Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1073 Boom Boom Poignantly Beautiful!

Chapter 1073 Boom Boom Poignantly Beautiful! (1)
The purification was thrown on the body one by one, and then it was thrown on the bright tiger beast again!

Suddenly, two golden shadows rushed out from both sides, "Boom!" After two explosions, a Saint Academy soldier on the left was knocked into the air!A bright tiger beast on the right was knocked into the air!But it was the golden-armed earth-shaking bear and the golden-threaded demon snake that moved!
The eight people and eight beasts of the Holy Academy who reacted roared angrily, and all the concentrated attacks greeted the two of them!

"Boom!" The golden-armed Earthshaker was taken a step back, and the golden-threaded snake was blown away!

"Grandma, bear!" The golden-armed Earthshaker was shocked by several attacks, and immediately became angry. Under the golden explosive step, it suddenly charged into the crowd, stomped and flashed, and circled golden waves shook out!

Second more!
The Golden Thread Demon Snake was attacked by several eighth-level fighting skills, and was also hit by several white light balls of the Bright Tiger Beast. It was already seriously injured on one side, twisting the snake's body.

Hribe Academy loses another combat power!
Besides, the golden arm slammed into the crowd, and as the big feet stomped, circles of golden ripples spread, which immediately caused the crowd of Guangming Holy Academy to fall back, but immediately stabilized their bodies, ten swift and violent The attack blatantly hit the body of the golden-armed Earthshaker.

"Boom boom boom——" a series of booming sounds, even if the golden-armed Earthshaker bear has a strong defense, the body is surrounded by golden light, and the blood of the beast that is still hit by the huge impact is churning, and the bear's eyes are dazzled.

The other six attacks restrain Nangong Feng and Qingyi Fengdiao respectively so that they cannot interfere with the plan to suppress the bear. The three line up side by side to form a human wall. All the shadows of the spears were shot down, and of course some golden spears were caught, but the golden spears were unable to hurt the students of the Holy Academy behind, and they were all physically resisted by the first three people, because the defense of the silver-white armor was extremely strong. Well, the three of them didn't suffer any major injuries for a while, but the surge of energy and blood in their bodies was unavoidable.The three of them looked at each other, and then they took the person in the center as the origin, and each moved a step to the side, their hands also formed seals at the same time, and soon three huge white light shields gathered in front of them!

"Holy Light Shield!" The three shouted violently, and immediately the three shields approached each other to form a huge Holy Light Shield!Block all the incoming golden spears!
The Qingyi Fengdiao originally wanted to fly over the shield and attack from behind, but the three white light spheres pursued closely, and the Qingyi Fengdiao also had to fly high into the air to avoid the light spheres, after all, they belonged to the seventh level , it didn't dare to resist the condensed attack of three seventh-level monsters.

Everything is moving in the direction of the Holy Academy.Ya Rui and the others occasionally opened their eyes, but they could only hang their heads in despondency.Seeing the three mechanism beasts thrown by Ruta, except for the thunder dragon taking a bubble and releasing a thunder ball, the other two did not move at all except for their red eyes, and they were speechless.

"Bang bang bang..." Pale gold spears hit the Holy Light Shield and shattered with a bang, and the Holy Light Shield was also exposed with dents, but the three people behind continued to input fighting energy, and soon the shield surface It's back to normal again!

(End of this chapter)

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