Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2381 Both breakthroughs!

Chapter 2381 Both breakthroughs!

The moon is already in the middle of the sky, shyly covering her face, hiding in half of the dark clouds, but showing a corner, spying on the boundless spring that is rare in this world.

With Chen Feng shaking his body and moaning in his mouth, Xia Yang also went in cruelly, to visit the mysterious other shore of flowers!

... (Ahem, I have to delete hundreds of words here...)
Finally, under the constant impact, both Xia Yang and Chen Feng trembled, and both reached the peak of bliss!

At the same time, an extremely pure energy of primordial yin surged out of Chen Feng's body, but this force of primordial yin had nowhere to vent because of the operation of Chen Feng's own kung fu. The channel flocked to the most intimate place where Xia Yang was in contact!

Feeling the majestic pure energy coming, Xia Yang is naturally very clear that this is the pure energy of Yuanyin possessed by Chen Feng's son-in-law, and immediately runs the Bliss Book of Bliss to absorb all the energy of Yuanyin , into your own body!
At the same time, Chen Feng's body was also scorching hot like fire. The Jinghua released by Xia Yang was also operated through the method of dual cultivation, and contained extremely strong pure energy, which impacted into Chen Feng's body like this , immediately spread away, dissolving into countless energy particles, which were completely absorbed by Chen Fengquan!

For a while, the two of them maintained their final impact movements like this, but the aura in their bodies was growing crazily, and their cultivation was also increasing inch by inch!
Among them, Chen Feng's strength improvement is much greater than Xia Yang's. For one thing, her strength is lower than Xia Yang's, and Xia Yang's strength is much higher than Chen Feng's, so although the injected energy is insignificant to Xia Yang, it is insignificant to Chen Feng. As far as it is concerned, it is like a huge amount. Under the crazy absorption, the barrier of the ninth-level peak is broken in one fell swoop, reaching the holy level!Moreover, with the continuous absorption of energy, Chen Feng's aura is still growing rapidly!

Second, as Chen Feng's own Yuanyin was broken, the pure energy gathered in the depths of Yuanyin all the year round also spread wildly in his body, and through the operation of the exercises in the meridians, it returned to the dantian and became Chen Feng's original power!
As for Xia Yang, he originally belonged to Yang Xing, and even had a pseudo-pure Yang body. Although it was a little worse than the real pure Yang body, after several body transformations, it was infinitely close. At this moment, for Chen Feng's body The power of the most yin and primordial yin discharged from the inside is refined, and it is easy to grasp, and after a while, it is fully transformed into its own original power. At the same time, Xia Yang's cultivation barrier in the later stage of integration is also refining The moment the power of Yuan Yin was finished, he broke through with a bang!Steadily entered the initial stage of crossing the tribulation!
However, that's all there is to it. Although the cultivation base is still growing slowly under the nourishment of Yuan Yin's remaining energy, for Xia Yang's level, the effect is not great.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng's aura finally stopped growing, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Xia Yang's obscene smile.

"Why don't you get up?" Chen Feng said angrily, but his arms wrapped around Xia Yang's waist, his face was rosy with happiness.

"Hey, what to do when you get up, it's not enough! Quack!"

"Sex embryo~um~"

Accompanied by Xia Yang's movements, Chen Feng hummed again, his face flushed...

Being overwhelmed by the clouds and flooding Wushan, the house full of Chunfang is jealous.

Exhausted from a night of fierce fighting, the moon shyly fled to the sun to transform into shade.

After a long battle, when even the iron man was tired, the fragrance was soft, both Xia Yang and Chen Feng fell asleep soundly, with sweet and happy smiles still on the corners of their mouths.

At some point, Xia Yang woke up first, looked at the beautiful woman curled up in the quilt, with a loving face, and couldn't help pecking Chen Feng's face, making Chen Feng's eyes slightly open.

"You're awake!" Chen Feng smiled softly, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Yeah!" Xia Yang smiled, played with Chen Feng's messy black hair lightly, and said, "Last night was too crazy, are you okay!"

"Hmph, you're just asking people now, why didn't you know how to restrain yourself last night?" Chen Feng gave Xia Yang a resentful look, but didn't mean to blame him, but put his arms around Xia Yang's head, pressed it against his body, and said tenderly: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Since that year, when I first saw you in the Cliff Valley, I fell in love with you. Although it's not as strong as it is now, it's the first time I've been tempted by a man , although you were still a little boy at that time!"

"Hey, at that time I made up my mind not to get too close to you." Xia Yang also smiled.

"Why?" Chen Feng asked suspiciously.

"Hey, because you're so attractive, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you!" Xia Yang said with a smile, but he wouldn't say it, because he might not be able to control such a strong woman!
"Hehe!" Chen Feng didn't know, and giggled when he heard Xia Yang's praise.

"Let me take a look at your physical changes." Xia Yang said suddenly.

"What's there to see! Except there... everything else is the same, don't you want to come again!" Chen Feng said with winking eyes, even if Xia Yang wanted to come again, she would not refuse!
"Uh, of course not. When we were there before, I also practiced a method of dual cultivation, which can change a person's physique, so let me see if your physique has changed." Xia Yang was taken aback, and then smiled.

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Chen Feng was also overjoyed, if his physique was improved, then his cultivation speed would definitely be faster in the future.

Xia Yang probed his mind into Chen Feng's body. As soon as he entered, his eyes widened, his face was full of disbelief, and even a little horrified!
"What's the matter? Has my physique not changed, or is it not as good as before?" Seeing Xia Yang's reaction, Chen Feng also became nervous and asked quickly.

"No! It's because his physique has improved, and he has become extremely abnormal!" Xia Yang took a breath, and then said with a wry smile.

"You're a pervert, tell me quickly, what's going on!" Seeing Xia Yang say this, Chen Feng felt relieved, and immediately urged her to ask expectantly.

"Your own physique is a rare natural beauty. Although this kind of physique is very suitable for the method of dual cultivation, and the speed of cultivation is also very fast, it is far from being called a perverted level. However, the transformation in the Bliss Book last night Under the circumstances, it turned into the legendary Yaoyu Charming Body!" Xia Yang's horrified expression suddenly became extremely excited, and his eyes became more and more hot when he looked at Chen Feng, not for anything else, the Yaoyu Charming Body, In addition to being abnormally fast in terms of cultivation speed, there are other wonderful advantages!

(End of this chapter)

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