Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2947 see white gas again

Chapter 2947 see white gas again (2)
"Yeah." Xia Yang nodded, looking a little dignified.He didn't have time to check on Xiao Tian's situation before, but he thought things were not optimistic!The corpse poison is definitely not an ordinary toxin, it has invaded every cell in Xiao Tian's body, that is to say, Xiao Tian at this moment is almost a complete corpse poison carrier!

Even Xia Yang found it very difficult to get rid of these corpse poisons!If it weren't for the special means used by the inner palace of the ruling, Xiao Tian in such a state would not have the possibility of being alive at all!
Standing up gently, Xia Yang came to Xiao Tian's side, and immediately put a touch of immortal energy on the palm of his hand, and pressed down lightly on Xiao Tian's body.

Putting the palm on Xiao Tian's body, the immortal essence surged and poured into Xiao Tian's body, and bursts of chi-chi sounds came from Xiao Tian's body, and black air was about to come out, and there were as many as a few people watching from the side Gritting your teeth, these are all good things done by the Dark Temple!
Among them, how much pain Xiao Tian has to endure!Da Da bared his teeth, and his eyes gradually turned red...

After a long time, Xia Yang just raised his hand, his face was a little indifferent, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

"Teacher, how is it?" Da Da asked anxiously.

"The situation is very bad!" Xia Yang said coldly, "The various functions in Xiao Tian's body, under the corrosion of the corpse poison, have long been necrotic, and have stopped functioning at all! In other words, the current Xiao Tian's body, Already a dead man!"

"Ah!" Dado was shocked, his face was pale, "Dead...dead? The teacher said, my Tiantian is dead?" Dada's body was shaking, and under the pain, he felt that the sky was dark and the whole body was weak. !

"The theory is like this." Seeing Da Da's appearance like this, Xia Yang was also worried for a while. This apprentice is indeed infatuated with Xiao Tian!

"But...but, teacher, isn't Tiantian still breathing? Look, even her heartbeat is still there!" Mu Ran, there was a hint of surprise in despair in Dado's eyes, that Xiao Tian did indeed have breathing It exists, but it cannot be faked, and the slightly thumping chest is indeed rising and falling slightly.

Faintly, there was a low and slow sound of bang bang bang.

"That's why I said that theoretically Xiao Tian is dead, but in fact, she is not completely dead!" Xia Yang said in a deep voice: "Just now, I checked Xiao Tian's body, except for the heart and a few breathing trunks. The pipeline is surrounded by a strange force of vitality, and has never been infected by the force of corpse poison, so it has been well preserved, but other places have long been necrotic and rotted. This is also what caused Xiao Tian's strange state today, most of her body is dead , but still alive, I think, this should be the so-called semi-corpse transformation!"

Xia Yang said in a deep voice, among the phenomena he investigated, the blood drawn and ejected from Xiao Tian's heart was all black in color, but the whole heart was still bright red, although its vitality was higher than that of ordinary people Weak, but still able to exercise the function of the heart, it just appears to be very bradycardia.

In the heart, there is a trace of dark blue energy attached to the heart. The corpse poison in the heart will automatically bounce off when touched by the dark blue energy, and will not soak into the inner tissue of the heart, thus protecting the heart. heart!

The reason why De Luo and others maintain Xiao Tian's heart function is to use the power of blood circulation to infuse the corpse poison into Xiao Tian's body more thoroughly!
(End of this chapter)

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