Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 252 Strength, it’s not worse than the teachers in the academy

Chapter 252 Strength, it’s not worse than the teachers in the academy (1)
On the huge square, under Budaloo's sound transmission, dozens of teachers are all standing neatly under the scorching sun, waiting for a group of returning young people, although there is a clear reluctance on their faces And angry, but they had to obey Budalu's order, not only because Budalu is the dean of Hrib College, but more importantly, Budalu is a ninth-level powerhouse, an existence that they look up to !
Budaloo himself did not stay in the office leisurely, but looked at the eleven figures that became clearer and clearer with a smile on his face, as if he was welcoming some distinguished guests.

Among the dozens of teachers, not all of them were annoyed, and two of them looked expectantly at the eleven figures, as if they were searching for something.

The sun was scorching hot, and the air was filled with a dry and hot atmosphere. At this time, the fur coats on everyone's bodies also looked different. In such a hot weather, wearing such fur coats, these people are not afraid of their brains being burned out?Some teachers have already started whispering and laughing, while Budalu glanced lightly, with a touch of disdain passing across his eyes, but he didn't say anything. Xia Yang and others gradually approached.

"Teacher Xia Yang, you've worked hard!" Ten meters away, Budalu had already started to greet Xia Yang with a smile.

"Yeah, of course it's hard work. You left these troublesome bastards to me. I'm so heartbroken that I haven't even slept a good night. Besides, Mr. Dean, it seems that you still owe me more than two years Salary?" Xia Yang chuckled, stepped forward and pushed Budalu on the shoulder, as if he was a best friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.And all the students behind them all cast contemptuous looks at Xia Yang's back, you haven't slept well all night?When we were practicing hard, you guys have been enjoying the shade under the tree or peeping at Karina and Angie's leaked spring!
However, Xia Yang's move of shoving Budalu immediately horrified the teachers behind Budalu. If he dared to make such a close move with a ninth-level powerhouse, Xia Yang might be No. 1!Moreover, the image of this person seems to be a little different from the legendary devil teacher. The lazy smile is on the corner of his mouth, which is somewhat friendly, and it is somewhat different from the rumored image of a cruel, cold-blooded, shameless hooligan.

Budalu didn't express anything strange about Xia Yang's actions. After all, both of them are ninth-level powerhouses now, and their status and status are at the same level. Although he is the dean of the academy, Budalu knows that Xia Yang has never See yourself as a real dean.In his eyes, he used to be an admirable ninth-level strongman, but now, he is just a ninth-level strongman who can make friends with him. Xia Yang didn't care about his identity at all.

"Hehe, the salary will definitely be made up. I think Jimmy should have prepared a generous crystal card for you a long time ago. Jimmy, don't you think so?" Budaloo said to Jimmy who was constantly wiping his sweat behind him, looking at Jimmy was panting and sweating, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes. Why is this Jimmy becoming less and less like a teacher? The sun can't stand it like this.

(End of this chapter)

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