Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1274 Beast Fighting!

Chapter 1274 Beast Fighting! (1)
the third

Although he had already guessed the horror at the bottom of the cliff, Xia Yang still couldn't help but curse again!
This Jianhenya is too perverted!
Not to mention the endless sword energy, but there are still monsters!
Xia Yang has no doubts about the strength of monsters. A monster that can survive in such a fierce place must be very powerful!I'm afraid at least at the peak level of the holy level!Xia Yang thought with a wry smile in his heart.

Now Xia Yang only hoped that the monster hadn't been found. In this case, he could sneak forward at the bottom of the cliff, find the cutting sword as soon as possible, and then find a hidden corner and hide it until the deadline of one month expires. Trying to get out!

Of course, many times, wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel!

Just when Xia Yang was about to move out, his eyeholes shrank to the size of a needle point in vain!
A white phantom flashed towards him, but it turned out to be a thin white snake!

In the triangular white snake pupils, there is a severe chill!Grinning his teeth, as if seeing a very fresh delicacy, he rushed towards Xia Yang in a hurry!

The thickness of the thin snake is compared to the golden thread magic snake that Xia Yang has seen with a body that can move a hundred meters. In fact, the thin snake is also as thick as an adult's arm, and its length is even ten meters long!
Because the thin snake is too conspicuous, Xia Yang can see it clearly under his eyesight, but the closer the distance is, Xia Yang realizes that the thin snake is not a snake!It's just a strange creature whose body shape is very similar to a snake!
Because this slender white creature has no snake core at all, but its mouth is full of sharp white teeth!
Xia Yang had never heard of this kind of creature!

Damn, what the hell is this!
There was no time to think about it, because the thin snake had already rushed to Xia Yang's side!

The Bijing spear quickly gathers the palm of the hand, and with the body of the gun straightened, it quickly stabs at the big mouth of the snake!
But this quick and fierce blow was dodged by the thin snake's head, and with a twist of the thin snake's body, it was entangled with the jade crystal spear!
Really looking for death!

Xia Yang's eyes sharpened, and immediately the gun body shook, and an extremely hot breath burst out from the gun body!

"Zizi!" Immediately, the thin white snake bounced away like an electric shock, and still let out a strange squeak from its mouth. It swam rapidly away from Xia Yang's body for more than ten meters before it dared to stop. A pair of white triangles His eyes looked at Xia Yang in horror, as if he had encountered something terrible.

'The thin snake is indeed swimming, and it is still swimming in the void, as if this is not the bottom of the cliff, but the bottom of the water!Everything is floating, including those free gravels, and the terrifying white sword aura!
At this time, Xia Yang is not easy, in addition to dealing with the re-invasion of the thin snake, he also has to defend against the terrifying sword energy rushing over from time to time!
"Boom!" A cyan flame burst out from the gun body, and Xia Yang blasted away a white sword energy rushing from the left!But the strange thing is that the white sword energy was not completely eliminated, but scattered into countless small white sword energy, still shooting around unconsciously!

(End of this chapter)

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