Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2705 Goodbye Solo!

Chapter 2705 Goodbye Solo! (3)
Sony was shocked again!There was a soreness in the vicissitudes of the eyes...

Xia Yang also sighed in his heart. Sony's young man was lonely and withdrawn, which was definitely caused by the great pressure he had endured. Although his knot was untied now, Xia Yang never forgot what he promised him. It's not that he didn't help, but that he The time has not come!
If you don't call names today, you will help Solo. I believe that you will never see Solo again in the Blood Blade Army tomorrow. For Sony, Xia Yang directly clarifies the words to Solo, so that he can stay with peace of mind.

Sony's lips trembled excitedly. He knew that as long as Xia Yang agreed, his restoration of the country would be as trivial as snapping fingers!
His son has achieved something, and his country has hope. Under the double joy, Sony, a resolute and indifferent man, also has tears in his eyes. He wants to say something, but he still can't say it!

Everyone behind Xia Yang looked at this scene strangely. There is such a huge gap in strength between the two, what is going on between them?

However, it was wise to keep silent, and no one made a sound.

"Blood Blade Army Solo listens!" Xia Yang suddenly shouted!
"The last general is here!" Solo also took a sudden step, raising his head and shouting!After many years of military career, he has already developed such a habit, and he changed it immediately!

"Let you take the [-] Blood Blade Legion to the six hundred miles in the straight line of Jiaman City, clean up the beast battle field, dig out the magic core, and cut back the fur, tendons and bones of beasts above level [-]! Everything else will be destroyed on the spot and must not be left behind. !" Xia Yang said in a deep voice, although those things are useless to Xia Yang himself, they are an important condition for the necessary supplies in future battles in the mainland!

For example, magic cores can be arranged in formations, and can also be embedded in weapons!Animal skins can be used to refine battle armor, and muscles and bones can be used to refine medicine pills!etc!And those abandoned by Xia Yang will naturally be destroyed, so as not to fall into the hands of other countries!
So Luo naturally understood what Xia Yang meant, and immediately shouted: "The last general takes orders!"

Immediately, he changed his pace, and the army of blood blades in front of him shouted: "Li Ge come out!"

"The last general is here!" A thin and shrewd man immediately came out in response, his face was resolute, as if cut by a knife, his pupils were shining, and he looked like a decent person.

"Li Ge, I ordered you to follow the leader back to the Lieyang League and report the matter to the general. I will wait for the army to return for a few days!" So Luo said indifferently, his face full of solemnity.

"The last general takes orders!" Li Ge replied, without the slightest expression on his face, only obedience.

Xia Yang looked at it secretly, and wiped away the sweat in his heart. Grandma, just patronizing excitedly, playing handsome, almost forgot a guide, and Solo was smart enough to arrange a guide for us...

Of this group of people, only Xia Yang and Bing Zun knew that Li Ge was actually arranged by Solo to lead the way for him, not something to repay Ren Xuesong...

"The rest of the soldiers, listen to my orders! Get out of the city!" Sonny said again, and then he stepped out first, and the rest of the blood blade soldiers stepped in and followed neatly, the footsteps were still uniform, and the sound shook the ground!
"Tsk tsk, this is really an invincible army. Presumably in the world, the same number of legions will never be able to match this legion!" After Solo and others left, Zhan Qianhao praised again .

When Xia Yang had a conversation with Solo before, Zhan Qianhao had been paying attention to this invincible team!
"Hehe, Brother Zhan laughed at me. This army was trained by my little apprentice. Hehe, it's that Ren Xuesong. You've all seen it before." Xia Yang smiled very proudly.

"Hehe, it turned out to be him, no wonder that's the case. At that time, I felt that the kid had a murderous aura, which is a unique aura that has been killed for a long time, not the murderous aura accumulated because of killing!" Zhan Qian Hao laughed.

"Hehe, Brother Zhan has sharp eyes! Li Ge, you lead the way!" Xia Yang smiled at Zhan Qianhao, and then said to Li Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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