Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2830 Pay the chapter!

Chapter 2830 Pay back!

The matter of the mansion has been settled, and Xia Yang felt relieved. Even if everyone from the Li clan was released from the thunder ring, they were handed over to Ren Xuesong to take them down for a rest, while Xia Yang and Zhu Zhentian, He left the crowd alone and went to look at the leader's study.

In other words, when Ren Xuesong saw the muscular men and women of the Li clan, and those super-strength arrows and crossbows that shocked people, his eyes immediately lit up, and he enthusiastically led the Li clan people to the guest room, but he was already fighting with Xia Yang in his heart. With the same thought, how to lure these Li clan members and crossbows into the army...

Seeing Xia Yang leaving with the patriarch, Lan Mei wanted to follow, but after a little hesitation, she gave up, but there was a trace of sadness in her eyes.

She knew very well that Xia Yang was willing to help the Li Clan, and it definitely wasn't because he didn't ask for nothing.Even if she exists, it is absolutely impossible!
Since the future of the Li Clan is tied to the Lieyang League, everything can be arranged as he pleases, as long as... as long as these clansmen can survive safely, that's fine...

Thinking of this in Lan Mei's heart, she felt much more relaxed...


"Leader Xia Yang, tell me, what do you need my Li Clan to do?"

As soon as he entered the study, Zhu Zhentian said with a light smile, looking at Xia Yang calmly.

Xia Yang wasn't surprised either. If Zhu Zhentian didn't even have this awareness, he wouldn't be qualified to be the patriarch of the Shangli Clan either. He just smiled slightly and said, "The patriarch is really a straightforward person."

"Hehe, the Li Clan will be under the protection of the Lieyang League in the future, so it is right to do something." Zhu Zhentian said with a light smile, but a bitterness flashed in his eyes.

The ancient powerful clan, who have been lonely until now, naturally feel quite bitter in their hearts when they attack others.

Xia Yangquan didn't see the bitterness in Zhu Zhentian's eyes, he still smiled and said: "Actually, I don't need the Li Clan to do anything difficult, I just need to recruit a hundred experts of the eighth or ninth level who are below the holy level of the Li Clan to join Liuyun In the army, they also have the technology to make powerful bows and crossbows!"

"This..." Zhu Zhentian twitched his eyes, looking a little embarrassed.

Xia Yang didn't answer, but just watched, he believed that Zhu Zhentian would agree to it in the end!

The Li family has no choice!

It's not that Xia Yang forced them, but they agreed to Xia Yang and sheltered the Lieyang League. In today's mainland, the current strength of the Li Clan will be annexed sooner or later, and the fate of the Li Clan will definitely not be like that of the Li Clan. Now that's it!

Xia Yang doesn't intend to give the Li Clan a chance to bargain!

It is absolutely impossible to get the protection of Lieyang League without paying!

Everyone is the same, there are no exceptions!

Even those semi-respected strong men who were induced by Xia Yang, who were just talking about visiting, are now firmly tied to the Lieyang League by Xia Yang?
Don't look at those old men, Xia Yang doesn't seem to have prepared any work for them, because at their level, the most important thing is to deter and protect them!
If there weren't those half-respected powerhouses sitting in the town, the Sun League might have been wiped out by the Dark Temple and the Skull Tower at the beginning of its rise. It was only because of these old men in the Sun League that they didn't take it lightly.

Without these old men here to frighten him, how would Xia Yang dare to go out at will?Don't ask others to stew it in a pot!
Seeing that Xia Yang kept silent and just looked at him with a faint smile, Zhu Zhentian was quite annoyed in his heart, but he didn't dare to get angry at all, so he could only say: "Leader, the Li clan can agree to recruit a hundred clansmen, but the one who makes the powerful crossbow Technology is left by the ancestors and cannot be passed on to the outside world, forgive me for not agreeing."

Zhu Zhentian's voice was very resolute, but Xia Yang wanted to laugh when he heard it!
That's right, it's just funny!If Zhu Zhentian had really been so firm in his heart, he would not have hesitated for so long before saying it, but would immediately veto it, and saying it now only shows that the Li Clan wants to get some benefits!
There are benefits, Xia Yang is not without it!But I don't want to give it!

The Li family took advantage of the Lieyang League, and everyone is familiar with each other, but the young master is not Xiaokai, so there is no way to take advantage of it.

"Oh, that's right." Xia Yangxu squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "I don't really care if I don't have a strong crossbow. But I hope that the patriarch can provide me with three hundred super ballistas, five hundred A powerful bow and arrow that is one and a half meters long, shouldn’t be a problem? I know that the secret of a clan is the treasure of the clan and cannot be easily leaked out. I understand your difficulties!”

"However, without enough sharp weapons, how can we protect the Lieyang League, right? The Lieyang League is located in the Liuyun Empire. If Liuyun is tight, the Lieyang League will inevitably be in turmoil. Therefore, I think this condition, Zhu The patriarch will definitely agree, right?"

Zhu Zhentian's face trembled, he really wanted to beat Xia Yang up!
Three hundred super ballistas, five hundred powerful bows and arrows!Why don't you snatch it, kid!

The Li clan has accumulated thousands of years to produce only fifty super ballistas and two hundred powerful bows and arrows. If you ask me for so much at once, I can't steal it!

However, I have already rejected it once, do I have to refuse it again?This legendary shameless master probably doesn't have such a good temper, does he?
Zhu Zhentian was crying in his heart, but Xia Yang sat down relaxedly, crossed his legs, and looked at Zhu Zhentian with a smile on his face, but under that smile, Zhu Zhentian felt a sharp chill!

"We agree to this!" Zhu Zhentian gritted his teeth and said, before Xia Yang clapped his hands, he followed closely and said, "But we don't have any materials..."

