Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 234 Teacher, someone is pretending...

Chapter 234 Teacher, someone is pretending... (2)
Seventh-level powerhouses in their twenties!There are also eight sixth-level masters in their twenties!How can it be!Who are these people who have such outstanding talents!
Senna felt a little hesitant in his heart, because they must be the children of some big families who can possess such talent and speed of cultivation, maybe they just came out to experience some experience!It is no fun to offend such a group of terrifying forces.Besides, the opponent's overall strength seems to be stronger than his own...

big family?However, when thinking of the word big family, Senna's gloomy eyes lit up again, and the color of greed replaced hesitation in an instant!Although their attire only consisted of a pair of rough boxers, it was also understood by Senna's clever idea that 'this is an extremely poor disguise'.

The children of the big family should have good things on them, as long as I kill them all here today, there will be no trouble in the future.

Senna, who was hiding in the dense forest, licked his somewhat dry lips, and glanced at the team behind him, "Four are level [-], fifteen are level [-], and they are all equipped with poisoned wind-piercing sleeve arrows... "

"Brothers, this is a huge piece of fat. Once it is done, you can enjoy your life happily. You don't have to do this kind of life. You will have the most fragrant wine and the most coquettish women... ..." A low voice resounded in the dense forest. Although the volume was so low that it was inaudible, it was still like a warm wind filled with aphrodisiacs, igniting the flames in the hearts of the lurking mercenaries.

"Deputy head, let's do whatever you say!" A thin middle-aged man smiled stealthily, his pale yellow eyes rolling in the dark night.The other mercenaries also gave approving glances, and there was excitement in their eyes. Every time they finished this kind of thing, they could hug the woman's snow-white body and roll all night.

"Very good, for the inexhaustible gold coins, for the warm bed that is warm and fragrant every night, brothers, fuck it!" The excitement on Senna's face caused the mercenaries who were lurking to breathe quickly. A dazzling golden luster and a soft white twisting scene flashed in front of my eyes.

Some of the hidden mercenaries even started drooling sticky saliva, and the sound of rolling their throats was louder than their voices.This is not a group of mercenaries, but a group of bandits who have been robbing houses all year round!
Seeing everyone's performance, Senna's face was still excited, but he smiled coldly in his heart, hehe, if you want gold coins and beauties, you have to survive. Besides, today's idea is not as easy to bully as usual.

Of course, Senna would not say these words to them, because Senna needed their enthusiasm and needed them to fight for their wealth!

Lurking quietly, waiting for the opportunity to move, fifteen fifth-level fighters have been secretly arranged by Senna in a half-arc shape, with cold light shining between their arms, like falling cold stars in the dark night!

The night is getting darker, and the cold moonlight casts a layer of cold dew on the World of Warcraft Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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