Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 3001 Fire Spirit's Fright

Chapter 3001 Fire Spirit's Fright

It took Yaorou a full three hours for this process to gather the fighting energy in the dantian again and condense it into one piece!During the whole process, Xia Yang's mind was also paying attention to this subtle and slow process, and he did not dare to relax at all.

Although Zihuo in the dantian was restrained by Xia Yang's power of immortality again, it was not completely restrained, it had been loosened bit by bit, and the heat energy was also slightly increasing.

Such a slow increase in the release of heat energy is for Yaorou to adapt to this extreme heat little by little, otherwise, even if Yaorou has re-condensed the fighting spirit, under the scorching breath of the flame, it will still collapse at the touch of a touch, which is also useless!
The moment Yao Rou regained control of her dantian fighting qi, under Xia Yang's instructions, she began to condense her dantian fighting qi into a blue solid wood shape, slowly touching the blue light energy film wrapped by Xia Yang , inside it is Xuanji Zihuo!
At the beginning, the solid wood-shaped battle qi condensed form was still extremely fearful, the whole body trembled, under the power of the flames, it almost collapsed several times, thanks to Yao Rou's mind is not weak, so he tried his best just now. Control it, after such a long time pass, and several hours later, the shape of the solid wood just had no choice but to bite the bullet and stab the blue light film in a straight line!

As soon as Jianmu's fighting spirit touched the blue light film, it was as if something terrible had happened, and he shrank back like lightning. This time, even Yaorou's mind couldn't control it, but because of this, his mind was backlashed. Spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Xia Yang's expression froze, and immediately the celestial energy surged in his body, increasing the infusion of energy again. He also did not expect that Xuanji Zihuo was so strong. Dou Qi is so fearful.

He also felt a little difficult to handle this scene.

Originally separating Zihuo and implanting it into Yaorou's body was Xia Yang's sudden thought. He thought that he could withstand the power of Burning Heaven Xuanjihuo, and that little bit of Zihuo, with Yaorou's strength, should It is also not a problem, but in fact, it is not the case.If it continues in the current state, it is absolutely impossible for Yaorou to subdue Xuanji Zihuo!

Are you going to give up?
Thinking of this, Xia Yang couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. If Yao Rou had mastered Zi Huo, it would be of great help to him in the future.

"Hey, my master, what's the matter? What's the matter?" Just when Xia Yang was slightly disappointed, a playful laugh with a strange tone suddenly appeared in his dantian.

Xia Yang Muran's eyes lit up, and he scolded himself as an idiot in his heart, how could he forget this little guy?This guy is Huo Ling, he must have a lot of ways to deal with Zi Huo!
"You have a solution?" Xia Yang asked with some surprise.

"Hmph..." Huo Ling'er curled her mouth and snorted a few times, but she didn't answer, obviously still distressed, Xia Yang separated Zihuo without his consent.

"Cough cough, Huoling, look at your white skin and sparkling eyes. You are loved at first sight. How can you be so stingy? Tell me, it's a big deal. How?" Xia Yang's soul moved, and one of the souls turned into a phantom and condensed in the dantian, and said to Huo Ling with a smile.

Since Huo Ling devoured the forging fire, this guy's body has grown a lot, and now it looks like it is already 1.6 meters tall.It's just that this guy's butt is bare, and there's nothing covering his crotch. Well, that birdie has begun to take shape and has reached usable standards.

It was the first time for Xia Yang to look at Huo Ling at such a close distance, and suddenly he felt contempt for the wretchedness of this Huo Ling. Root bird, I wipe!Moreover, this guy looks like a young man, and he likes to be naked. With his ability, Xia Yang doesn't believe that this guy can't gather a fire armor for himself.

Xia Yang felt contemptuous in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face, and a sense of grievance suddenly rose in his heart, Nima, I have to ask you to do something, and I have to ask... the spirit of the fetish is just awesome.

Huo Ling glanced at Xia Yang's illusory figure, and still let out a sigh of anger. He naturally knew about Xia Yang's unintentional praise, but it was rare to pay attention to it, but Xia Yang's last words moved him quite a bit. .

If Xuanji Fire Spirit wants to grow, it needs to constantly devour various flames, and all kinds of spiritual flames are the best nourishment for Fire Spirit.

Turning her eyeballs, Xuanji snorted coldly, "Is everything you said true?"

Xia Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words, what Huo Ling meant was that there really was a way to help Yaorou plant a fire seed, if not, this guy wouldn't ask about the authenticity of his conditions.

"Of course, when did I ever lie to you? Lie to such a cute little doll like you, I will be struck by lightning!" Xia Yang laughed.

When Huo Ling heard this, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said calmly, "Master, are you afraid of being struck by lightning? You have even survived the Chaos Black Demon Thunder. What kind of lightning in this world can kill you?" ?”

"I'm thinking about your previous conditions. What do you mean you will find me several kinds of flames to devour me if you have time? When you slap your ass and say you don't have time, won't my flames be ruined? This kind of clumsy The technique, in front of me, hum, it’s still useless! Well, you promise me that every three months, you will find me a flame that is no less than the black fire of the Earth Profound Black Fire. Just plant it. How about it? Promise us and we will make a deal, and I will help you plant the fire of that woman!"

