Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2825 Venerable identity void space!

Chapter 2825 Venerable identity void space!

In 190, including Zhu Zhentian, there are 190 people. According to Lan Mei, there are seven to eight hundred people scattered in the mainland, making a living for the Li clan. If you hold a power in your hands, Putting it into the ordinary army is definitely a powerful boost!

People of the Li clan have infinite strength, below the holy level, one person is enough to deal with several masters of the same level without losing!

What's more, people from the Li clan have great endurance and are suitable for protracted battles!
On the battlefield, it is not a few minutes to decide the final outcome. The killing in the second half is basically red-eyed, stimulating the potential to fight, and the people of the Li clan, because of the relationship of endurance, must be able to maintain reason battle!
This is a rare battle force!
Xia Yang thought to himself, and he was more sure of his intention to win over the Li clan. Although he didn't think much of these muscular men at first, but these more than 100 people standing in one place at the same time gave people an insurmountable fortress The general feeling!
"Everyone, relax! You don't need to resist! Leader Xia Yang will send you into a strange space later, and take you away from Mangu. Of course, the patriarch will be with you, so don't worry about anything." Zhu Zhentian said in a deep voice , although he had already used himself as a guarantee, those members of the Li clan still frowned and hesitated.

After all, they don't feel at ease if they relax their resistance and allow others to teleport themselves into an inexplicable space, especially since they don't know enough about Xia Yang!

Xia Yang also smiled slightly, did not speak, just reached out and scratched in the void, and suddenly a dark crack was formed out of thin air, and within the crack, strands of silver light gathered!
At the beginning, everyone in the Li clan didn't know what Xia Yang was doing. Is tearing up the space a big deal?Grandpa Darius can do it!

This guy, isn't he trying to use this to explain that if he has evil intentions, there is no need to make a fool of himself, right?
Many members of the Li clan feel a little disdainful in their hearts, the holy level can tear apart the space!Although the degree is different, Dalishi, a member of the power tribe at the peak of the holy level, can easily do it!
Therefore, the act of tearing up the space does not have much deterrent effect in the eyes of the members of the Li clan!

However, these are just the thoughts of those members of the Li clan who have not reached the holy level!
Those thirteen members of the Li clan who had already reached the holy level, including Dalishi who looked at Xia Yang with special dignity from the beginning, all stared wide-eyed at this moment!

At their level, although they can tear apart the space, they will definitely not be able to tear it apart as easily as Xia Yang!
If the space was so weak, it would have collapsed long ago!
Moreover, during the movement of Xia Yang's palm, these saint-level masters didn't even feel the slightest fluctuation of energy!

this is too scary!

What kind of strength does this require!
Xia Yang's action really shocked them too much!This is probably a god-level master, and it is impossible to do it!

Only Venerable Qingtian's expression was flat, even a little dull!
Although Zhu Zhentian already knew Xia Yang's strength, he was still shocked at this moment.

The strength of the venerable... is it so strong?Zhu Zhentian was shocked in his heart, but also longing for it...

Lan Mei stared closely at Xia Yang with a pair of wonderful eyes, and the light in her eyes flickered frequently. At this moment, seeing Xia Yang fiddled with her strength in front of her clansmen, instead of feeling angry, she felt complacent in her heart. Proud, as if this Xia Yang is who she is... Well, some wives feel that their husbands are expensive...

Xia Yang didn't care about the eyes of these people, his expression was still indifferent, but his hands never stopped!

Ever since tearing apart the space with his bare hands, Xia Yang didn't clean it up. On the contrary, there were silver light spots floating in the space between his hands, forming a huge silver light sphere in a short time!

The silver light is dazzling, and the silver ball is suspended in the crack of space like a substance... With the strange handprint in Xia Yang's hand, it turns and shrinks frequently...

At this moment, even those members of the Li clan who don't know the inside story feel a little unusual!
Although they couldn't see Xia Yang's real intentions, they were shocked to find that since Xia Yang tore apart the space, there was not even a single bit of space wind and space turbulence flowing out of the space gap!
how come?How could this be?
Those members of the Li clan really couldn't turn this corner!

Only those saint-level masters of the Li clan know that the gap seems to be unstoppable, but the real situation has indeed been sealed by Xia Yang with his own strength!

Gang Feng couldn't break through Xia Yang's power seal at all!
Dalishi watched the knot in Xia Yang's hand move again and again, as well as the shrinking silver light ball in the crack, his brows became more and more wrinkled, and then his eyes suddenly protruded, and a look of shock appeared on his face!
"Uncle Dalishi, what's the matter?" A middle-aged saint-level expert beside Dalishi immediately asked after seeing Dalishi's drastically changed expression.

"He... he is shaping the void space!"

In Dalishi's eyes, there was a flicker in his eyes and he said!
"No space!"

Hearing this sensitive, which seemed to be an extremely unfamiliar word, the other twelve holy-level force clansmen frowned, but within a short while, they all became terrified again!

"No space! Isn't he a respectable powerhouse!" Everyone exclaimed!
Only when one reaches the strength of a respectable powerhouse can one refine the free space factor in the void into one's own unique storage space!

To put it simply, void space is the symbol of the identity of a respectable and powerful person!

