Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 106: Going uphill is easy and going downhill is difficult

Chapter 106: Going uphill is easy and going downhill is difficult (1)
As everyone swore with their souls, Xia Yang regained his gentle side in front of the students again, but the students still looked at Xia Yang with lingering fear.

What kind of person is this teacher? Uh, what kind of monster is it? Why is his temperament so fickle?One moment he might kill himself in a single thought, and another moment he could chat and laugh happily with himself. If this goes on for a long time, he might not allow himself and his party to become schizophrenic!

"Teacher, what kind of strength do you have now?" Ruta was young and thought much less than others, and soon recovered his character of Ma Daha.

"Why, do you want to compete with Teacher and me?" Xia Yang smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Um, how could that be, teacher, you are a symbol of invincibility in my heart! But, hey, I just want to know, and I can brag about it in front of my friends in the future." Ruta laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"Hey, little Luta, teacher, my strength is enough to make any of you proud. It is enough for you to know this. However, I can let you know the current strength of teacher in a while." Xia Yang said with a smile, but his eyes were the same. A ray of lightning pierced through the night and looked towards the foot of the mountain.

At this time, three waves of people had gathered at the foot of the mountain, each with more than a dozen people.Taking a closer look, among the dozens of people, the lowest ones are level four masters, and the highest ones are already level six experts!
At this time, the three waves of people were standing at the foot of the mountain, looking eagerly at the endless night sky and the peakless mountains.At the same time, they are also vigilant about the movements of other mercenary groups.As long as someone takes action, the second and third parties will inevitably take measures immediately.

"Lix, Duy, you have also seen the height of this mountain, and it is even more difficult to see at night. If we fight with each other during the mountain climbing, we will each suffer a lot of losses. You don't think so , this time our three mercenary regiments, Iron Blood, Giant Wolf, and Whirlwind, are united to compete for treasures, how about the average distribution?" In the calm, a mercenary wearing a blood-red badge suddenly broke the calm.

But seeing that this mercenary was thin and thin, with a sly face, and a two-meter-long broad knife in his hand, he looked extremely out of place, but after hearing what this man said, no one dared to underestimate him, because he was Iron Blood Hope, the captain of the sixth team of the mercenary regiment, is also a level six powerhouse!
"Brother Hope, your idea is good, but what if there is only one treasure on the top of the mountain? How should we distribute it?" A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in the giant wolf mercenary group responded shortly after pondering.And this big guy is Lix, the captain of the No. 12 team of the giant wolf mercenary group.

"Hehe, Brother Lix's thoughts are very careful. Don't worry about this. If there is only one piece, it will be auctioned at that time. The proceeds will be divided equally among the three parties." Hope saw that Lix already had a joint I couldn't help but be overjoyed by the intention, and the address also has 'brother'.In this barren mountain, if any powerful beast appears on the mountainside, even if he is a sixth-level powerhouse, he will not be easy to deal with. If he is not careful, he may lose his life here, but if he combines three sixth-level monsters The strong are different.Seeing that the whirlwind mercenary group did not respond for a long time, Hope couldn't help asking: "Miss Duy, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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