Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 3007 Flame Stone Room

Chapter 3007 Hundred Flame Stone Chamber
This is not Xia Yang's stinginess, but Yao Ling'er's self-willed, self-willed character. After all, he needs to be punished a little before he can be slightly corrected. Otherwise, this kind of mentality is difficult to cultivate. go far.

After Xia Yang gave Yaotian and the others a few sentences, he said to Yaorou indifferently: "Elder Yaorou, I will teach you the method of alchemy now. You can teach this method of alchemy, but it needs to be taught to them. Only when the cultivation requirements can be met can it be taught.”

Xia Yang's words made Yaotian and the others look ecstatic. Fortunately, the uncle was not really angry, otherwise why would he still think about us?In his opinion, Xia Yang's words meant that they could learn Xia Yang's method of alchemy!

However, Xia Yang is indeed allowed, but there are extremely restrictive conditions among them, and this point is a condition that Yao Tian and others do not know and do not have at the same time.Even if they are willing to work hard for this so-called requirement, it is extremely difficult to achieve it based on their own abilities without special opportunities.

A look of joy flashed across Yao Rou's face. She naturally knew the cultivation conditions, but she already possessed these cultivation conditions at the moment. As for Yao Tian and others, she was not in the mood to take care of them now. I was still worried all the time, if Master Xia Yang was so angry, would he blame himself and forget about the alchemy method?

Simply, Xia Yang lifted it up at this moment, but he let go of her hanging heart.As for Yao Ling'er, Xia Yang didn't explicitly punish her at this time, but just ignored her. Yao Rou felt that this was already the best result.

Because, once Xia Yang speaks to Yao Linger, it must be punished severely through Yao Linger's fault, so as to re-establish her prestige in the valley. In this way, Yao Linger will be miserable. I don't want to see it either.

But if Xia Yang really spoke, she would have no choice but to stand aside and would not intercede again.Because she is now Xia Yang's most loyal subordinate, and this is also the price she paid for her superior alchemy method...

There is no possibility of getting anything for nothing, and even opportunities are often mixed with unimaginable sacrifices.

Xia Yang lightly took the change of expression on Yaorou's face into his eyes, and immediately tapped his finger, a green light surged out, shot directly at Yaorou's place, and then penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Yaorou immediately closed her eyes, feeling the huge information coming from inside, her face burst into ecstasy, because in the information sent by Xia Yang, there is not only the super-powerful alchemy method like Taishangyun Danjue, but also countless alchemy methods. Ten magical recipes!

And these elixir formulas are all elixir formulas that can only be taken by the strong after the semi-respected state!That is to say, there are more than ten kinds of elixirs and prescriptions that are at the Zunpin level!This is undoubtedly a valuable asset!

For alchemists, high-level elixirs and prescriptions are also a kind of wealth that is hard to beg for!

Green Cloud Valley is known as the Holy Land of the Medicine Clan, but there are only thirteen kinds of Zunpin Danfang that have been collected and created by the seniors up to now!
Thirteen kinds, in front of the dozens of pills given by Xia Yang, they are extremely shabby...

Yaorou's surprise was expected by Xia Yang, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, thinking, only a few dozen kinds are enough, if you know that there are hundreds of kinds of this kind of premium pill in my hand, Could it be that I fainted from the shock? I also have more than ten kinds of Dipin Danfang in my hand...

However, Xia Yang would not hand over all the prescriptions to Yaorou. Even though Yaorou had been classified as his most loyal subordinate, the time was too short, and he still had to go through certain tests before he could really pass it. ...

After Yaorou digested the information, Xia Yang said again: "Your task, one is to familiarize yourself with the Taishang Yundan formula as soon as possible, so that it can be successfully used in alchemy, and the second is to fake the heart protection The pill recipe configuration is shared with Yaotian Guzhu and others, and then refined in large quantities."

When Xia Yang said this, his eyes turned and fell on Yaotian, and said in a deep voice: "Master Yaotian Valley, this time refining the pills, in addition to the four pills of Shengling Pill, Changing Spirit Pill, Shengsoul Pill, and Shedding Soul Pill. In addition to the same amount of medicine, I still need to refine [-] fake heart-protecting pills within three months! This kind of medicine is not difficult to refine, and the materials are easy to find. It should not be a problem for you. "

Yaotian's face was slightly bitter, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.They thought it would be easier for them to reduce the refining of the Creation Pill, and they didn't want to have another fake heart-protecting pill... and if there were more, it would be [-] pieces...

"If there is nothing else, I'll leave now. I'll come back when the deadline expires." Xia Yang said lightly, seeing that Yaotian and the others only paid a few compliments, and after seeing nothing real, he motioned for Yaotian to send He went out of the valley.

Yaotian also knew that Xia Yang had no intention of staying in the valley, so he responded, activated the power of the world master, and sent Xia Yang out.

After Xia Yang left, Yao Tian and the others looked at Yao Ling'er with gloomy faces, and said sharply: "Girl Ling'er, you are too nonsense this time! Fortunately, my uncle has a good temper. If it weren't for this, as an ordinary person, you would have already Kill you and kill you in the palm of your hand!"

"Yeah, girl Ling'er, you really went too far this time!" Yao Meng also had the cheek to teach him a lesson.

"Okay, Ling'er already knows it's wrong." Yaorou frowned, but said in a cold voice.

