Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 275 Ending the Curtain

Chapter 275 Ending the Curtain (1)
In the dean's office, Budalu suddenly opened his eyes with his eyes closed, and murmured in shock, "The secret art of the rock clan? Could it be that Milie is actually one of the legendary ancient stone clans? But how is this possible? , According to ancient records, the ancient clan should have disappeared along with the war of the gods that year!" Frowning slightly, Budalu got up and walked out of the office immediately.

On the square, there was loud applause, and the iron rock thorns flying all over the sky collided violently with the wind blades flying in the air. However, under Milie's hands interlaced, those rock thorns that were knocked off trembled slightly. Immediately afterwards, it circled in mid-air according to a strange trajectory. After a few seconds, all the rock thorns shooting all over the sky had all revolved around Ya Rui and the wind sculpture, like a torrent of rock thorns.

"What kind of fighting skill is this? It's so weird!" Ya Rui also opened his eyes wide, feeling the boundless oppressive force, with cold sweat dripping on his forehead, "Damn, you bastard, you know so many things !"

Staring at the rapidly spinning Iron Rock Jet Stream in mid-air, Xia Yang also had a flash of surprise in his eyes. This kind of weird skill can catch up with the attack strength of some common spells in the realm of comprehension.After the slightly squinted eyes opened, they never squinted again, glanced at the pale Milie on the high platform, hummed softly and murmured: "When this guy's control power reaches the limit, I'm afraid it's also the iron rock thorn. It's time to deliver the strongest blow. It seems that this time, Ya Rui really can't bear it!"

Milie's strangely intertwined hands were already trembling slightly, but the iron rock thorn flow above the midair was spinning even faster!As the rapid rotation became faster, the small iron rock thorns that were originally clear could no longer be seen, and gradually merged into the gray torrent.

"Go to hell, little bastard!"

After a wild and deep angry howl sounded, the torrent of iron rock gathered towards Yarui who surrounded the center instantly with an unparalleled rapidity of fire, and indistinctly, countless starlights exuding cold air shone.

His eyes shrank suddenly, and Ya Rui had to withdraw his spear, and the same low voice shouted: "Damn it, fight! Leo, Purple Thunder Shield!"

Budalu, who had already approached the edge of the square, suddenly paused. He looked at Ya Rui in mid-air with a shocked face, and a layer of purple lightning flashed all over his body, and murmured again: "How is it possible! It is another ancient Legendary guy!"

"It seems that Hribe College has changed a lot in these years. I didn't realize that such people gathered here. Alas, I'm getting old after all!"

With a sigh, Budaloo walked slowly towards Xia Yang's direction, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, could this weird little guy also come from a strange ancient race?Shaking his head helplessly, he only knew a little about these ancient secrets, so he hurried away immediately.

"Damn! Senior brother, when did we come up with this thing, we don't know at all!" Among the same door, there was another hum of jealousy mixed with a little surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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