Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2902 Pig-killing knife technique, great success!

Chapter 2902 Pig-killing knife technique, great success!

Da Da stared at the black robe, silently, and the thin figure in front of him stared at him motionlessly. Just now he was extremely arrogant and arrogant, but now there is only deep fear in his eyes!
Da Da also knows that although Ao Shen is extremely vicious and ruthless, he is also a genuine god-level powerhouse. Even in his heyday, he can't help but a hair of Ao Shen, but at this time, Ao Shen's body is trembling!
Those five falling blood teeth in the dark prison cell had a gloomy luster!
"Damn you!"

The figure in the black robe finally spoke his first sentence!Even though it was just a cold sentence, it was like a sudden storm in a calm lake!
"You... who are you?" Ao Shen staggered up from the ground, his pupils constricted, and then stepped back. In front of the person in front of him, he didn't even have the courage to resist, but he was terrified. backed up and asked.

"Who am I? Hehe!" The black-robed life sneered, and then said with a sneer: "You bastard, you are not qualified to know!"

The corner of Dada's mouth twitched slightly, and a strange smile appeared on his scarred face. This smile, with tears in his eyes tightly, burst out of his eyes. Yes, this voice, this tone, is not mine. Teacher, who is it? !
"Hmph! No matter who you are, once you enter the dark dungeon, you will never get out again! I know you are very strong, but we still have half a strong man sitting here, you can't escape!" Ao Shen knew that there was no hope of escape, just now That slap slapped him into the innermost part of the stone room. There was no way for him to break through the stone door, and there was a man in black in between. up.

"Come on, someone trespassed in the dark dungeon!" Ao Shen yelled frantically, praying for those strong men to show up quickly, maybe, he still has a chance to survive!

Xia Yang looked at Ao Shen coldly, but a sarcastic sneer curled up on the corner of his mouth, he let Ao Shen yell and didn't try to stop him, but walked slowly towards Ao Shen!

tread! !

Tatata! !

Every step, the sound of footsteps seemed extremely gentle, but every step fell, Ao Shen's body trembled violently, and immediately a large stream of blood overflowed from Ao Shen's seven orifices, and the whole body , are bathed in his own blood!
After the seventh step, Ao Shen's voice could not be uttered, it was hoarse, there was only the sound of blood gushing from the seven orifices, and the gentle seven-step power of the man in black was to make all the blood in Ao Shen's body flow back !

This is a cruel torture!

The blood flowed all over the body, and the blood flowed backwards all over the body, the extreme pain of the blood flowing backwards, filled every inch of Ao Shen's skin, every cell!
" devil!" Ao Shen roared in despair, he knew that he had no hope, the space he wanted to come here was blocked by the strong man in front of him, even if he screamed his throat, there was no one outside. Possibly knew anything that happened inside...

"Stinky boy, kill him in the past, use your best way to relieve hatred! Let him know that my apprentice, Xia Yang, is not qualified to be bullied by anyone!"

"If you want to bully my apprentice, you have to pay the cruelest price!"

The black-robed man spoke again coldly, but it made the dying Ao Shen's eyes burst open!
Xia Yang!

So this is Shameless Master Xia Yang!
That shameless master Xia Yang who is extremely defensive!
At this moment, Ao Shen finally knew that it was coming, and death would become his extravagant wish!
When Da Dao heard this, his whole body was shaken. Xia Yang knew that the word "stinky boy" was what the teacher said to him!

Really a teacher!

Da Da's eyes burst with ecstasy and excitement!
After three years, I finally met my teacher again!But this time, the teacher came to save himself!

The teacher did not abandon himself as Ao Shen said!

But with his current appearance... A sense of shame suddenly rose in Da Dao's heart!

I am ashamed of my teacher...

When Xia Yang said, "If you want to bully my apprentice, you have to pay the cruelest price", Da Da trembled fiercely in the depths of his heart. Teacher, you still protect yourself like that!

Nothing has changed!
"Teacher..." Da Da sobbed and trembled, at this moment he didn't want to take revenge on Ao Shen, he just wanted to see that familiar face that had been broad-faced for three years.That handsome face that is both a teacher and a friend, a little playful!

"Needless to say now, the teacher will not easily spare you what happened back then, and punish you when you go back! At this moment, I want you to kill all the dark members here! He is only the first one!" Xia Yang said coldly Turning his head, looking at Da Da Na covered in scars, his heart ached, but there was no comfort on his face. This was a terrible lesson!

He needs as much to keep in mind!
"En! Disciple obeys!" Da Da hummed, and the shame in his heart faded a lot, replaced by excitement. The teacher will punish himself, which means that he has not given up on himself!

Immediately, his steps moved, his eyes turned towards Ao Shen coldly, and he said solemnly: "Ao Shen, I said at the beginning that you can't kill me, but one day, I will definitely kill you! And it will also make it impossible for you to survive, Please die!"

Facing Da Da's threat, Ao Shen's depressed pupils suddenly contracted again!

The sound of breaking wind, whimpering came!But it was a black sword-like weapon, appearing in Da Da's hand!
Pierce the black wind blade straight!As many weapons!
How could he still have a weapon on him?Ao Shen is unbelievable!Da Da's storage items have been completely stripped away, how could he still have a weapon in his hand?
But Ao Shen saw it, Dao Dao's palm, with a weak wave of fighting spirit, immediately the black sword blade appeared!As soon as Da Da left the energy-sealing restricted area, his body also began to recover a little battle energy. At this moment, he was naturally able to summon his own weapon.

