Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2356 The disadvantage will turn!

Chapter 2356 The disadvantage will turn!

At the edge of the messy Banyue Lake, there is already a huge artificial basin at this time. The depth of the basin is a thousand meters, and the range is also a thousand meters wide!

However, such an artificial basin was only caused by a single blow from the arm-armed ape!
At that time, the gibbon monkey thought that the blow he was determined to win would directly explode the head of the ice statue. This guy who was full of violent murderous intent had no intention of pity at all, so the gibbon monkey hit with all his strength. hit!Because he was in a hurry to kill the ice statue, so that the spirit could be completely integrated into the body of the arm-armed monkey. Moreover, at this moment, the body of the arm-armed monkey was still in its infancy and could not suffer major trauma. Serious sequelae, so the plan of the arm-armed spirit is to ensure one-hit kill, which not only saves energy, but also prevents the Ice King from destroying this new body!
However, just when the Tongarmed Spirit thought that Bingzun was in a certain death situation, things changed suddenly!
A white rhombus-shaped jade pendant flashed out from Bing Zun's hand, and the frightened look on Bing Zun's face suddenly disappeared, but it was replaced with a sinister sneer!

The All-Arm Soul Fist is moving swiftly, and the energy released is also extremely domineering and violent. The current attack distance is calculated by Bing Zun, which is a short distance that the All-Arm Spirit cannot take back the attack, so this blow must be implemented!
As a punch fell hard, it was not the head of the ice king, but the black ice shield formed by the ice king with all his strength. Therefore, nearly [-]% of the blow with all the strength of the whole arm and the soul is along the direction of the black ice. The ice shield unloaded towards the surrounding earth, which also created a giant artificial basin centered on the two of them!

The arm-armed ape is famous for its strength, and its control over strength is almost miraculous, so even though the Black Ice Shield has a strong rebounding effect, those rebounded strengths are suppressed back by his ingenious force, which makes only [-]% The strength is scattered!

Missing a hit, the arm-armed ape was hindered by the powerful black ice shield defense of the Ice Lord, and he also wanted to withdraw as soon as possible, recharge his energy and attack again, but how could the Ice Lord give him such a chance?
This moment is what the Ice Lord wants to take the risk of facing the powerful attack of the arm-armed spirit!
Just as the arm-armed monkey struck out, before the new power was born, the ice statue moved!

Just press a hand formula lightly, and everything is done!I saw a burst of dazzling white light suddenly burst out behind the arm-armed monkey following the hand gesture of Bing Zun, and with this burst of white light, a 50-meter radius around the arm-armed monkey's body suddenly appeared. The entire area of ​​Mi Nei condensed into a thick iceberg in an instant!And the huge body of the gibbon monkey is an ice sculpture sealed in the iceberg!

Seeing that the arm-armed ape was trapped, Bing Zun had a flash of joy in his eyes, but then he also became sad. The black ice jade pendant was her most important thing, but she had to use it at this time. At this time, Bing Zun was in a bad mood. Distressed, but apologetic, because it was her father's immortal soul that was sealed in that piece of Xuanbing Jade!It is also the most important life-saving method left by Bing Zun's father to Bing Zun!
Seeing the arm-armed ape trapped in the ice, the ice statue's complex expression gradually became cold and gloomy, and immediately began to forcibly extract the arm-arm spirit!

However, the soul power of the arm-arm spirit is a level stronger than the ice statue. Although the arm-arm spirit is completely passive at this time, it is still not an easy matter to extract the arm-arm essence!

Bing Zun first found Xia Yang's location by using his celestial sense. Seeing Xia Yang sitting cross-legged on the ground with a sad face, he didn't bother him. The ape whistle before was extremely powerful. Bing Zun thought that Xia Yang had been seriously injured and was adjusting his breath. But I didn't expect Xia Yang to be in crisis at that time!

Suo Xing also sat down cross-legged, and began to recover her immortal energy. Before resisting the full-strength attack of the arm-armed ape, she had exhausted all her immortal energy to build the black ice shield, otherwise, she would definitely not be safe Resist that fierce blow!
So during this period of time, Xia Yang felt strangely quiet over there, thinking that something happened to Bing Zun, but he didn't think Bing Zun was in much better condition than him, but the loss was greater.

Afterwards, Xia Yang heard the curse from the armless spirit, which was also the moment when Bing Zun recovered slightly!Because the iceberg began to fight with the arm-wrenching spirit with the injection of the ice statue's soul power, and the terrifying energy erupted naturally shook the ice body inside the iceberg a little, so that at this time, the sound of the beast's roar was also It can be heard superficially, unlike when the iceberg was in good condition, how the arm-armed ape roared, but it couldn't make a sound, which shows how strong the iceberg's absolute defense is when it is in good condition!Of course, this kind of absolute defense is an absolute prison for the arm-armed ape, quack!

However, as the two soul fights are getting more and more intense right now, the internal structure of the iceberg is also shattered by the energy erupting from the soul war, causing the iceberg's defense to drop again and again. The situation has already seemed to loosen, but the ice statue still failed to restrain the spirit of the arm!

Although the level of Daluo Jinxian is only one level behind, the strength is also a thousand miles away. The ice statue can fight undefeated until now, which is enough to show her strength, but the soul power of the arm spirit is too strong Yes, and in his soul, he is full of domineering and hostile. Even among his peers, his soul combat power is extremely powerful. Fortunately, Bing Zun has a soul defense fairy called Bing Xin Soul Lock, Otherwise, it would have been defeated long ago!

The scene at this time is that the ice statue's face is covered with frost, his brows are furrowed, and the fragrant sweat flows down his cheeks and flows between his naked chest, making the loose white clothes feel uncomfortable. It is close to the body, and on the huge iceberg, the outside is still intact, but inside, there are dozens of huge ice cracks imprinted!

The gibbon monkey was inside the iceberg. At this time, his teeth were grinning, his face was full of anger, and there was a bloodthirsty sneer in his copper bell-like eyes. Obviously, he had a premonition that the iceberg would trap him for a long time!

"Smelly girl, look at me breaking this iceberg, what else can you use to trap me! Hmph, you don't have the strength to detain my spirit!" During the fight, the arm-armed spirit burst out again Sneering, during the battle, he was able to open his mouth and drink violently, which shows that he had the upper hand in the battle, and it was very easy!

Bing Zun just stared at him coldly, did not answer, but looked back inadvertently from the corner of his eyes, and there was a figure of black fire with hot and high temperature, rushing towards him!

(End of this chapter)

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