Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 213 Thunder Man Fights Thunder Dragon, Beauty Fights Black Bear

Chapter 213 Thunder Man Fights Thunder Dragon, Beauty Fights Black Bear (3)
Although tired and desperate enough, Ya Rui was still a little excited when he got the magic core of 50 gold coins.After resting for a while, Ya Rui regained his strength, stepped on Dilong's mouth, clenched the handle of the gun with both hands, and pulled it out forcefully. The gun body was exposed, and a silver magic core was also driven out by the gun body, rolling down on the ground.

"Second Junior Brother, Seventh Junior Sister, help!" Ya Rui put the magic core in the storage bag, pointed at the scarlet gun body, and grinned.

Sony and Karina rolled their eyes depressed. After each battle, the two of them were responsible for cleaning the weapons for Ya Rui and others!Because their attacks are too bloody and brutal!No, I have to find an opportunity to talk to them about the charges!

With a swipe of Sony's long sword, a burst of icy grudge hit the gun body, and soon the gun body was covered with thick layers of ice!
Karina took out a short wooden staff, lightly for a while, a fire snake shot out quickly, wrapped around the gun body.

The fiery snake burned the solid ice, which turned into water, and rolled the blood on the gun to the ground.

"Hey! Thank you!" Ya Rui quickly thanked.

"Fifty gold coins will be charged every time in the future!" Sony and Karina said almost at the same time.

"Eh..." Everyone was speechless.At this time, Ruta has already directly dragged the huge body of the earth dragon into the storage bag. The earth dragon is also a dragon, and everything related to the dragon is a rare treasure, and Ruta will not let it go.Up to now, dozens of monster bones have been placed in Ruta's storage bag, and the lowest level is all level five monsters!

Pack everything up, everyone move on, the beast hunting plan remains the same!
After the crowd walked through for two hours, Xia Yang laughed again and said, "Front left, at 500 meters, the target appears!"

"What monster?" Everyone hurriedly asked carefully.

"How could you know the details of the enemy before he showed up!" Xia Yang chuckled, but didn't answer directly.

"Ahem, second senior brother, senior senior brother has already set an example, is it your turn now?" Ruta said with a smile, he didn't dare to try a seventh-level monster, even the brave and extraordinary senior senior brother was beaten to the ground. Don, go up by yourself, aren't you courting death?

"Yes, Second Senior Brother, go! We are all optimistic about you!" Everyone echoed.

"Third Junior Brother is already a seventh-level powerhouse, let's Third Junior Brother show his skills! I'll wait, there's no rush!" The cold Sonny also began to learn to be cunning.

"Hmph! A group of men dawdling around, like girls, no one is going, I'll go!" An Qi snorted coldly, and a huge stone ax slammed into the ground, splashing several dirt chips.

"Okay! Women don't give in to men, An Qi, come on! The monster in front, the iron-bellied black bear!" Xia Yang applauded, An Qi has already stimulated all the boys who are a little bit timid, and the next battle will definitely spurt blood!

"Dizzy, it's another perverted monster!" Yun Ya muttered, and a trace of burning heat flashed in his eyes.

Iron-bellied black bear, a seventh-level gold-type monster!Powerful, sharp attack!
An Qi was fearless, carrying a big ax on her shoulders, and striding away, causing all the boys to feel ashamed for a while, and at the same time secretly clicking their tongues, another female tyrant showed her childish form...

(End of this chapter)

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