Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2875 Andia's god-level advanced!

Chapter 2875 Andia's god-level advanced!

What Xianying is worried about is that Andia's meridians have adapted to this high-intensity impact!Once the force is released, it will only make the meridians uncomfortable!And every time the meridian is repaired, it is repaired by the immortal essence of the fairy baby, which also makes Andia's meridian rely on the immortal essence indelibly!

Now this kind of situation makes the fairy baby unexpected!
There are only two possibilities for the treatment of Andia this time!
One is to activate the source of life in Andia's body, which can form its own energy circulation, and then slowly ease the power of the medicine, moisten the meridians with its own pure life force, and gradually get rid of the dependence on the fairy baby and immortal essence!

The second possibility is that the source of life failed to be activated, and the meridians of Andia's body were paralyzed and shrunk, and there was no possibility of recovery from treatment!
Thinking of the second situation, the fairy baby was sweating profusely!

Originally, I thought that even if the treatment was unsuccessful, I could think of another way, but I never thought that this would happen!
The fairy baby was anxious, and the elf queen was even more anxious. Seeing her daughter trembling for a moment, her own heart broke!What kind of extreme pain is that!Every time she wanted to call to stop, she kept her mouth shut. Although she didn't know Andia's current situation, she could tell from the fairy baby's face that the situation was not optimistic!
So, she didn't dare to speak out!I can only grit my teeth, endure the pain in my heart, and wait silently!

At the same time, there was also the Elven Sacred Tree who was waiting outside, pacing anxiously, restless...

The fairy baby guides the power of the medicine to circulate in Andia's meridians side by side. Until now, Andia herself is unable to mobilize the power of the medicine, because there is no trace of natal fighting energy in her body that is enough to draw the power of the medicine!
Andia kept running the exercises, in order to trigger a little bit of her own original fighting spirit, and then grow stronger a little bit!Gradually devour the power of the medicine!

The deceased is like Suffo!

Another five hours have passed...

The fairy babies were all slightly exhausted, and Andia's expression was even more dazed to the extreme. If it weren't for the unyielding thoughts in her heart to support her, she would have been unable to hold on...

But the operation must continue!
As long as the last moment is not reached, none of them will give up!

Another cycle complete!
The fairy baby once again used his mind to pull the power of the medicine to continue to work. Suddenly, Andia's body shook in a trance!
It was a shock, not a tremor!

Andia's face also instantly changed from a touch of despair to flushing with excitement in vain!

Just now, when the fairy baby pulled the drug force to complete the cycle again, Andia's dantian jumped slightly!
A faint trace of cyan gas is produced in the dantian!
"It's done! The source of life has been activated a little bit!" The fairy baby also discovered this situation instantly. This cyan gas is exactly Andia's source of life. Although there is only a trace of gas, once it has been produced, it will It can be like a seed, take root and sprout, and gradually grow up!

With such a majestic medicinal power, I'm afraid that I won't be able to raise a trace of life force!
"Draw this ray of life force, travel through the meridians, and gradually devour the medicinal power! Remember, you must keep a certain distance from the torrent of medicinal power, and you can only absorb it bit by bit. If you act too hastily, you may be extinguished by the fierce medicinal power! Or Assimilation!" The fairy baby's surprised and dignified voice reminded her!

"Well, I understand!" Andia responded in good spirits, and the elf queen on the side was also beaming with joy, and finally let go of her heart!
Now that the source of life has been generated, although it is extremely weak, the following things are much easier to handle!

As long as Andia is running, pulling the source of life to swim around the sky, while slowly absorbing a small amount of medicine, it will gradually increase!When the source of life is strong enough to be able to control the power of the medicine independently, the fairy baby can let go, and then it will also mean that Andia has been able to control the load of the body independently!

Andia just dragged the source of life to walk around, and the cyan color was much thicker, and now it is as thick as hair!With a slight bang in the dantian, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Andia's mouth!
Breakthrough to the level of a first-class fighter!

Andia is very depressed, she was born with a level three strength, but now she will break through level one and become a real fighter...

Boom boom boom...

As the source of life moves around, it will grow a little bit, and at the same time, it will also be accompanied by the rapid improvement of Andia's whole body aura!
Second level...Third level...Fourth level...Eighth level!
After 24 laps of life force, it finally has the size of a little finger, and Andia's strength has also increased to the eighth level!

"Now your life force has been initially stabilized, but if you get close to the medicine properly, you can absorb more energy!"

Level [-] strength, although not strong, has already cultivated and stabilized the source of life, and it will not be easily broken, so the fairy baby dared to speak out, and Andia knew the speed of the grasp, of course, Therefore, the fairy baby did not limit the distance of Andia's approach, and everything was based on her own tolerance limit!
Andia nodded, and immediately controlled the source of life to move a little closer to the torrent of medicinal power. The distance was not close, but still an inch away!But with such a distance, Andia still feels the terrifying power of the medicine. Her life force is like a fragile flower. If she gets closer to the past, it may be overturned by the torrent at any time...

Running endlessly!

The source of life absorbs the power of the medicine bit by bit, and every week, the power of the medicine absorbed gradually increases, and the source of life also gradually becomes stronger!


A day later, the baby fairy had already withdrawn her palm with confidence, while the elf queen's face was full of ecstasy, but she was speechless in astonishment!
God level!