Xia Yang waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay. You can get the materials from Solo under Ren Xuesong's command, he will meet all your needs for materials."

Naturally, Xia Yang is not worried about the materials. After killing so many ancient beasts back then, the Lieyang Alliance has accumulated a terrifying amount of materials. Even if the other empires on the mainland add up, there is absolutely no flow More than half of the cloud empire!

Seeing what Xia Yang said, Zhu Zhentian felt a lot more relaxed. Now that the materials are available, the members of the Li clan should just take it as their contribution, huh?etc?After removing a hundred clansmen, now there are only 100 Li clansmen here plus myself and my father?
How long will it take for 100 people to complete such a workload?
Zhu Zhentian suddenly froze...

It seems that Xia Yang is really insidious, he wants to attract all the people of the Li clan, well, when he returns, he will send out a clan call, calling all the disciples who are outside to come to Liuyun!

Zhu Zhentian made up his mind bitterly in his heart, and finally found out that Xia Yang, a gentle-looking guy, was actually full of bad intentions and set up a series of tricks. He had to get involved, and he didn't even need to explain directly...

Xia Yang looked at Zhu Zhentian jokingly, seeing that the patriarchs of this generation looked a bit out of control, he snapped his fingers and smiled, and said: "Patriarch Zhu, I have two Thunder Fire Bone Refining Pills here, you can send them to Senior Zhu Chi and Dalishi , I believe that when they finish refining the medicinal power, the bones will undergo a great transformation, and when they break through to the god level, there should be no more problems."

Xia Yang summoned a jade bottle from the thunder ring, inside which were placed two purple elixirs, the elixirs were round and round, there seemed to be purple currents in them, and there seemed to be hidden fires, one could tell that they were not ordinary products.

Zhu Zhentian took the jade bottle excitedly, glanced at Xia Yang gratefully, and said, "Thank you!"

He knew how important these two pills were to the Zhuo Li Clan!

Not only will it not lose two saint-level peak masters, but it will also create two god-level masters for the Li clan!

For many years, the Li clan has not had a god level!Right now, this scene is not far away, how can Zhu Zhentian not be excited!
"Hehe, it's okay, these are all things I promised, and I will do it naturally. I, Xia Yang, am not a person who breaks my promise, so I treat my friends like this." Xia Yang smiled, but Zhu Zhentian knew that the restrictions Xia Yang said would only treat friends. in this way!If there is a dissent, with Xia Yang's means, even extermination is still light!
"I will refine the remaining elixirs in batches. Others are not in a hurry for the time being. Besides, the materials for refining the Thunder Fire Bone Alchemy are gone. I need to collect them for a while," Xia Yang said.

"Thank you leader, the others are not in a hurry for now." Zhu Zhentian said in response.

Maybe it's true that the materials are not complete, but isn't this Xia Yang's way of securing the Li Clan?

The Thunder Fire Bone Refining Pill is a must for the Li Clan, but only Xia Yang has it!Naturally, Xia Yang couldn't give him all at once...

When Zhu Zhentian left Xia Yang's study, he was quite excited...

"It's time to go to Green Cloud Valley. This matter can't be delayed any longer!" Xia Yang murmured softly, but a sharpness flashed in Xia Yang's eyes!
Ren Xuesong will naturally handle the affairs of the Andunli clan well.But Venerable Qingtian was too reckless, Xia Yang didn't plan for him to go to Green Cloud Valley.

This time, Xia Yang plans to go alone!

It's best if you don't do it...

But if Lvyungu held on to Lvyunbamboo roots, Xia Yang would definitely grab them!

"I hope it can be resolved peacefully..." Xia Yang sighed, walked out of the study, and went back to his bedroom. Although he didn't do anything to revive Venerable Qingtian, Xia Yang spent all his immortal energy to resist the weak snake's attack. Afterwards, he used a little bit of immortal energy that the fairy baby had recovered with great difficulty, and used it as a pretense to refine the void space in front of the force clansmen, and it was exhausted again. Coupled with the continuous rush, the body also appeared extremely exhausted.

When manpower is limited, immortals are no exception, so now Xia Yang plans to sleep well, and then set off for Green Cloud Valley the next day!
Elise and Chen Feng are both in seclusion, Xia Yang happens to have nothing to think about, so it's rare for him to sleep easily...

In the early morning of the next day, Xia Yang left quietly, so that Elise and Chen Feng, who heard the news of Xia Yang's return the next day, rushed to the empty room...

The Qin Dynasty, the land in the far west, was originally connected to the small country of Hops, but was later annexed by the sword fighting army of the Qin Dynasty.

At the border of these two countries, there is a valley.It can also be said that it is a bamboo forest in a deep valley!
But the bamboo in this bamboo forest is known as ghost bamboo in the local area!
Because once someone goes deep into this bamboo forest, they will be lost in the bamboo forest, unable to find any direction, and all sense of direction will be lost. Even if you carry an instrument to lock the direction, the result will be the same!

As soon as you enter the ghost bamboo, the gods are also lost!

Basically, no one can walk out of this bamboo forest by themselves...

However, these people who go deep into the bamboo forest will not be in danger of life, and often they will appear outside the bamboo forest strangely the next day after they are hungry and faint!

Once, someone curiously probed why such a strange situation occurred, and ended up pretending to faint in the bamboo forest for three days, but there was no movement at all.Even when he really passed out, he didn't have the chance to come out again, but turned into manure of ghost bamboos all over the mountain!

The ghost bamboo forest is a strange place in the local area, but on this day, a cyan figure stood in front of the ghost bamboo forest with a faint smile, tsk-tsk admiration!

(End of this chapter)

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