"If you break the meridians of my hands, I will break your arms!"

Da Dao didn't care about Ao Shen's terrified eyes, but smiled grimly, and immediately swiped two swords, and cut down delicately, and immediately Ao Shen's arms fell shoulder-length!

Ao was in deep pain, blood gushed out of his throat, but he was still unable to speak, but his body convulsed, hissing inhalation sound, like the greedy enjoyment of air again after being suffocated.

"You made Tiantian suffer torture, and I will take your heart and lungs! Break your liver and gall! Break your intestines and strip your bones!" With as many as one indifferent cold drink, the arrogant and deep staring eyes also gradually faded away. It became dim, because following Da Dao's icy voice, the piercing black wind blade in his hand also coldly wandered around Ao Shen's body, disintegrating Ao Shen's vitality!
However, as a god-level powerhouse, Ao Shen's speed is extremely fast, so Ao Shen saw that the internal organs in his body were thrown out one by one, and he had a feeling that at this time, Da Dao Is dissecting myself like a pig...


After a while, a pile of broken bones, a pile of flesh and blood, and a pile of liver... were clearly separated. Xia Yang was beside him, and he didn't feel disgusted at all. On the contrary, there was a look of admiration between his brows!
At this moment, even at this moment, he didn't lose his mind because of hatred!
It is true that he is taking revenge, but he is also using the body of his enemy to explore the biggest mystery of his own martial arts!
The pig-killing knife technique is not just as simple as a straight stab and a bombardment!
At this moment, Da Da is closing his eyes!In memory!Feeling the real pig-killing knife technique!
Killing a pig with a knife, killing people is like killing a pig!
This sentence, as much as it is understood, is that the life of a human is actually as fragile as a pig. As long as a sword is stabbed in the heart, neither a human nor a pig can survive!

Therefore, as long as you go forward without hesitation, attack and kill fiercely, relying on the murderous aura in your heart, with ruthless strength, as long as you hit the opponent with a sword, you can kill the enemy's life!

But in the past year of being trapped, Da Da has never stopped. Although he can't practice martial arts, it doesn't prevent him from inferring and understanding martial arts in his mind. Among them, Xia Yang is naturally the most The pig-killing knife technique handed over to him!
That indomitable vigor is the most suitable strategy for Da Dao!
Therefore, he has been rehearsing and inferring in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and with the long-term practice of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, in the vast amount of sea of ​​​​knowledge, the arrogant phantom that he regarded as the opponent of the rehearsal has gradually become an illusion. A skeleton diagram of a human body, it seems that he has seen all the structures in Ao Shen's body!
The heart, lungs, liver and gallbladder, intestines and stomach, etc., are gradually and clearly exposed to his eyes, and every fatal point is also clearly captured by Da Dao!

The heart is not the only Achilles' heel, as many as you know early on!But he never thought that under the skin, a superficial capillary habit rupture can also cause fatal casualties!

It's just that no one has discovered it before!Who would have thought that an inconspicuous scar would be a fatal vital point!
That is to see the knife in your hand, how to cut!
Although Da Da has been comprehending in his heart, this gradually clear outline of martial arts has appeared, but he has not been able to apply it in practice, so he is not sure about the terrifying inferences in his mind!

Until just now, following the thoughts in his heart, he dissected Ao Shen's body inch by inch, Da Da finally discovered with ecstasy that his perception was completely correct!
Da Da is not a bloodthirsty person by nature. Normally, he would not divide human corpses, but the current Ao Shen makes Da Da hate to the marrow. Therefore, it is very honorable to be the one who has stepped into the pig-killing knife technique. Cornerstone!
Not long after Da Da closed his eyes, he suddenly opened them, with a flash of divine light in his eyes, and a sharp look, passing by, just in the casual eyes, there was a fierce murderous look!
"The pig-killing knife technique, the knife will kill! One knife will not be harvested, and the blade will be pointed at, and his life will be killed!" Some serious voices squirmed gently with the corners of Dada's mouth, rippling out.

"Stinky boy, with your current appearance, you still have the nerve to boast that you will kill with a knife?" Xia Yang smiled when he saw Da Da woke up, and he was a little relieved in his heart. Da Da now suddenly realized that it was by no means a day's work , presumably in those painful years, I have not known how many times I have comprehended it!

Da Da, although he stumbled once because of love, his heart did not disappoint Xia Yang!

"Hey, teacher." Da Da's sharp eyes suddenly closed, and he seemed a little cautious. Although he killed the person he most wanted to kill now, he still felt unnatural in front of Xia Yang. After all, his current appearance is really Came home in despair.

"Sit down cross-legged, the teacher will heal your wounds, and later, there will be a big fight! The teacher will let you kill until you are soft!" Xia Yang's smiling voice was filled with endless murderous aura. None of the people here knew him. Let go!

The dark dungeon, from now on, I will turn it into the purgatory of the dark temple!And the lonely souls in Purgatory are all minions of the Dark Temple!
(End of this chapter)

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