Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1080 Leaving the Holy City

Chapter 1080 Leaving the Holy City (1)
Xia Yang knew that Ya Rui and others would leave the problem of distribution to himself, so he had already thought about it.

Ya Rui and the others were also slightly surprised by Xia Yang's decision. After all, it seems that the relationship between Xia Yang and Karina is better. Karina often brings tea and meat to Xia Yang, but An Qi never gives Xia Yang Out of face, why did the teacher make such a decision?Is it because we are afraid that we will gossip?Yes, sure, hey, it’s too obvious!Ya Rui and the others thought evilly in their hearts, and they inadvertently glanced at the towering twin peaks on Karina's chest, which were getting bigger and bigger. It is estimated that the teacher, this beast, has given unspoken rules.This also made Ya Rui and others more convinced of their own ideas.

After Karina heard Xia Yang's decision, she was stunned. Why did she give it to An Qi?She couldn't figure it out, An Qi was stronger than her, and she needed defense the most.And last time, An Qi had already obtained a larval divine nucleus, but she had nothing.Although she felt a little wronged in her heart, Karina did not disobey Xia Yang's decision at all, and resolutely let go of her hand holding the end of the inner armor.

Although An Qi wanted it wholeheartedly, she hesitated when Xia Yang assigned her the inner armor. She also knew that Karina wanted it and needed the protection of the inner armor.Although he was very happy that Xia Yang could assign the inner armor to himself, the sisterhood made him let go.

"Crack!" The dignified holy artifact was let go by the two women at the same time, and fell to the ground, stained with a lot of dust.

"An Qi, pick it up, it's yours." Xia Yang glanced at the battle armor that had been let go by the two women, and smiled slightly. It was also gratifying for An Qi to have such a humble heart.

"An Qi, don't think that the teacher is facing you. It's because you are irritable and want to cause trouble. When fighting, you don't pay much attention to defense, so you know how to strike hard with an axe. This is a disadvantage for you. Yes. You can keep this inner armor. Karina, the teacher owes you this time." Xia Yang touched the back of Karina's head and smiled softly, but there was a sense of sincerity in his eyes.

"It's nothing, teacher. Both Angie and I use it the same way. Hehe." Xia Yang caressed her hair at the back of her head, and Karina immediately felt a lot more relieved, and she smiled softly.

"Let's go! It's time to go back!" Seeing that An Qi had picked up the inner armor, Xia Yang withdrew his palm, turned and went back, and said.But I added a sentence in my heart, yes, it's time to go back, and it's time to say goodbye.

Feeling a little lonely, Xia Yang didn't say hello to Chen Baifeng and Liu Ye, but went directly to the outside of the holy city. At this time, a big hello might also cause some unnecessary embarrassment.With Liu Ye's haughty personality, it must be uncomfortable for her to lose her momentum now.

Although they felt that Xia Yang's expression was a little strange, everyone couldn't tell what was going on, and immediately grinned happily and followed Xia Yang's footsteps, step by step out of the holy city.After all, they returned triumphantly this time, and after returning home, they were also elated!
(End of this chapter)

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