Chapter 316 Shock (5)
"I said, young master of the Tuo family, you should call Su Lu's father out honestly, so as not to suffer some flesh and blood!" In mid-air, Xia Yang also smiled at the right time, but that smile was in Tuo Hai's eyes. But it can be called a devil...

"Go, bring Su Zhen here!" Tuoba shouted to a city defender beside him.What should come, can't be stopped, it annoys Xia Yang, the result will only be worse, Tuoba now only hopes that his stupid son didn't make Su Zhen miserable, but he also knows that the people who fall into Tuohai's hands , the lightest one will lose a layer of skin...

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the defender rushed out in fear.

As the defenders left, the scene became strangely quiet.Xia Yang also lowered his figure slowly, landed beside Su Lu, and comforted him with a smile: "Girl, don't worry, your father will be fine. You forgot, that bastard wants to ask you to be his wife, shouldn't he?" It will embarrass your father."

Su Lu was moved at first when she heard the words, and then there was a burst of anger on her cheeks, and finally turned into a big white eye and cast it at Xia Yang. Xia Yang was speechless for a while. Xia Yang hid his lust in the depths, and was slightly satisfied.

"Mr. Xia Yang, thank you! If you don't come, Su Lu's life will be ruined." After staring at Xia Yang for a long time, Su Lu suddenly thanked Xia Yang with tears in her eyes.

"Hehe, no thanks. Who made me count as your teacher! Besides, helping beautiful women is also the obligation of handsome men!" Xia Yang chuckled, but everyone present couldn't help but hang down their black hair. This strong man, could it be Is it so narcissistic?
Hearing this, Su Lu also blushed pretty. Although Xia Yang fell in love with himself for a while, he also praised himself indirectly.Facing the most amazing teacher in her mind, Su Lu really benefited from his praise.

After her cheeks flushed slightly, she glared angrily again at Xia Yang, who was holding her chin and looking at herself. She moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked to Xia Yang's side, carrying a gust of fragrant wind. He asked in a low voice, "Teacher, are you really a holy powerhouse?" In the soft whisper like a mosquito's voice, there was some excitement and excitement in it, and as the vermilion lips parted, a scent of orchids hit Xia Yang's face Xia Yang, who was still a virgin, felt hot in his nostrils, and two blushes that were not easy to detect quietly surfaced on his face.

"Cough cough!" Xia Yang coughed twice, calming down his hot breath, and smiled bitterly to himself, young people are impulsive, this is a common problem of every man, so what if he is strong, he is not a virgin...

"Su Lu, this can't talk about it!" Xia Yang, who had returned to normal, also stuck to Su Lu's ear, and said with a soft smile, his pretty face immediately turned red with a breath of heat...

(End of this chapter)

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