Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1241 Fascinating incense!

Chapter 1241 Fascinating incense! (3)
Even if he broke through with all his strength, Xia Yang would not hold back any more, and he would have to use the baby fire sacrifice even if the Nascent Soul was sluggish again!Having collided once, Xia Yang is also aware of the strength of these five defenses. It is impossible to break through without extraordinary means!
Be cruel to the enemy, but also be cruel to yourself!

Silver shot, golden overflow!
There is no vigorous collision as imagined, only the sound of gurgling!
Under the intense high temperature, the silver rockets were digging on the gold system defense one by one, and soon, the first gold system defense was redirected and shot out a huge hole!Immediately afterwards, the second gold system defense was also under high temperature, and the golden color slowly overflowed!

Xia Yang's expression was indifferent, and just when the five vajra bears couldn't turn their heads, they suddenly stepped out, inserting the body of a Jade Crystal gun into the five defensive holes!

What is this human going to do?
The five vajra bears couldn't figure it out!But they also know that the defense has been breached, and they must remedy it in time!The energy is like an egg. When it is intact, the defense may be extremely strong. If one place is hit, the whole body will divide the attack force. But once there is a gap, the balance will definitely be broken!

The five vajra bears tried their best to make up for the gap in the defense, and waves of fierce energy poured in. Just after Xia Yang inserted all the spears into the gap, the entire body of the gun was tightly wrapped in the defense wall, unable to move at all. , as if it has been integrated with the shield wall!
"Haha, this kid is so stupid! He lost his weapon!" One of the yellow-furred Vajra Bears laughed loudly, while the corners of the other four bears also opened their mouths in a huge arc. , the meaning of ridicule is self-evident.

The defense was formed by them, so they can naturally feel the extraordinaryness of the Jade Crystal spear. The body of the gun is extremely hard, and it is full of rich fire energy. It is a treasure at a glance. For this Jade Crystal spear, it is located in the center The fire-type Vajra bear was even more delighted to see Liexin, and wanted to take the Bijing spear as his own after binding Xia Yang!
Alas, as everyone knows, the Jade Crystal Spear is only formed by Xia Yang's blue flames, not a physical object. Once out of Xia Yang's control, it will disintegrate and go away on its own!

With a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, Xia Yang looked at the five vajra bears with complacent and disdainful expressions, and also looked at them with stupid and forceful eyes. A group of stupid bears, thinking that they can grow a human brain by transforming into a human form?Human wisdom, you will never guess!
At this time, Xia Yang just had a moment of leisure, and the corners of his eyes moved slightly, but he glanced at the place behind where the constant roaring sounded.

At this time, Elise was fighting the three holy-level and intermediate-level monsters alone, but she did not lose the wind in the slightest. She had already held a silver-white lancet in Su's hand, and she could always hold it while swaying gently. Avoid the attacks of the three major lord level monsters, and from time to time can give a powerful counterattack!

Elise deserves to be No.1 below the god level!
(End of this chapter)

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