Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2401 The Legend of Cold Noodle Medicine Saint Dugu!

Chapter 2401 The Legend of Cold Noodle Medicine Saint Dugu! (3)
Under the inspection of Xia Yang's powerful mind, everything in the room is clearly displayed in front of Xia Yang.

Under the bright magic lamp, there are magic containers of different colors everywhere, and all kinds of liquid magic potions are bubbling inside the containers, and a figure in black clothes is moving quickly in these containers In the meantime, various powders were added to the vessel from time to time.

To Xia Yang's surprise, the face exposed by Legend of Dugu was actually younger than Murong Yuntian, only about twenty, but the age displayed gave people a sense of illusion, Xia Yang guessed that it was not Not his real age, but that wasn't his concern either.On the contrary, Dugu Legend's calm expression from beginning to end made Xia Yang slightly appreciate it. Perhaps Murong Yuntian thought this kind of indifference, but when refining medicine, it was a kind of concentration and a manifestation of stability!

Through the energy fluctuation of the potion, Xia Yang can judge that the potion configured by Legend of Dugu at this moment should be a violent potion that can instantly enhance a person's strength. Judging from the amount of potion, it is enough for a warrior of level nine to take it. After taking this potion, his strength soared to the level of a holy-level junior. Of course, as Murong Yuntian said, the medicine made by Dugu Legend has extremely side effects. After all, the energy of the holy-level is difficult for a ninth-level fighter to withstand the power of the medicine. The shock, after the outbreak, the person who took the medicine is afraid that half of them will be useless!
Finally, during the rapid movement of Dugu Legend, the addition of powder was stopped, and the merging of potions was started. In this process, the amount of distribution is very particular, but it can be seen that Dugu Legend's calculations are very accurate in this respect, and there is no one time. Failed, when dozens of different types of magic potions were combined into one container, the pace of Dugu Legend finally stopped.

Holding the final dark red magic potion in his hand, Dugu Legend revealed a stern smile, and said to himself in a low voice: "Blood Saint Pill, hmph, this time it shouldn't fail again! "

Saying that, the legend of Dugu just walked to a furnace with no fire, put the magic vessel in his hand on a bracket in the furnace, and immediately pushed the palm of his hand, and suddenly a flame of battle energy erupted from the palm It poured out, poured on the bottom of the container, and burned blazingly until the potion became extremely thick and viscous, Dugu Legend just took out a silver spoon, scooped out the potion, placed it on an iron plate, and put it in again immediately. The cauldron was slightly baked for a while, and under the combined action of Dugu Legend's soul power, the potion began to transform into a round medicine. The traces of blood-red lines oozing out of the medicine body made people feel a little shocking !
Dugu Legend didn't take out the medicine until it was completely dried, and immediately picked up a medicine without hesitation, and threw it into his mouth!

As the medicine flowed down his throat, the aura around Dugu Legend's body began to surge in an instant, from a holy junior to the peak of a junior!

Don't look at the fact that you haven't broken through the elementary level of the holy level, but just from the elementary level to the peak level, you have already said the horror of this kind of blood holy pill. I haven't been able to do it for several years, but with such a pill, it is achieved in an instant. Can you still doubt that this kind of pill is not scary enough?

(End of this chapter)

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