Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2634 Heart Demon Tribulation, Heavenly Way 3 Asks the Heart!

Chapter 2634 Heart demon tribulation, the way of heaven asks the heart three times! (2)
Xia Yang thought about it for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and said with a light smile: "Humans are not humans, and Dao is not Dao. Because humans and Dao are one, how can we distinguish between the Dao of humans and the Dao of Dao? Yes!"

"The way of heaven is not the way of heaven, and the way of cultivation is not the way of cultivation! This means that the way of heaven is impermanent, how can there be a theorem to find it? People often feel that they have touched the traces of the way, and they think it is the way of heaven! The law is everywhere, and everyone can only find one way at most, not the whole way! Naturally, I can’t say that the way I touch is the way of heaven!"

"For example, if a warrior enters with martial arts, what he comprehends is martial arts! When the Buddha meditates under the tree, he realizes the way of Zen! They are all part of the way, how can they be compared with the word "Day of Heaven?"

"Cultivation is not cultivation. This sentence is really ridiculous!" Xia Yang smiled and looked up in disdain.

"How ridiculous?" Daoyin asked indifferently, neither angry nor angry, without a trace of emotion.

"Why do you cultivate the truth? Truth is the foundation! Cultivation is the cultivation of the foundation. How can manpower do it to pursue the origin? However, those who speak big talk fallaciously! Where the origin lies, the Tao is also hard to find! The Tao also comes from the origin , Dao has not yet been fully understood, how can we explore the real world, let alone try to find the source! Cultivation, it seems to be the foundation of the Tao, but it should be the apex of the Tao!" Xia Yang smiled, and then closed his eyes Silent!

For a long time, the sky was silent, and the voice of Dao was silent for a long time.

After a while, another sound came: "The seven emotions and six desires in the world, and the two extremes of life and death are inseparable! How to break through the seven emotions and six desires, and transcend the thoughts of life and death?" Daoyin asked again, explaining that Xia Yang had already successfully dealt with the first question, and obtained Daoyin's approval!
When Xia Yang heard the words, he stared at him immediately, and shouted: "It's a joke, this is the real joke!"

"How to joke?" Daoyin asked indifferently.

Xia Yang spat lightly, and laughed wildly: "I often hear that Daoyin is extremely wise, understands the principles of heaven, and has heard that Dao is better than thousands of people. Why do you only ask Xia Yang such boring and low-level mentally handicapped questions?"

As soon as Xia Yang blurted out his mouth, his heart skipped a beat, my day!My head is showing off!To talk to Daoyin like this is courting death!
But in his consciousness, Xia Yang was powerless to discover the communication between his natal consciousness and Daoyin. He seemed like a bystander at the moment, and could only silently watch the two answer each other, and he couldn't get in a word at all!

What Xia Yang said now is the most true words in his heart, no falsification is allowed!

Therefore, Xia Yang cried in his heart. These words are just enough to think about them, why did they really say them?

Just listening to the form formed by Xia Yang's natal consciousness on the grassland, he raised his head proudly, and said softly: "Since a human being is a human being, he has life and death, so why detach himself! Without life, there will be no one. Without death, how can there be reincarnation? Beyond life and death, it's bullshit! If you are a person, you will love life! If you are a person, you will be afraid of death!"

(End of this chapter)

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