Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2330 Everyone has their own questions

Chapter 2330 Everyone has their own questions (1)
Just when Xia Yang shook the sky blue star, the whole continent was in panic!The ground trembled wildly, the birds and beasts screamed, and the streets were full of human beings running in a hurry, thinking that some kind of catastrophe had come!Especially in those coastal countries, there was a sudden tsunami and a typhoon, and countless people suffered disaster.And Xia Yang, who was the instigator, was still sitting on the iron rod triumphantly, waiting for the beast owner to come back and admit defeat!Sure enough, within a short while, the beast owner flashed back with a dejected look on his face, and said with a wry smile, "Tell me, how did you do it?" "One word, coincidence!" Xia Yang laughed, "Actually, strength alone As far as you are concerned, no one is an opponent of your Titans, but there are no absolutes in the world. Many things cannot be done as long as you have brute force, such as the matter in front of you. I clearly understand that it is impossible to move a planet with the power of my body. Compared with yours, my power is thousands of miles away, but I can do it, and there is a problem of magic power involved in it." Then , Xia Yang analyzed the simple knowledge of the leverage theorem with the beast owner again. The reason why Xia Yang did this was that he didn't want another enemy like the giant in the World of Warcraft forest!If he could easily kill the beast owner, Xia Yang would definitely kill him on the spot without hesitation, but Xia Yang was not completely sure!Moreover, Xia Yang also thought clearly when he was comprehending the formation. It is not easy to make too many enemies at this time, because there is still a real enemy waiting for him!And Elise and the sword spirit who woke up also tried to dissuade Xia Yang many times. At this time, it is not easy to go to war with the World of Warcraft Forest. Xia Yang just suppressed the anger in his heart and prepared to have a meaningful cooperation with the World of Warcraft Forest!From Elise's mouth, Xia Yang has already learned that in the depths of Yunshuijian, a huge orc empire has already stood at this time. Although it has not been certified by humans in name, everyone in the know knows that the strength of the orc empire, It is only stronger than the individual five major human empires today!And where did these orcs come from?Obviously, only the World of Warcraft Forest can produce so many monsters for humanization at one time!But such a powerful unit, why did the Forest of Warcraft not personally control it, but fell into the control of that damned force in Yunshuijian!This is a question. When Xia Yang answered it to the beast owner, he also planned to ask the beast owner about it. I believe that with the character of the titan great ape, he would probably answer it.Sure enough, after Xia Yang explained the leverage theorem, he asked with a smile. "Your Excellency, Beast Master, I have a question that I would like to ask you, and you must be able to answer me." Xia Yang said with a smile. "What's the matter? As long as it doesn't touch my personal privacy, I can tell you!" The beast owner said generously.Halo, such a big black block, still has privacy?Xia Yang thought contemptuously in his heart, and immediately said: "What I want to ask is, why did you allow the skull tower to form the orc empire instead of controlling this considerable power yourself!" "So, you have been around for a long time just to Ask me this." The beast owner snorted, "It's okay to tell you, I once owed Ji Mingfeng a favor, so I promised to help her once when she needed it! And she exchanged this favor for nearly 30 Thousands of monsters below level nine."

(End of this chapter)

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