Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2957 reprimand temptation

Chapter 2957 reprimand temptation (3)
I'm fragile, this is a rhetoric that only an asshole will admit!Teacher, your disciple is not □□!

But at this time, Da Da couldn't deny the fragile name that Xia Yang forcibly put on his head!He had no choice but to remain silent, hoping that Xia Yang's anger would be lessened.

Xia Yang saw that Da Da was silent, his face turned blue and white, sometimes resolutely, sometimes reluctantly, and finally stood at the top with resoluteness, and suddenly sighed slightly, he already knew such stern words, Da Da felt His determination has formed an obsession!
If Xiao Tian is helpless, he must take that step!
"You boy, it's really good!" After sighing in his heart, Xia Yang suddenly relaxed and laughed, seemingly very cheerful, but Da Da's face became weird, and asked: "Teacher, what are you doing?" mean?"

"Hey, what do you mean? You can do it, kid. The teacher asked you to choose between Xiao Tian, ​​the brothers and the teacher. Hmph, you still chose Xiao Tian. We have 12 masters and apprentices. It can't compare to Xiao Tian's weight in your heart! You are infatuated with Xiao Tian, ​​you want to die, but you are a little bit ruthless towards your senior brothers!" Xia Yang said pretendingly angrily.

"Uh, no." Da Da was stunned for a moment, but his heart was sweating profusely. The teacher looked like he had fallen into a vinegar jar, full of strong vinegar smell!However, between the two, how do you compare, madly dizzy!

However, the teacher's face suddenly changed, and he started to laugh. Could it be that the previous serious appearance was deliberately dressed up for me, just to trick me into choosing between the two?Now that he is laughing and scolding so easily, is it possible that he already has a solution in his heart?

"Damn! Teacher, didn't you already have a solution? Are you still here to scare me?" Da Da thought about this, and suddenly became furious!I just went through a series of battles between humans and gods in my heart. Looking back on those days, my nose is sore with reluctance. This guy is just trying to scare me? !

"Hey, that's right! Who is your teacher? There's no other way!" Xia Yang stood on tiptoe triumphantly, his eyes slanted, and he looked complacent, which really sucks, but in his real state of mind, No one knows how heavy Xia Yang's heart is...Because even if he thinks of a solution, he can't be more than [-]% sure...

Changing fate against the sky can only be carried out on a certain basis!For example, Xia Yang's green blood rebirth method, although a god-level person died, his soul remained, but Xia Yang could make him reborn.But the required condition is a god-level soul!
But Xiao Tian's foundation is too poor!
"Teacher, let me circle you! You are really scaring me! are so immoral! I almost cried just now!" Da Dao said angrily, but his eyes flickered The color of ecstasy, the shiny liquid filled the eyes!

"Haha, crying nose? Cry and see! Let the teacher see if you are really fragile!" Xia Yang laughed loudly.

"I'm fragile! If Tiantian really can't be saved, I will die for love. Damn, I will swear to the death not to be a fragile softie! Hmph!" Dado said angrily, wiped away the tears in his eyes, and immediately He suddenly became quiet, and said with a sob: "Teacher, what is the method? I will do my best to prepare for whatever I need!"

Xia Yang gave Duda a blank look, and snorted, "With your kid's strength, can you cure Xiao Tian with anything you can prepare?"

"Um...that's troublesome teacher. Hehe." Dao thought about it, if he could easily prepare something, it must be an ordinary thing, and treating Xiao Tian's injury must be far from an ordinary thing. It works!

Maybe those things can only be done by teachers!Immediately smiled embarrassedly, eyes full of gratitude.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yang shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Teacher, I can't either!"

Da Da's face changed slightly, and he said in amazement: "Teacher can't do it either? Then who can treat Tiantian?"

"Idiot, your teacher is not good, but it doesn't mean that your teacher's teacher is also not good! Stupid!" Xia Yang laughed and scolded, although he didn't know if the Twelve Ancestral Witches could do it, but now, if it can be delayed for a while, it is considered a period of time time!

During this period, I just need to keep Xiao Tian alive and the corpse poison will not spread...

(End of this chapter)

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