Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 133 Delicate female softness overcomes rigidity, carving animal bones with a short carving k

Chapter 133 Delicate female softness overcomes rigidity, carving animal bones with a short carving knife (3)
Because the iron-backed pig under Da Da fell to the ground, blood was gurgling from his mouth!

And the iron pig under Nick was also twitching all over, his eyes were wide open, looking extremely terrified!That is a fear of facing death!

I saw that Nick and Dado held a piece of animal bone in their hands, and blood dripped from the animal bone.

Xia Yang withdrew from the formation, smiled faintly, Xia Yang saw everything, but everyone didn't notice.When he stood in front of the iron-backed pig who fell to the ground and wailed, everyone gasped.

I saw countless blood holes pierced out of the soft flesh of the faces of the two iron-backed pigs!The iron-backed pig fell to the ground because of excessive blood loss!
"Okay, now let's announce your respective rankings!" Xia Yang's smiling voice sounded, and it was finally over, he was so hungry.

"Yarui is the big brother, followed by Sony, Yunya, Rick, Nangongfeng, Ruta, Angie, Karina, Dado, Nick! Now, everyone is ready to start the fire, enjoy these beast meat !"

"Oh!" The crowd cheered, and finally they could have a full meal with peace of mind!

Seeing the cheers of the crowd, Xia Yang couldn't help but feel a little bit excited, even having a meal of fresh meat was so exciting after hard training.But only through hardships can they become masters, and their respective strengths have proved everything!Now among the ten people, Nick, the weakest, has the same strength as a third-level monster. If it were a human being, he would be a fourth-level fighter!Although humans are smarter than monsters, humans don't have the powerful bodies of monsters!

It can be said that nowadays, everyone's hearts are relaxed. Now they can completely get rid of the title of useless people, and their strength is even stronger than before!Although they have no fighting spirit or magic power, they have unparalleled strength and can defeat their opponents. Everything is enough!
Xia Yang was looking forward to it, if their restrictions were lifted, what heights would they reach?

(End of this chapter)

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