Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 309 No rush, no rush, just level 8

Chapter 309 No rush, no rush, just a level eight (1)
"Well, in fact, our Su family was originally a big family in Gusu City. It was only because of a sudden change ten years ago that the Su family did not look like this now. The current Su family is mainly engaged in some cloth business. Under the care of my father and Uncle Chen, the Su family's current normal expenses can be maintained, but not long ago, a strange merchant suddenly came and ordered 2 bolts of high-quality fabrics from our Su family. My father was just happy at the time, but he didn't think there was any fraud in it, so he agreed immediately, and the other party also made a contract to deliver the goods within one month, otherwise he would have to pay a million gold coins!" Su Lu was talking to Xia Yang at this time He paused for a moment and continued: "Father hesitated for a while when faced with such a contract, but after considering the profit, he agreed cruelly. After all, the delivery was successful. After that, the Su family can get at least [-] yuan in net profit."

"After that, my father, relying on his contacts in Gusu City, managed to complete [-] pieces of fabric in less than a month, and they were all of the best quality materials, and the savings at home were also squandered because of the purchase of fabrics. I thought it was done. After the transaction, the funds can be turned around, but on the day of the transaction, an accident happened, that is, on this day, the Su family was completely ruined, and it was still in the abyss of eternal doom. It was not until Uncle Chen informed me that I dropped out of school and went home."

Su Lu sighed leisurely, a trace of sadness lingered between her thin eyebrows, and Qingshan Meidai frowned slightly, looking extremely tender.

"What happened on the day of the transaction?" Xia Yang asked calmly.

"That day, Miss was not present, so let me tell the story. At that time, the master and I were very excited, because this business can catch up with the Su family's income for more than half a year." Chen Dong took Su Lu's words, his voice He said in a low voice, and then continued with a tinge of anger in his voice, "But on the day of delivery, the other party asked for an inspection, and we naturally wouldn't object. After all, this is a normal procedure, but in the process of inspection, The boy inspecting the goods suddenly felt itchy all over his body, and then both arms swelled up. The expressions of the master and I changed drastically at that time. We both knew in our hearts that the Su family was over now, and the master also vaguely guessed that this It's not an accident that the horror happened, but someone planned to harm our Su family in advance."

"No surprise to us, the other party immediately smiled coldly, not only threw all our cloth on the street, but also showed the miserable appearance of the boy on the street. Since then, our Su family has been in Gusu City. I lost my foothold, and I still owe a huge sum of money in compensation. Alas, shortly after the incident, the master was arrested by the city guards, and the chief of the city guards is the head of the Tuo family!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the Tuo family is still an official!" Xia Yang smiled slightly, and after whispering, he listened to Uncle Chen continue.

"After the master was arrested, Na Tuohai pestered the young lady again and again, saying that as long as the young lady agreed to marry him, he would guarantee that the old man would be fine, and he also said that the debt was paid by him. So now our Su family owes money His creditor has become the Tuo family!" On Chen Dong's old face, twitching fiercely, a pair of fists were tightly clenched in his hands, pressing hard on his trembling knees.

(End of this chapter)

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