoon, Li Luo was not under his nose.

Five minutes later, Xie Jingyi went to Lanyue Island with her family; Xie Yuning returned to her bedroom, and Li Luo, who was lying on the big bed, immediately sat up and asked with a smile on her face, "Professor, have sister Xie left?"

Xie Yuning nodded, feeling a little complicated.

Li Luo looked outside, she had heard the sound of the car leaving just now; like a complacent bad child, she cheered: "Professor, finally there are only two of us."

"It's just the two of us, are you happy?" Xie Yuning asked, her tone softened unconsciously.He walked over, but his sister's guess passed by his ears: "Yunning, I think that woman may have done it... I think Li Luo didn't tell you, it should be me begging her not to tell..."

"Hehe." Sitting cross-legged on Xie Yuning's big bed, Li Luo felt that calling a beast would be the same for a while, and when he woke up and went downstairs to get breakfast, he shook off her hand on his waist in disgust.

So, is Xie Yuning not angry now?Li Luo observed, feeling happier and more relaxed than ever in the past few days; grinning at the corners of his mouth, and raised his eyebrows, he said, "Of course I'm happy, because I only like to stay with you, Professor."

Xie Yuning: "...Really?"

Finally, everything turned sunny.

So, how to arrange the good times next?Li Luo tilted his head and thought, his mind was spinning rapidly, swimming?diving?Surfing... Oh, in fact, even if the two of you go to the beach together to ride the waves.

"Sleep." Xie Yuning answered her.

Immediately, Li Luo lowered her head and gave a perfunctory "hmm". Is there anything in this world that she hates more than sleeping?
Under the soft quilt, Xie Yuning lay down with her.Li Luo leaned on the pillow and looked at Xie Yuning, Xie Yuning also looked at her, and asked her with a silent face: "...Do you want to hug?"

Uh, is this to make up for throwing her off in the morning?Li Luo smiled, nodded and said, "Yes."

In the next second, she fell into Xie Yuning's arms.

This is an intimate and very natural hug, as if the relationship between the two has naturally developed to the stage of a couple hugging.Li Luo adjusted a comfortable posture, raised her eyes and asked Xie Yuning: "Professor, do we really want to sleep?" The weather is so good outside, the blue sea is so blue, the waves are so cheerful, she and he really don't want to go out for a while ?

"Sleep for a while, be obedient." Xie Yuning said, setting an example and closing her eyes.

Li Luo rolled his eyes, feeling helpless. "Professor, why don't you sleep by yourself, I..." It's also good to go downstairs for a walk.

"Really can't sleep?" Xie Yuning asked, seeing Li Luo nodded, reached out to bring her into his arms, hugged her quietly for a moment and asked, "Does your mouth still hurt?"

Li Luo nodded, it really doesn't hurt anymore.

"...Then can we touch it?" Xie Yuning asked.

Li Luo smiled, and after realizing it, he continued to nod his head twice; then, he moved his head directly, and took the initiative to use his own lips to Xie Yuning and said: "It's okay to touch like this."

During lunch, Xie Yuning asked about Li Luo's beating again.At the stairs, his sister had already told him everything that happened in the hot spring center, and his guess was confirmed—what happened last night had something to do with that woman.

"So, are you afraid that things will become serious, and you didn't tell the truth?"

I didn't expect Xie Yuning to know, and to know so much.Li Luo raised her head, presumably it was Sister Xie, who was suspicious of the corner of her mouth today, who asked him.To be honest, she herself is not afraid of making things worse, and hopes that Xie's father and mother will know the truth; but she has agreed to Xie's sister, and it is not easy to break her promise.It turned out that she sent photos to Xie Jingyi just to create a gap between Xie Jingyi and Shang Yu.

As a result, after meeting Sister Xie, many things could not be planned according to the original idea.She felt sorry for Sister Xie's contribution to the marriage and Shang Yu, so she agreed to Sister Xie to wait for her to deal with it... No matter what, Sister Xie is a good woman who deserves to be treated well.

In the white yacht at noon, Xie Jingyi had a meal with her family and left the restaurant of the yacht; she went up to the deck on the second floor to breathe; with the endless sea, she felt that her thoughts were endless.

Li Luo was actually beaten back, why is that woman so arrogant!Xie Jingyi held the white railing of the yacht with both hands, letting the sea breeze blow her hair.All morning, she was patiently trying not to be discovered by her parents and Shang Yan, fearing that they would suspect that she had a problem with Shang Yu, and even more afraid that her son Shang Yan would be sad; her original intention of this trip was to take her son out to relax.

