Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 18: Going to apply for a job as a teacher

Chapter 18: Going to apply for a job as a teacher (1)
Sincerely as follows:

This year, [-] students signed up for our school, and [-] passed the test. Although our school has a strong faculty, it can only accommodate [-].Our school is sympathetic to the eagerness of the students to study, and cannot bear to reject a thousand students, so we hereby entrust the mercenary union to issue a mission notice:

The Herib Academy in the city of Herib in the Kingdom of Gala is now specially hiring ten teaching teachers. There are no restrictions on their nationality, occupation, or grade. Those who are interested are welcome to come to our academy to register. The deadline for registration is May [-], [-] Tianlan.

After Xia Yang read this recruitment, he really felt ridiculous. This recruitment is a bit too long-winded. It can be directly written as Hribe College recruiting ten teaching teachers. There is no requirement. If you want to come and sign up, please note the deadline. Well, writing so long is nothing more than taking this opportunity to advertise for myself. It seems that the mercenary union charges are not low, and the hospital can save money!
However, Xia Yang turned around and thought about it, should he sign up for it?Xia Yang wanted to learn more about Sky Blue Continent, and the academy was undoubtedly the best place to meet his requirements.It's just that I don't know much about fighting spirit magic in this world, so how can I be a teacher?
Suddenly, Xia Yang's eyes lit up, "That's right, I don't know magic battle qi, but I have ancient martial arts that have been passed down for thousands of years in the secular world of China. The hospital should be interested in such a novel way of cultivation, right?" Xia Yang turned to think During the time when I lived in the secular world of the earth, I took the time to visit many ancient martial arts sects. Since Xia Yang's cultivation was already in the foundation-building stage at that time, it was natural that those sects had passed without trace and regarded theirs as treasures. Xia Yang has read all the martial arts cheats, and they are all deeply remembered in his mind!
When Xia Yang was giggling in his heart, they in the tower had finished the task and were walking towards Xia Yang.

"Brother Xia Yang, what are you looking at?" Before the Tali people arrived, the voice had already come first.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just took a look." Xia Yang didn't reveal his thoughts to Tali for the time being. After all, it's not certain whether he can succeed or not! "Oh, by the way, Brother Tali, what day is today?" Xia Yang suddenly remembered that he didn't know the date on the Sky Blue Continent, so he hurriedly asked, if he missed the date, he would lose all chances.

"Uh, today is May [-], [-] Tianlan, brother, why did you suddenly ask this?" Tari was taken aback, but still replied.

"What? It's the 26th! Brother Tali, let's bid farewell. See you someday!" Xia Yang became anxious when he heard that today was the [-]th. The figure has disappeared.

Xia Yang's actions stunned everyone, but when Tali saw the recruitment announcement issued by Hribe College, he seemed to understand something.

But at this time, Xia Yang was in a very bad mood.Because he didn't even know where Hribe College was.In fact, Xia Yang also wanted to go and ask the passers-by on the road.But those people only responded to Xia Yang with the look of "Are you an idiot?" After that, they ignored Xia Yang and walked away on their own.Xia Yang couldn't help lamenting, does it mean that everyone must be well-known if he is famous?
(End of this chapter)

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