Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 1780 The evil monster is sealed!

Chapter 1780 The evil monster is sealed! (4)
Qiu Qianren and Xia Yang both flew down and landed beside Elise and the others.

"Hehe, Mr. Xia Yang, congratulations. The title of the number one powerhouse in the mainland is very dazzling!" Liu Ye watched Xia Yang fall to the ground, with a cunning flash in his eyes, and said with a smile.

Looking at Liu Ye's eyes, Xia Yang knew that his family couldn't hide it from her, but he said with a cheeky smile, "Senior Qiu has admitted everything."

Elise glanced at Liu Ye in displeasure. This chick was ahead of her. Seeing Xia Yang's unnatural smile, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Congratulations, brother, this time I have gained both fame and fortune."

Xia Yang was ashamed, could it be that these demigod-level powerhouses knew about his 'doing nothing' with Qiu Qianren?Immediately, he glanced angrily at Qiu Qianren, this guy was unreliable in his work, he made a seemingly awesome sword formation, but let others listen to it, and called Lao Tzu's pure reputation, another black mark.

Qiu Qianren smiled awkwardly, he was able to hide the truth from the crowd, these demigod level powerhouses, with his strength, it was naturally difficult to block their spiritual consciousness.

Afterwards everyone chatted and laughed for a while, then turned their gazes to the sky, now there are only five shadows shining on the clouds, and these five battles are all live ammunition battles, unlike the two battles of Qiu Qianren and Zhu Chi. opportunistic.

Now it is the countdown time of the conference, and the battle above the cloud cloth is particularly fierce, but seeing the ice magic in the hands of the Hanshan Fasheng, countless ice swords shuttle in the air, piercing the space again and again, his body The former contracted beast was a one-horned wolf with dual elements of wind and fire. As he fluttered, the claws blew up and the wind overflowed. From time to time, the wolf spit out explosive bullets the size of basketballs from the wolf's mouth, causing the opponent to complain endlessly. !
Qingxuan Fighting Saint Ye Wufeng is no longer chic at this time, with a few tufts of hair scattered on his forehead, and a jade flute whistling in his hand, the sound is like a clear whistling, it is soul-stirring, but inadvertently, it makes the opponent linger on the sound of the flute , Forget about attacking, but the opponent is not weak, and before Ye Wufeng's attack is about to attack, he can suddenly wake up, and then dodge quickly!Ye Wufeng's contracted beast is a blue-winged wind sculpture at the peak of the holy level. At this moment, it is fighting with the opponent's contracted beast, the vulture beast. Both are powerful beasts in the air, and they fight fiercely. Above the clouds, Already covered with a blood feather...

Li Yueyin's opponent was a woman in black. The woman looked cold and solemn, and the weapon in her hand was an extremely rare water-splitting thorn!
However, every time the woman attacks, there is only a wave of space rupture in the part where the water points pierce the head, but there is no wave in other places, even the movement of the body is like a feather Huge, there is no trace to be found. Obviously, the black-clothed woman's control of her own power has reached an extremely delicate level!

But during Lin Yueyin's challenge, he actually appeared a little flustered, and he was at a disadvantage!

Yun Tiantian was fighting against a middle-aged warrior, just like Yun Tiantian, this middle-aged man was also an earth warrior, and the two fought extremely fiercely, but they looked evenly matched.

(End of this chapter)

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