Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2339 Origin of Titans

Chapter 2339 Origin of Titans (2)
"Um, the physical body is destroyed and the primordial spirit is scattered, isn't it called death?" Xia Yang asked in surprise. "If it's an ordinary person, it's true that you can't die, and if your soul is scattered, you won't even be able to enter reincarnation!" Bing Zun laughed, "But here we have to talk about the word 'odd' of the Four Great Monkeys! The strange monkeys are not only powerful in their own right, and their spells reach the sky, but they are also born from heaven and earth, and belong to the immortal body!" "The immortal body?" Xia Yang asked in a daze, "Does it mean that no matter what they do, They won't die?" "Yes! That's true. Theoretically, as long as the world is immortal, they will not die!" Bing Zun laughed. "Then what happened afterwards? The arm-armed ape was resurrected?" Xia Yang asked. "No, because someone started doing it before the arm-branched ape was resurrected." Bing Zun said in a cold voice with a hint of disgust flashing in his eyes. "Um, this person must be the Buddha of the Western Heaven!" Xia Yang said anxiously. From the ancestor of the Titan Giant Ape to the Armed Ape, there should be a relationship between the two, and the Zhenshan Ape was surrendered by the Buddha. The monsters, who can stop the arm-armed ape, I am afraid that only the Buddha has this ability. "Hehe, little guy, you're really not stupid." Bing Zun smiled slightly, and then his face turned slightly cold, and said, "It's the Buddha of the West Heaven! Of course, he is very clear about the indestructible body of the ape, and he also knows that the root of the resurrection of the ape is the indestructible essence and blood contained in the ape's body! So after the ape was killed, he secretly The corpse of the gibbon-armed ape is gone!" Bing Zun said, the disgust in his eyes became more intense, and Xia Yang's heart trembled again when he saw it. His opinion is also very deep, really awesome, you know, whether it is the Jade Emperor or the Buddha, they are all existences at the level of immortals!I only heard the Bing Zun continue to say: "Because the arm-armed monkey has a violent personality, bloodthirsty and arrogance, and has refused to accept the Buddha's surrender several times, so the Buddha of the West Heaven has long hoped that the arm-armed monkey will lose its flesh and soul soon. This time he is In any case, the arm-armed ape would not be reborn! So he used his supernatural powers to ingest all the indestructible essence and blood in the arm-armed ape, and then transplanted them into the four Zhenshan apes, so that the essence and blood were dispersed, and the No matter how strange the brachial ape is, it cannot be reborn." "At that time, after the four Zhenshan apes were poured with blood essence, their strength increased greatly. , all due to the powerful energy contained in the immortal blood essence! However, the Zhenshan apes at this time can no longer be called Zhenshan apes, because after absorbing the immortal blood essence, they have different energy attributes and body shapes. Huge changes have taken place, as if it has mutated into a new species, which is today's Titan family!"

(End of this chapter)

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