Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1720 One Thought

Chapter 1720 The same mind (2)
"Get out!" Li Yueyin uttered a word coldly, and immediately several black flowers flying in the air flew towards her side strangely, and then entangled between her arms.

When the middle-aged Junxiu heard the words, his face turned pale, and he rode away resentfully.

Xia Yang looked at this scene in mid-air with amused expression. He never thought that Hei Hua Mei Niang would be so charming. Not only the little old man Xue Feng was fascinated, but even this middle-aged handsome man was obsessed. At that time, he was even more stunned. Countless green eyes stared at Li Yueyin who was standing coldly in the sky without blinking. As his throat rolled, countless streams of hala dripped down, moistening the dry sandy ground. .

Seeing the middle-aged Junxiu leave, Li Yueyin snorted coldly, then raised her eyes to look at Ye Wufeng's battle, with endless tenderness in her bright eyes.

Ye Wufeng waved a jade flute gracefully, and the whistling sound could be heard endlessly. His figure also moved lightly, avoiding the whirring heavy hammer of the black-faced man.

The black-faced man is an earth-type fighting saint, and his strength is very strong. Every time he drops the hammer, he will inevitably bring a piece of space to collapse and explode, but in terms of moving speed, he can't compare with Ye Wufeng, Ye Wufeng A cyan halo surged around Feng, and two cyan whirlwinds were stepped on under his feet. The rapid movement was extremely terrifying, and those whose strength was weaker than the holy level could hardly catch his figure, only a blue mark was seen in the sky , move around.

Ye Wufeng's battle has always been very indifferent, he has not launched any powerful attacks, but is consuming with the black-faced man.

The black-faced man also knew Ye Wufeng's plan, but he had to attack with all his strength. He knew Ye Wufeng's attack method very well!

Ye Wufeng has an elegant nature, but when fighting, he insists on killing with one blow. As long as he makes a heavy blow, his opponent will definitely lose!Therefore, the black-faced man must ruthlessly destroy the enemy before Ye Wufeng finds his own flaws!
Boom boom boom!
The hammer fell down, pieces of space were shattered and trampled, and the loud bangs were deafening!
Suddenly, Ye Wufeng straightened his body, and the two whirlwinds under his feet spun rapidly, followed by Ye Wufeng's figure and disappeared strangely!

The black-faced man's copper bell and big eyes suddenly shrank, and he suddenly felt a strong force coming from behind, his eyes froze, and he swung the sledgehammer to attack behind him!

The boom shook the sky, and the space collapsed!
But Ye Wufeng's figure was not revealed!

"Brother Iron Felt, let's end it!" When the black-faced man was in surprise, he suddenly heard a clear laughter from his ears, and immediately felt the back of his heart, a jade flute pressed against him!
"Oh, brother Ye, thank you for your mercy." The black-faced man slowly turned around and smiled sadly at Ye Wufeng.Immediately he leapt away.

Ye Wufeng's battle is over, which is the softest way.Compared with other battles, the opponents fight until they are knocked out before giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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