Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2932 Infiltrate!

Chapter 2932 Infiltrate! (2)
If it weren't for this, Xia Yang's Xingzang would definitely not be seen without Da Luo Jinxian's spirit and soul cultivation at the intermediate level or above.

But when he came here, Xia Yang suddenly felt the palpitation in his heart before, but it became more intense. It seemed that the source of the terrifying power that made him palpitate was under the river of corpses!

However, even so, it still couldn't dispel Xia Yang's intention to come!
With a movement of his body, he passed through several ghost-like soul body guards. These things may not be found by ordinary gods, but Xia Yang can see them. Moreover, these soul bodies seem to be more than just souls. The body is so simple, but it is somewhat similar to ghosts in the underworld!

Soul bodies and ghosts are different.

The soul body is just an illusory form composed of pure soul energy, while the ghost completely contains the three souls and seven souls before death. It looks like a ghost, this is called a ghost!

It can be said that the ghost body is stronger than the soul body of the same level, and is better at mental attacks, but it can't just stay in the sun like the soul body!

Another difference is that the soul body can be reborn, but the ghost cannot!Because the ghost has absorbed the corpse energy, it can no longer turn back to life!
But at its root, both of them are things where soul energy occupies the main body!

At this moment, these ghosts are guarding the banks of the corpse water river!
There are thousands of erratic, shadow-like beings, and each of them has a terrifying god-level strength!Still, these things seem to have been wiped out of their minds, they only know how to roam and patrol, and they are far from that dexterous mobility!
However, Xia Yang is not worried about these ghosts, because the existence of ghosts must exist in places with strong corpse or Yin Qi. This kind of species cannot really be put into actual combat unless, in In the later period, the corpses piled up on the battlefield like mountains, and after the birth of an extremely strong corpse aura, these things can go to stay. However, the human world is not like the dark temple, which is dark all year round and dark clouds cover the sun!
Even if these things appear on that day, Xia Yang can burn them all!
After searching slightly, Xia Yang found the passage leading to the inner hall of judgment. Not surprisingly, it was another teleportation circle, and it was also a teleportation circle with breath recognition!
It is obviously impossible to enter from the magic circle!
But the bottom is full of restrictions to prevent soul exploration. Xia Yang can't use the power of the soul at will, but to detect where the end of the teleportation array is, so he is waiting now!

Just wait for someone and use the magic circle!
Xia Yang's luck seemed to be good. After waiting for about 10 minutes, there was a group of people walking towards this side full of evil spirits!You know, in the inner palace of the ruling, there are very few people going in and out at ordinary times, and sometimes, even for a few months, it is normal for no one to go in and out!

At this time, there were five people in the group, four of them were middle-aged men in black shirts, their faces were like knives, their eyes were cold and stern, and they were indifferent. The body is full of extremely strong evil spirits, and there must be a lot of blood stained on it!
Between the four of them walking, the footsteps were light, without even making a sound, as if they were floating on the ground, but Xia Yang could tell that this way of walking had already become one for the four of them. a habit!
(End of this chapter)

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