Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1738 Six Paths!

Chapter 1738 Six Paths! (2)
"Junior Sister, you didn't see that old guy actually smiled at me just now, what's the meaning?" Xia Yang asked suspiciously to Elise beside her.

"He smiled at you? How could that be? I kept staring at him, but I didn't notice any movement from him." Elise said strangely, seeing that Xia Yang's expression didn't seem to be joking, she immediately frowned But Qi, after thinking about it, felt that it was still impossible, so he smiled and said: "Brother, aren't you dazzled?"

"Sword Spirit, did you see it?" Xia Yang asked the Sword Spirit beside him with a serious expression.

"It's gone." Jian Ling shook his head lightly and said, but his expression was full of doubts. She knew that with Xia Yang's strength, it was impossible for the phenomenon of being dazzled. The only possibility was that the old man just used Some kind of unknown method was used to confuse others' sight!And that smile was seen by Xia Yang alone!
"It's really weird." Xia Yang shook his head and sighed with a wry smile. It's really fucking weird. I don't feel dazzled.But what does the old man really mean?

"Xia Yang, do you know this old man?" Seeing that Xia Yang and the three were talking happily, Liu Ye listened to what he had to say, and seeing that the three of them disagreed, she laughed and said.

"I don't know." Xia Yang shook his head and said with a wry smile, secretly thinking in his heart, although I don't know him, but I know that this old man is definitely my formidable enemy!Since he is on the side of Khaki and is in the same group as Du Ni, he must belong to that mysterious force.Thinking that his master was trapped in his hands, Xia Yang felt a surge of anger in his heart.

When Liu Ye saw that Xia Yang didn't know the old man, but said that the old man smiled at him, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile, "This old man's name is Liudao! The world calls it Leng Bodhi!"

"Six Ways? Leng Bodhi?" Xia Yang was stunned when he heard the words, my god, this title has a strong Chinese color!Who is this old man?

The six realms are divided into Heaven, Asura, Human, Animal, Hungry Ghost, and Hell within the realm of comprehension.When people die in the world, they are all in the six realms, reincarnated according to the karma and results of their previous lives, good and evil.This old man is actually called Liu Dao!The name is quite awesome!What surprised Xia Yang even more was the old man's title. Bodhi is Sanskrit, which means great wisdom, extraordinary and refined. It is also a powerful vocabulary, but this cold word is probably used to describe the old man's indifferent temperament.

Xia Yang never imagined that the words Liu Dao and Bodhi would appear on a person from another world!The doubts in my heart became more and more intense.

Seeing Xia Yang's surprised face, Liu Ye smiled again and said, "Looking at your surprised look, have you ever heard of Liu Dao?"

"No, the Six Paths I know are not the Six Paths." Xia Yang suppressed the doubts in his heart for a while, and smiled.

"Hehe, are there still two six ways?" Liu Ye obviously misunderstood Xia Yang's meaning, and said with a light smile, and then under the gaze of everyone, he said again: "These six ways are a demigod-level powerhouse , moreover, it may take 800 years to enter the demigod level."

(End of this chapter)

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