After a day of absorbing the medicinal power, Andia's strength has jumped to the level of a god!It is also thanks to her continuous mental training in the early stage that her soul gradually strengthened, and it also increased to the strength of a god-level high-level, otherwise she would definitely not be able to control this energy in her body.

This is like, you have a horse, you are the owner of the horse, but you have no ability to control the horse, then the horse will run around in your manor like a wild horse, ruining its origin Collapse!

For Andia, the energy in the body is the horse, and the body is the manor!She can control it now, but once the energy in her body soars to the god level, she must control the growth of her strength, otherwise, she will definitely fall into a desperate situation again because she can't control the energy!
God-level junior! 】God-level intermediate!
God level advanced!

Another three days of absorption and refinement!
Andia has finally raised her strength to the level of a god-level senior!
Just when Andia was worried that there was still a lot of excess medicinal power in her body and could no longer absorb it, another palm was pasted behind her back!

"Return all the life force in your body to the dantian! Let me deal with those medicinal powers!" The fairy baby snorted softly, pulling the remaining medicinal power and leading it all into the seal of the previous medicinal power!

These medicinal powers are rare treasures, they are all the purest life force in the world, how could the fairy infant waste them!

As long as Andia's soul realm is improved, she can refine the medicine at any time to increase her strength!
Now it can be said unceremoniously that if Andia raises her soul power to the level of Da Luo Jinxian at this moment, her strength can also immediately jump to the level of Da Luo Jinxian!It's that scary!
It's a pity that the improvement of the soul realm is not so easy!

After sealing the power of the medicine, Andia finally finished her work, and her eyes, which were as clear as water, shone with dazzling light!

God level advanced!

This is the peak strength that Andia had expected countless times, but he never expected that such a terrifying achievement would be achieved in a few days!

All of this is thanks to Xia Yang and Xianying!
The fairy baby took out a set of blue gown from Xia Yang's space ring, put it on Andy's body, and said with a smile: "Andy, you don't have to soak in this pool of water anymore, your youth should fly in In a forest full of greenery, and on a continent full of wonders!"

"Well, thank you very much, Master Xianying!" Andia said gratefully, her delicate body was wrapped in Xia Yang's wide gown, making her look even more pitiful.The elf queen looked at her daughter recovering with a look of love and surprise, but she just smiled and said nothing, with love in her heart!
"Hehe, don't call me Master Xianying, you call me Brother Brother, you call me Master, but it's a mess, and that guy won't return me to the furnace!" Xianying laughed.

"Remelting? What remelting?" Andia asked curiously, chattering her eyes.

"Uh... this time the stove... well, it's disintegration! I won't be there from now on, that's what it means. Cough cough, so, it's better for you to call me Brother Xianying, haha." Xianying smiled with embarrassment in his heart But I'm very aggrieved, I think my fairy baby's profound skills are superb, hundreds of times stronger than that guy, but whoever said that I am his clone, how he wants to torment me, I can't resist at all!

"Hehe, don't worry, brother Xia Yang is a good person, and he won't let you die." Andia laughed.

The corner of Xianying's mouth twitched, is that guy considered a good person?There are so many bad guys out there...

"Now that you have recovered your life force, you should be able to heal Her Majesty the Queen!" said the fairy baby, changing the subject.

When Andia heard the words, there was a gloomy look in his eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Not yet, my strength is not enough, the strength of the empress back then was at the god level, so the source of life in her body must be strengthened." Higher life force can only be awakened. I'm still a little short, and when I break through the half statue, I'll be there!"

Hearing the words, the elf queen smiled lovingly: "Silly girl, the mother has been waiting for so many years, I don't care about waiting a few more years, and her qualifications are as many as ten years, as little as five years, and she can definitely break through half a year." Your Majesty! Now that the sacred tree has been restored, the Queen Mother can afford to wait another five or sixty years, so why would she care about five or ten years!"

Hearing the words, Xianying was stunned, and said in a daze: "It turns out that such a condition is needed!" Then he frowned slightly, should it be or not?

In fact, he has a way to directly raise Andia's soul realm to the level of a half-respect, or even above half-respect, but Xia Yang is not here, so he dare not use it rashly!
Because the fairy baby's method is to use the celestial medicine that Xia Yang refined last time, Yunhun Pill!As long as Andia takes it, the soul realm will definitely improve rapidly!But once the elixir is taken, the soul-forging thunder in Xia Yang's thunder ring will disappear instantly!
Xia Yang attaches great importance to the soul-forging thunder, and the fairy baby knows this, so he hesitates, dare not say it casually, let alone swallow it for Andyya privately!

Wait, wait until the partner comes back, let him decide for himself!With a decision in mind, the fairy baby is no longer involved in the matter of accumulating the soul pill, but just said: "Don't worry, the empress, with Andia's aptitude, it will definitely not take five years to break through to half-honored, I guarantee that within a year Inside, enough!"

Immortal Infant said so, so he naturally has his own way. The Soul Accumulation Pill cannot be moved, but there are also the Soul Pill and the Soul Shedding Pill. These two kinds of pills can directly increase the power of a person's soul. A month later, Xia Yang will go to Green Cloud Valley, everything can be solved!

(End of this chapter)

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