Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2862 Puppet Greedy Wolf!

Chapter 2862 Puppet Greedy Wolf! (3)

Xia Yang yelled, his vest was sweating, how could it be possible!Why is this beast so sensitive!The moment Lao Tzu's mind touched him, this beast actually felt it, how could this be!
The soul detection issued by Xia Yang's soul power is difficult even for Da Luo Jinxian, but Tanlang discovered it immediately and locked Xia Yang's position!

This shocked Xia Yang, but at the same time, it was unbelievable. He was paralyzed, and what I detected was not your drooping buttocks, you are so sensitive!
Unable to hide his figure anymore, Xia Yang immediately stood up, with a whistling sound, and with a vertical move, a black long sword appeared in Xia Yang's hand!
The Nine Heavens Qingyun Sword was taken away by the fairy baby, but the Pofeng Black Sword sacrificially cultivated by Xia Yang's mind still remained in Xia Yang's body, and when the flames in his body changed, the Pofeng Black Sword was also reproduced and condensed by the flames Once, although it can't be compared with the Jiuxiao Qingyun Sword, it has risen to the lower rank of the fairy artifact!

"Sword Dance Changchuan!"

With a stern shout, the Pofeng Black Sword immediately slashed out a sharp sword glow, and headed towards the greedy wolf that was rushing towards it!

Fortunately, the sword essence in the body has not been instilled into the sword spirit for the time being, otherwise, at this time, he can only use the Fentian Xuanjihuo, but Xia Yang really dare not use that thing at will, even though he uses the Fentian Xuanjihuo, Xia Yang is sure to kill it Greedy wolf, but after killing it?Xia Yang will immediately fall into a weak state, and there is no guarantee that there will be no other beasts here!
"Senior brother?!"

Venerable Jade Blood, who was spinning around, also found Xia Yang, and was immediately overjoyed, shouting in surprise.

"Brother, how big are you!" Xia Yang was furious, if it wasn't for this guy, how could he walk into the valley so quickly and unprepared?After killing the greedy wolf, I will make you feel better!Oh shit!

Xia Yang cursed in his heart, the long sword and Jianmang had already collided fiercely with the running greedy wolf!
The greedy wolf didn't dodge or dodge, and directly grabbed Xia Yang's light. This scene made Xia Yang shake his head and stare. Damn, is there something wrong with this wolf?

Although Xia Yang is confident in his sword light, Tanlang's speed is famous in ancient and modern times. This sword can be avoided completely, but Tanlang doesn't dodge it at all!

"Ahem, brother, that bastard is not afraid of beating, his skin is thicker than mine, and he only has killing in his heart, he has no other thoughts at all, you have to pay attention!" Venerable Jade Blood finally landed in the distance, gasped a few times, and Kindly reminded.

"Aren't you afraid of beating?" Xia Yang was taken aback for a moment, then he took a closer look, and cursed again: "Damn!"

Amid the disintegrating invisible sword energy, a huge wolf shadow was only pushed back by tens of meters, and it kicked back suddenly and flew towards it again!

"Ascension! Ascension wow!"

Venerable Jade Blood screamed!The greedy wolf's attack power was extremely strong, he just resisted for a while, but suddenly turned into a ball of meat, and was knocked into the air for forty miles!
Thinking about the huge power, Venerable Jade Blood is still feeling cold in his heart. Fortunately, he has a special physique, with super strong defense and energy release, otherwise that collision would have killed him!

But Xia Yang couldn't resist with his human body.

So when Venerable Jade Blood saw Xia Yang in a daze, he immediately roared with great worry.

With a whoosh, Xia Yang immediately raised his figure and flew a thousand meters above the ground. From Tanlang's size, one can tell how powerful his impact is!If you can avoid it, you must avoid it!
(End of this chapter)

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