Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1773 Waiting for No. 1!

Chapter 1773 Sit back and wait for the first place! (4)
"Holy Son, go up quickly. Don't be robbed by the villain!" Tiffin reminded, but Khaki had already kicked out, or rushed straight up with a black streamer!

Just as Khaki burst into shots, another figure flashed across the sky, and his speed was three points faster than Khaki's!When catching up with Khaki, the man snorted coldly, Khaki was struck by lightning, his eyes lost excitement, and his body stiffened and fell straight down!
"Who! How dare you hurt my holy son of the Dark Temple!" Tiffin roared, his body flickered, and he caught Khaki, while looking angrily at the blue figure in mid-air go!
The blue figure didn't even look at Tifen, and directly shot at Zhu Chi's cloud cloth!
Tiffin's complexion changed, and immediately he flashed up with khaki, and in an instant, he flashed in front of the blue figure, but he saw a woman in blue clothes of level nine!

How could it be possible that the Holy Son was seriously injured and fell down by a woman of level nine!

(End of this chapter)

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