Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2632 Mysterious old man!

Chapter 2632 Mysterious old man! (4)
"Hunyuan Thunder Ring!" Although the silver appearance has changed, Xia Yang still sees the black light at a glance, what is it if it is not the Thunder Ring!
"Haha! It seems that the senior helped me secretly!" Xia Yang smiled happily, "Thank you, senior!"

No one responded, and at the same time, somewhere in the wild desert, eleven phantoms disappeared with faint smiles...

The first thing Xia Yang did when he got the Hunyuan Thunder Ring was to re-identify the owner of the Thunder Ring, and then plunged into the Thunder Ring!

In the Thunder Ring, a ball of thunder roared in a space. It turned out to be the Hunyuan Black Demon Thunder, which was trapped in the Thunder Ring by the spell cast by the old man!

When they saw Bing Zun, Ao Qing and Ji Xuan, all three fell into a coma, and none of them were in danger of life!
(End of this chapter)

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