Xia Yang was dumbfounded, and the anger rolled in his heart, this girl is too good at talking!

Three months, a flame that is no less than the Black Fire of the Earth Profound, where can I find it?Even if you search the entire Sky Blue Continent, you may not be able to find another one!
The sun is really hot, it is an accidental coincidence, and the black fire of the earth is even more so. If you look for it deliberately, Xia Yang is really hard to find!

"Oh, I forgot to remind you that in this Burning Heaven Xuanji fire, every sub-fire has my consciousness. Without my consent, except for you, the master, for example, even the Four Saints cannot Subdue it, even they have only one attitude to face my Zihuo, and that is to destroy Zihuo! If you want to subdue it, hehe, before you die and I dissipate, it is absolutely impossible! After you die, the Fentian Xuanjihuo will disintegrate again, and the Zihuo will also dissipate, and they will also not be able to achieve the result of subduing them."

Huo Ling added another sentence sinisterly, sinking Xia Yang's heart to the bottom of the valley. It seems that this guy is sure to eat me!

"He! Mom! Damn, at worst, I will give up the plan of transplanting the fire seed. What's the big deal!" Xia Yang muttered in his heart, how could my master be threatened by a little fire spirit?

However, Xia Yang quickly suppressed this idea, because once the fire spirit devours other people's flames, the benefits to him are self-evident...

Ten kinds of flames, Xia Yang has bitterness in his heart, but also looks forward to it...

"I can only promise you that I will give you one every three days! Three months, the time is too short!" Xia Yang pondered for a while, then took a deep breath and said, the reason he agreed was because he thought that maybe swallowing flames, It is also the fastest way to increase his strength!It's just that this method is too difficult, and Xia Yang has been cultivating the cheating device of Fen Tian Xuan Ji Huo all the time, which makes him a little lazy, this request of Huo Ling.But invisibly, Xia Yang once again had the drive to increase his strength rapidly!

At the same time, it also provided him with the most difficult but most correct direction of cultivation!

Burning the heavenly fire, devouring thousands of fires, and absorbing the spirit of thousands of fires will undoubtedly be the most perverted way of cultivation!It is even more terrifying than the cultivation speed that is [-] times faster than others' cultivation all the time!
"Three years... no, it's too long. In this way, I need at least nine years to grow into a young man." Huo Ling pursed his mouth and refused to agree.

"Fuck!" Xia Yang scolded angrily, nice words are not enough, you have to force me to use force, right? "If you don't agree, don't agree. The big deal is that if I don't transplant Zihuo, what a big deal! Humph, you'll only be so big for the rest of your life. Look at your bastard, look like a thicker earthworm, you really didn't see it head!"

"You..." Huo Ling was furious, and immediately said angrily: "When you were 15 years old, you could grow to my length? I'll rub you, how old are you now?"

"Hmph, even the softest time is longer than your hardest time! Tsk tsk, I don't know, can you be hard now? It can't be just a decoration, hahahaha!" Xia Yang laughed loudly, Finally found the flaw of Huo Ling, it turns out that this guy cares so much about that thing!That's good, that's good, wow Kaka, I'll have a chance to fight this guy in the future.

Huo Ling's face was flushed, and he faltered, just staring at Xia Yang's phantom with fiery eyes, and didn't even say a word.

Xia Yang was also taken aback. Although Huo Ling had been arrogant all the time, he never lied, but he was speechless to refute at the moment. Didn't he mean that the guy admitted that he couldn't be tough for the time being?Suddenly there was another burst of laughter!
"Xiao Maoxiao! Okay! Three years is three years! I agree! But, you must promise me that in addition to the ten kinds of flames, you need to add another kind of flame!" Huo Ling stared fiercely at Xia Yang , said angrily.

Xia Yang frowned and said, "What flame?"

"Chaos Holy Flame!" Huo Ling said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xia Yang's face changed suddenly, and he stared at Huo Ling coldly. The chill in those pupils made Huo Ling tremble in his heart. He had never seen Xia Yang look at him with such strange cold eyes!
"Huo Ling, I warn you! Don't hit my apprentice's attention! There is only one copy of the Chaos Sacred Flame in the world. If I take the Chaos Sacred Flame, wouldn't my apprentice become a useless person? Do you think I will do it? If the matter is brought up again, I will seal you forever and fall into a deep sleep! Believe me, I can definitely do this!"

Xia Yang said coldly, his eyes were like sharp swords aimed directly at Huo Ling, and Huo Ling's heart trembled. Could it be that he had discovered that a long time ago... But if he had discovered it, why hadn't he completely controlled it through such means? I?

Huo Ling thought tremblingly in his heart, his eyes kept changing, if that was the case, he would really have to restrain himself a bit in the future!In case... In case Xia Yang really uses that method of confinement, then he will be miserable!

Quickly guessing in his heart, Xia Yang discovered how likely the secret was, and then after Xia Yang said the words, his whole face changed in horror, and there was no more blood!
(End of this chapter)

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