It's just that she has too much unwillingness and doubts.She wants to vent, she wants to question, why did she see that woman in the island city that day?Is that woman from the island city, or did she also travel with her?She doesn't know anything about all of this.

In fact, the showdown should have been long ago, just like what Li Luo said no matter how you deal with it, you should not escape; how could she expect Shang Yu to cut off contact with that woman?If she had shown her cards earlier, she would not have faced the current embarrassing situation of grief and indignation.It's just that she always thinks too much, and she can't bear to destroy the peaceful marriage of more than 20 years, and then drags on day after day; Drag it to Huilan City and question Shang Yu again.

The wind at sea was blowing violently, and Xie Jingyi stood motionless on the deck.The yacht was sailing on the boundless sea, and the white foam from the surging waves almost wet her feet, and there was only a blank sound of "Wow... Wow..." in her ears.

Behind her, there was the sound of leather shoes falling on the iron plate, stopping behind her.

Xie Jingyi turned her head and looked at Shang Yu, her eyes were already full of tears.On the deck below, Shang Yan is taking pictures of his grandparents...

How ironic!Shang Yu's eyes told her that he understood, he already knew everything!Holding the last breath in her chest, Xie Jingyi asked her husband in a low voice: "That woman, she is from Dao City, right?"

Shang Yu relaxed his face, and calmly acquiesced, the wind picked up his men's shirt, and he was about to fly.

Xie Jingyi lowered her head with a pale face.As a woman, she is so stupid, until just now she was still praying that Shang Yu would deny everything to her, everything was just a misunderstanding.Obviously the truth was already in front of her eyes, but she just didn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it.

Finally got this definitive answer.Xie Jingyi covered her face, weeping silently, and was embraced by Shang Yu. "I'm sorry, Jingyi..."

sorry!How could a word of apology soothe her anger and unwillingness? Thinking of that woman's arrogance and Li Luo's bruised mouth, she trembled all over.Why, that woman can bully her and her family like this!

The whole person was almost suffocated, Xie Jingyi took a breath, and the wet and salty sea breeze poured into her body.Shang Yu's wordless apology and acquiescence made her feel even colder from the tip of her heart to her toes.She raised her head and asked Shang Yu again: "Li Luo was beaten last night, did you know?"

What, Shang Yu narrowed his eyes.Obviously, his instinctive look told her that he didn't know.

Indeed, Shang Yu didn't know.If he was in Lan City, he might know Li Luo's whereabouts.During this trip, he really didn't know much.

Then, Xie Jingyi was even more stimulated.

No woman can allow Xiaosan to be so rampant that she beats her family and friends.In fact, Xie Jingyi didn't know that the person who did it must be that woman, but whether it was out of anger or full of embarrassment, she had already pointed the finger at that woman. "Shang Yu, you must give me an explanation for this matter!" Xie Jingyi looked up at Shang Yu and growled, "Otherwise I...will never end with you!"

In the last sentence, Xie Jingyi was forced to come out and spent all the strength in her body,
"Mom...Dad..." Shang Yan's voice came from ahead, and his son was calling them.Xie Jingyi leaned against Shang Yan, wiped away her tears as quickly as possible and said, "Shang Yan, you go down to accompany grandpa and grandma. Mom and Dad have something to say."

Shang Yan stood on the stairs of the yacht, nodded, and said, "Then you guys finish talking and come down and eat some fruit, I'll wait for you."

The words of Shangyan almost made Xie Jingyi lose control again.Standing behind Xie Jingyi, Shang Yu used his tall and generous body to cover his wife from hiding her face, and said to his son not far in front, "Shang Yan, you go down first."

"Okay." Shang Yan who was not far away turned his head away, he knew he had to leave quickly, but his legs were as heavy as lead.Hastily, he walked down the yacht stairs.

In the open-air swimming pool outside the villa, Li Luo was wearing a pink plaid bikini, sunbathing in a yellow inflatable boat.In the sparkling swimming pool, the boat was swinging leisurely. Li Luo took a sip of the juice and said that he was enjoying himself.

Although she couldn't go to Lanyue Island, couldn't sit on a big yacht and couldn't play sea fishing, Xie Yuning didn't even let her play sports like surfing because she thought it was dangerous.However, as long as she has a rippling heart, she can also prop up a boat in the swimming pool, swing and swing!
Fragments of sunlight fell on her arms, calves, and thighs like gold. Knowing that it was difficult for her to get a tan, Li Luo turned over and tried to let the sun tan herself as evenly as possible.