Empty space is a unique refining method of separation and refining, which can directly mobilize the power of space in the space, fuse it into one, and then forcefully expand it to form an independent space!

Empty space can store everything, including living people!

Moreover, the storage place does not need to be deliberately carried by the owner at all, it will automatically dissociate from the void, and rely on the qi induction with the owner to follow the movement!
Moreover, the void space is non-transferable and unique to one person!If the owner dies, the Void Space will automatically burst open in the void, and the contents inside will also be completely annihilated into nothingness, and no one can get it!

Xia Yang is now in front of them, refining the void space, which is enough to explain one thing!

He, Xia Yang, is a strong man at the respect level!
If it is difficult for the people of the Li clan, there is no need to go to any lengths, one person, one palm, is enough to destroy the Li clan!

Just when the people of the Li clan were sweating coldly, the silver ball had already turned into a fist-sized existence in the crack, but within this fist-sized space, there was a sudden muffled thunder!
"The void space has been formed!" Dalishi smiled wryly, and sighed, even for a high-ranking expert, it is not easy to refine the void space, and the probability of failure is extremely high, but Xia Yang actually did it in a short time. The refining was successful in a short period of time, which can only show that Xia Yang's own strength is much more terrifying than the average respect-level powerhouse!
No wonder, Venerable Qingtian would stand beside him without temper...

For a time, everyone understood a lot.

A bit of blood was forced out from the fingertips, and was shot into the silver ball by Xia Yang. The silver ball trembled slightly, and then the silver shadow gradually disappeared, while Xia Yang waved his hand, and the crack in the space that was torn apart by it, It's as easy as closing a door...

In this scene, not only the Li clan was stunned and fell into petrification, even Venerable Qingtian twitched fiercely at the corner of his mouth a few times!
Damn, she is really a pervert...Even Da Luo Jinxian, it is not so easy to close the space... Venerable Qingtian groaned in his heart, and a feeling called inferiority arose spontaneously...

"Hehe, I made everyone laugh. I made a void space to play with. Although this thing is not very good, it can still be used for storing things!" Clapping his hands, as if he had done something very easy, Xia Yang looked at it with a smile The members of the Li clan laughed, but there was a flash of pride in their eyes. Grandma, I know that you people of the Li clan are very arrogant, but you also admire those who are more powerful. The young master showed his hand today, and he still Don't tell you to worship death?

When Xia Yang's smiling eyes fell on Lan Mei, even Lan Mei, who was familiar with Xia Yang's strength, had little stars shining in her eyes, she just put her hands on her chest and shouted "You are so handsome"...


Xia Yang practiced it casually for fun, and almost made those Li clan members not choke to death!Can such a heaven-defying thing as void space be practiced and played casually?

"Ahem, I think, everyone can feel at ease now, right?" Zhu Zhentian also blushed and came out to smooth things over. The stronger Xia Yang is, the stronger the support of the Li Clan will be in the future, right?Xin'er is of course happy!
"Wait." Xia Yang interrupted with a smile. Under Zhu Zhentian's puzzled look, Xia Yang glanced at the Li clan members lightly, and said with a smile: "There is one thing that I have always been curious about!"

Everyone looked at Xia Yang suspiciously. Xia Yang didn't expect anyone else to come and talk to him, so he continued, "The Li family is not weak in talent. They are born with amazing supernatural powers. They also practice extremely hard the day after tomorrow. They often surpass their own limits. Among them, you don't even have a demigod master?"

"I had no choice but to enter the tombs of the clan before, but I was surprised to find that the ancestors of the Li clan, except for a few who died at the junior and intermediate levels of the holy level, most of them died when they were at the peak of the holy level. Why?"

Xia Yang's flat voice was like throwing a green olive into the mouth of a member of the Li clan, it was bitter and astringent!

"Leader Xia Yang, you don't know something." Zhu Zhentian sighed when he heard the words, and said with a heavy face, "It's not that I am a member of the Li Clan, who is not talented enough to break through to the peak of the holy level, but that once our Li Clan people break through the holy At the peak level, there is no need to enter the cultivation stage of the transitional god level, that is, the demigod state!"

"The clansman said that once a member of the Li clan breaks through the peak of the holy level, they will directly reach the god level?" Xia Yang's eyes moved, and his heart suddenly dawned!

It's not that he doesn't know the reason for the death of the Li people. On the contrary, maybe he knows better than the general Li people. Although the ancestors of the Li people in the coffins have been dead for many years and their bones have long since rotted, with Xia Yang's eyesight, he can naturally see them. The real cause of death!
Except for more than a dozen saint-level junior and middle-level Li clan ancestors who died of serious injuries, those masters at the peak of the holy level all died of bone-crushing disasters!
It's not simply breaking a few bones, but the whole body's bones, all of them are shattered into pieces!
How can a person survive with such injuries?

Xia Yang was really confused at the beginning, but when Zhu Zhentian said that members of the Li tribe can be promoted by leaps and bounds, he understood a lot!

People of the Li clan, no matter how strong their bodies are, they can't bear the rush of divine power that emerges from their bodies when they break through to the god level. Basically, their bones are turned into powder before they break through!
(End of this chapter)

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