Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1711 The challenge begins!

Chapter 1711 The challenge begins! (2)
"Is it Miss Meimei?" Just as the woman in blue was about to move on, a low voice of doubt came from behind her.

The woman in blue was slightly startled, and immediately turned around, only to see a strong man looking at her suspiciously.

"Uncle Zhu Gui!" The woman in blue recognized the caller and exclaimed in surprise.

"Haha, you are really beautiful. If I didn't know your breath, I would have almost not recognized it. You...your body?" The woman in blue was naturally the one who was used by Xia Yang to return my Piao Piao fist to her original appearance. Zhu Meimei, and also Lan Mei of the crush mercenary group!Seeing Zhu Meimei calling out his name, Zhu Gui knew that he was a real person, and immediately said in surprise, but looked at Zhu Meimei's body, but was full of excitement and doubts.He remembered that when Zhu Meimei left the family, she looked very fat, um, very fat!It's just that now, how can she be so beautiful?Eighteen changes in women, this has become too beautiful!
"Hee hee, Uncle Zhu Gui, let's not mention this matter for the time being. It's hard to explain in one word. Are you here just to wait for me?" Zhu Meimei asked happily. The members of the clan were naturally overjoyed, and the cold Lan Mei in the past also disappeared without a trace.

"Well, the patriarch ordered me to wait here." Zhu Gui replied with a more serious expression.

"He's here too?" Zhu Meimei frowned slightly, but let out an unhappy low hum, "That fat man, did you bring his warm bed?"

Zhu Gui looked a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Miss Meimei, don't misunderstand the patriarch. In fact, the patriarch has been working hard all these years."

"Hmph, he's trying to show his ambitions on women!" Zhu Meimei sneered.

Zhu Gui's face was embarrassed. The eldest lady's appearance has changed, but her temper has not changed at all.

"Uncle Zhu Gui, take me to see him!" Zhu Meimei didn't want to embarrass Zhu Gui, so she smiled and said.

"Hehe, good. Miss Meimei, follow me." Zhu Gui breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and led Zhu Meimei to the direction of the Saints Assembly.

In a short moment, on the seven clouds on the roof at this time, there are already several figures intertwined, and their fighting spirit is churning, but except for the iron sword fighter Qiu Qianren and the cold mountain magician Nie Yunxiao who are still idle, the other five clouds On the cloth, everyone has already fought.

It was a black-faced man who challenged Qing Xuan Dou Sheng Ye Wufeng, holding a pair of sky-shattering copper hammers, whistling to hammer the wind, breaking the wind and splitting the air, the attack end was fierce, but Ye Wufeng still looked indifferent, with a jade hammer in his hand. The flute fluttered and danced, and the sound of the wind penetrated into the flute hole, but there were bursts of whistling sounds. From time to time, the black-faced man's hands paused slightly, and his attack was weak. I think the sound of the flute and flute is a kind of sonic fighting technique. kind.

(End of this chapter)

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