"Hey, sister Yaorou, you are used to this girl. This time, if you didn't clarify it face to face, this matter will also damage your reputation!" Yao Tian laughed dryly and said.

Yaorou's face was calm, still indifferent, but her heart thumped, reputation, I'm like that in front of my uncle, what reputation is there?Yao Rou thought that when she was taking a bath, her bottom|pants... face flushed slightly, and then her face darkened on purpose to hide the embarrassment in her heart, and she said in a deep voice: "Ling'er, follow me to the room , this time, you are indeed wrong."

Yao Ling'er stood up in a daze, her delicate body swayed slightly, like an apricot flower swaying in the wind and rain, her eyes were wronged, and she glanced at Yao Rou regretfully, and said in a low voice: "Yes, aunt."

Afterwards, Yao Rou took Yao Ling'er and left, while Yao Tian and the others looked at each other, smiled wryly, and went to organize their own people to carry out the second three-month cycle of refining medicine.

The task is huge, don't rush, it won't work...


In the room, Yaorou's face looked very cold, she sat at a table, seeing her hands clenched on her lower abdomen, Yao Ling'er, who dared not speak, said coldly: "Auntie is so unbearable in your eyes? "

Yaorou's first sentence made Yao Ling'er's delicate body shake.

Suddenly, tears rolled down Yao Ling'er's cheeks, like a rain curtain.

"Hmph, such a big person, made a mistake, was said a few words, and cried." Seeing Yao Ling'er's appearance, Yao Rou's heart softened. Although Yao Linger is her niece, she has always regarded her as her own, and loves her very much. Originally, Yao Linger was on the square and was criticized by others, which was already pitiful enough. , everyone thought that there was something between her and Xia Yang because of Yao Linger's disturbance, and she was quite resentful in her heart.

Yao Rou has always been arrogant and proud, but she can't tolerate these gossip... Moreover, she is also a little guilty in her heart. Although nothing happened to Xia Yang, her body has a whole process of reaction...

"Oh, well, don't cry anymore. Auntie doesn't blame you." Yao Rou rubbed her forehead and said with a wry smile.

After all, I can't bear it.

Yao Linger wiped her eyes, her nose was still sobbing softly.

"Auntie, I want to go to the Hundred Flames Stone Chamber!"

Suddenly, Yao Linger stopped sobbing, and begged Yaorou.

Yaorou's face changed, and she said angrily: "Nonsense! With your god-level strength, what can you do in the Hundred Flames Stone Chamber! This matter is absolutely impossible before you reach half-prince! Don't mention it again!"

The Hundred Flames Stone Room is a secret place where the Yao Clan keeps some strange fires. Although those fires are not comparable to Xia Yang's Burning Heaven Xuanji Fire, or even the forging fire, but compared to ordinary flames, they are The power is more than one chip.

Among them, most of the flames were collected by the Yao clan themselves, and there were only three or two types, which were left by the Muzu back then.

In the sound transmission of Mu Zu this time, he mentioned that he should not mention anything about the Baiyan Stone Chamber to Xia Yang...

Although Yao Rou and the others didn't know why, they did not dare to violate this matter.

"Auntie, I will definitely go!" Yao Ling'er looked a little solemn, and said: "The method of alchemy that Xia Yang passed on to Auntie, the request should be the request for the flame?"

"How do you know?" Yao Rou was taken aback, then said with a frown, but this question-like answer confirmed Yao Ling'er's guess from another aspect.

"Because he transplanted Xuanji Zihuo to you, aunt. I dare to guess so." Yao Linger said, and immediately looked determined, and begged again: "Auntie, let me in! How can Linger have a face today? Stay in the valley to practice? If you can't enter the Baiyan Stone Chamber, Ling'er can only die!"

"Bastard!" Yao Rou narrowed her eyes, and immediately scolded, she slapped the table fiercely with her plain hand, her five knuckles were all slightly white, which shows how much anger has reached in her heart!
"One mistake, that's it. How can you wait for the peak of the Dao of cultivation? If you don't agree, you will die? If you are so extreme, don't I love you for more than ten years in vain? Are you worthy of your dead parents?" Yaorou said angrily .

Yao Ling'er looked at Yaorou's angry look, her eyes were a little unbearable, but she quickly hid it, and then her eyes turned gray, and she said indifferently: "Please let me do it, auntie!"

"If Ling'er doesn't get Baiyan, she won't come out! If she doesn't come out in three years, Auntie will treat Ling'er as dead in it..." Yao Linger bit her lip and said with a hard heart.

Yaorou laughed back angrily, and shouted: "Even if you get Baiyan, what's the matter? It can't meet the requirements of practicing Taishang Yundan Jue! Although the power of Baiyan is good, it is far inferior to the power of Sanwei Zhenhuo , Sanwei Zhenhuo, but it is only just able to meet the basic requirements for using the Taishang Yundan Jue."

"In that stone chamber, the top three flames should be fine, right? Auntie, don't hide from me, I have deliberately checked all kinds of flame information." Yao Ling'er said resolutely.

Yao Rou was stunned, looking at the niece in front of her, she just felt extremely strange, but it seemed that there was something more about her, was it persistence?Still radical?
Yaorou smiled wryly in her heart, this time was the only quarrel between her and Yao Linger, she waved her hands weakly and sighed: "That's all, give me a reasonable reason, and I will let you enter the Baiyan Stone Chamber!"

(End of this chapter)

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