On the opposite side, Xie Yuning was sitting on a deck chair in the swimming pool, holding a mobile phone, not knowing what to play.

Li Luo felt it was a pity that such a sunny Xie Yuning was playing with her mobile phone.Even she, who can't do without her mobile phone, stayed away from mobile games for the time being; raising her sunglasses and pulling her bangs back, Li Luo raised her head and asked Xie Yuning in front of her: "Professor, are you really not going into the water?"

What are you doing in the water, rowing a boat with her?Xie Yunning raised her eyes, put down her phone, and called Li Luo to come up first.The darkened screen of the phone was the latest photo of his girlfriend.

All right.Li Luo came to the pool by rowing a boat, walked to Xie Yuning's side with her fair and slender legs; put on the bath towel she brought over, blinked her wet eyelashes and asked: Why did you ask her to come up.

Xie Yuning looked at her little girlfriend, touched the small bruise on the corner of Li Luo's lips, and asked, "Are you still angry?"

Li Luo could understand what Xie Yuning meant.Honestly, a little more.Although she kicked a chicken and smashed a wine bottle at another one at the bar, it didn't hurt Zhang Ziyue at all.Although she also slapped Zhang Ziyue, but thinking that she was taught a lesson by that kind of woman, it was a lie that she was not angry.

"There's a little more." Li Luo replied to Xie Yuning, gesturing with his little finger, "There's still a little more."

"En." Xie Yuning answered her, "Then, how can I calm down?"

This, Li Luo was lying on a white recliner with a bath towel on, stretched her white legs, turned her head, and said half-jokingly: "What's the matter, I have to smash her bar to calm down."

Xie Yuning lightly basked, nodded: "Yeah."

Xie Yuning echoed it lightly, but Li Luo didn't take it seriously.She has always been able to recognize the form very well, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, and she is not a strong dragon character, there is no need to kick Zhang Ziyue's restaurant to calm down when she was still in the island city, which ruined the good mood of the last two days of vacation.However, the above two sentences of self-comfort that are not painful or itchy, still lose in the lack of strength and the inability to make things big.If Zhang Ziyue's bar can be smashed down, and Zhang Ziyue's face and reputation can be regained with great fanfare, she can become a female hooligan in minutes, instead of waiting secretly to trip Zhang Ziyue later.

People, if you can make waves, who would like to suffer!Thinking about it, her pleading in the bar that night was really timid; with a faint sigh, Li Luo switched legs and crossed her legs and said, "Forget it, if you do many unrighteous acts, you will die yourself. The wicked have their own old age." The day is cleaned up... I'll continue to swim."

"Really, don't want to vent your anger, don't you want to smash that woman's bar?"

Well?Tilting his head, Li Luo looked at Xie Yuning, thinking about his boyfriend's expression, and slowly saw something tricky.Although Xie Yuning is serious, he is not a complete old cadre; do veteran cadres fight at the door of the duty room of the police station?A look of excitement flashed across Li Luo's eyes, and Li Luo immediately climbed up the pole. A second ago, she said that the villain should be dealt with by God, but now she has changed her mind. How long will God have to wait to clean up the villain. Professor, I am willing to be this villain..."

"Oh, that's good." Xie Yuning looked at Li Luo who was squatting in front of him, pulled his lips, and agreed; he felt a little helpless, feeling that he almost didn't know himself, and actually did something like conniving his girlfriend to smash a bar.

"Then shall we start now?" Li Luo asked eagerly; the whole person had already stood up, looking impatient.

She thought that he would bring her to smash the bar with his own hands?

Li Luo understood what Xie Yuning meant, and sat on Xie Yuning's lap without integrity.The bikini she is wearing is a top-tier brand, but the fabric is really not much, and the person just came from the swimming pool, sitting on Xie Yuning's thigh like this is quite seductive; hooking Xie Yuning's neck playfully and mischievously, Li Luo With an innocent face, he cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Xie, if you are willing to help the little girl out of her anger, the little girl is willing to..."

"What do you want?" Xie Yuning asked with serious eyes.

Willing... Li Luo used the lines of a martial arts TV series more than 30 years ago to say: "I am willing to make a promise with my body..."

Xie Yuning pushed his girlfriend down, and said with all his strength, "Then hurry up and change clothes."

Li Luo immediately smiled and nodded: "Of order!"

(End of this chapter)

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